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NATIONAL CONSULTATIVE WORKSHOP WITH JSS Directorate of Adult Education NATIONAL LITERACY MISSION AUTHORITY Department of School Education & Literacy Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL CONSULTATIVE WORKSHOP WITH JSS Directorate of Adult Education NATIONAL LITERACY MISSION AUTHORITY Department of School Education & Literacy Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL CONSULTATIVE WORKSHOP WITH JSS Directorate of Adult Education NATIONAL LITERACY MISSION AUTHORITY Department of School Education & Literacy Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India New Delhi Dec 28-29, 2012 at Bhubaneswar

2 SCHEME OF JAN SHIKSHAN SANSTHAN The first Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) (earlier called Shramik Vidyaeeth) was started at Mumbai (Worli) in the year 1967. Aims to provide vocational skills to industrial workers in the urban areas. Focus of JSS was shifted from industrial workers in the urban areas to the numerous neo-literates and unskilled youth in both urban and rural areas from the year 2000.

3 TARGET GROUP JSS will concentrate those who are in the age group of 15 – 35 years having no or rudimentary level of education (up to 5th Standard) Priority Groups are such as women, SCs/STs/OBCs, other economically weaker sections, minorities and rural areas/urban slums.

4 PROGRAMMES JSS organise two types of programmes: Vocational Courses : Training programmes involving skills/practical application leading to income generation. At present more than 500 varieties of vocational courses are being run by JSSs. Activities : Few awareness programmes organised other than Life Enrichment Education components like soft skills, HIV/AIDS, RCH and Adolescent Issue etc.

5 CURRICULUM No JSS is allowed to conduct vocational skills without standardised curriculum. 36 vocational courses standardised by DAE. 23 vocational course curriculum were standardised by NIFT. Adopted more than 400 vocational course curriculum of DGE&T, Ministry of Labour & Employment, NIOS and other courses approved by the competent authorities.

6 MONITORING JSSs progress is being monitored through web portal. The portal provides all the details about JSSs, beneficiaries, resource persons, staff with photographs etc. Annual Action Plan of JSSs are approved through web portal. Half yearly review meetings are being conducted.

7 EVALUATION Performance of JSSs is not only monitored through review meetings and visits by officers but also through external evaluating agencies. Impact evaluation conducted once in a three year by reputed agencies like IIMs, MDI, University departments and Social Science Research Institutes.

8 Memorandum of Understanding Between NLMA and NIOS MoU was signed on 21-6-2012 with the following Aims and Objectives: Impart vocational skills training that has standardized curriculum for the target groups of JSSs and S.B programme. To evolve strategies for the effective implementation of equivalency programme in academic and vocational skills development of the target group of National Literacy Mission Authority.

9 Memorandum of Understanding Between NLMA and NIOS To develop assessment process including certification under vocational and equivalency programme. To provide academic support to the beneficiaries of JSSs in terms of vocational training, assessment and certification. NLMA and NIOS will identify need based vocational courses as and when required.

10 Roles and Responsibilities of NLMA Identification of adult beneficiaries specially women and disadvantaged groups. Impart functional literacy, basic education and life long learning. Impart vocational skills that have curriculum, market demand taking into account inputs provided by NIOS. Prepare a database of vocational skills and beneficiaries of each JSS

11 Roles and Responsibilities of NLMA Identification of the study centers, getting accreditation from NIOS for course delivery. Provide necessary infrastructure to carry out vocational programme. Provisions of necessary financial assistance towards admission and assessment fee payable to NIOS.

12 ROAD AHEAD Planning Commission’s Working Group on EE&L for 12 th Five Year Plan has inter-alia recommended that * Skill Development under Adult Education be fully compliant with NVEQF. * Curriculum developed by Pandit Sunderlal Sharma, Central Institute of Vocational Institute, Bhopal may be adopted or adapted by the programmes run by the adult education. * Competency based assessment of beneficiaries should be conducted by the recognized assessors appointed by NLMA.

13 ROLE OF JSS Identify new partners to create opportunities for employment / self employment like Coimbatore Model. Adopt new courses which have local demand including traditional courses, curriculum should be approved by competent authority. Infrastructure, qualified Resource Persons, sufficient TLM to be ensured for NIOS accreditation. Prepare Database vocational skills and beneficiaries. Preparedness for Third Party Assessment. Feedback mechanism.


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