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How can we differentiate the end of the world from the rumors and prepare for it? II Thessalonians 2.

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Presentation on theme: "How can we differentiate the end of the world from the rumors and prepare for it? II Thessalonians 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can we differentiate the end of the world from the rumors and prepare for it? II Thessalonians 2

2 Open What’s the speculation of the end of the world?

3 Dig Key verse: II Thessalonians 2:1 Read II Thessalonians 2 How to prepare for the end of the world? 1) Go back to the scripture to understand the end of the world and not be disturbed because of what the news or movies tell us. - The end of the world to the Christians is the coming of the Lord. v1 (I Thess.4:13-18), as Paul explained to the Thessalonians not to become unsettled for it. - To the unsaved the coming of the Lord is the end of the world, the beginning of the seven years of tribulation (I Thessalonians 5: 1- 3; Rev.6-18;Dan 11:36 – 40 (Antichrist) and Dan 12) - We should have a thorough understanding of His time table in the scripture so as not to cause any anxiety about the end of the world. V3a

4 Dig - Paul clarified the end of the world should have the antichrist come into scene first v.3. (The Lawlessness must come first. v3b) - Who is he? He’s the lawlessness. V.3 - And he is the one, like Satan, to be exalted and being worshiped and set himself in God’s church to be God Himself in v.4. Also read Revelation about him as described by John (Rev 6-18 and Dan 11:36-40 )

5 Dig - Also, Paul had already told them and so it was nothing new and was just to remind the Thessalonians v.5. Refer to I Thessalonians 5:1-3. - Then, Paul told them that they didn’t miss the Day of the Lord (left behind) v.2b. - The reason is even the secret power of the Lawlessness was at work, but he was held back for some reasons v7b. Matthew Henry’s commentary said Paul referred to the Roman Empire of Paul’s time and he didn’t want to explicitly mention about it. He just used the word, “ the one” in v7. - When this one, who held back the coming of the antichrist, the lawlessness, was gone (taken out) v7c and the antichrist would then become being. Of course, nowadays we don’t have the Roman Empire, but we do have the Roman Empire’s religious system existing. And it may also refer to what Daniel’s vision of the 10 kingdoms.(Dan 7:24; refer to appendix)

6 Dig - He would use all miracles, wonders and deceiving power, which are actually the work of Satan, to deceive the world. V.9 and the book of Revelation mentioned. - However, both who follow antichrist and antichrist himself will be perished for good because of the refusal of acceptance of the truth (the gospel) v.10. - God would allow this to happen through the delusion so they would accept the lie and be condemned, together with those who refuse to accept the gospel in v11.

7 Dig 2) How do we prepare for His coming (the tribulation)? - Understand who we’re, i.e. beloved by the Lord and won’t go through the tribulation. I Thessalonians 5:1-11. and be thankful because of the predestination he had done, i.e. chose us before the foundation of the world. (Eph 1:4) - We’re sanctified by the work of the Holy Spirit and His word, the truth. V.13.

8 Dig - Hold on to his teachings and stand firm in His word. V.15. 3) Keep on praying: - As Paul said, “ May..”, that’s the prayer. 4) Practice what we preach: - Through His grace, which will continue to encourage our hearts and strengthen our faith in good deed and word, we will continue to prepare for His coming. (the end of the world to the unbelievers.)

9 To sum up: How to prepare to the end of the world? 1) Get from the scripture how and when the end of the world is. 2) Prepare for it via the scripture tells us. 3)Through prayer and apply what we’ve learnt from the scripture to prepare for it. 4) DON’T BE anxious, for we’re not to be condemned through his salvation.

10 Appendix Tribulation – It will last for seven years. Rev. 6 through 18. url for the book of Revelation: sundayschool.htm sundayschool.htm


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