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“As for the “Holy Spirit,” the so-called “third Person of the Trinity,” we have already seen that it is not a person, but God’s active force. (Judges 14:6)

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Presentation on theme: "“As for the “Holy Spirit,” the so-called “third Person of the Trinity,” we have already seen that it is not a person, but God’s active force. (Judges 14:6)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “As for the “Holy Spirit,” the so-called “third Person of the Trinity,” we have already seen that it is not a person, but God’s active force. (Judges 14:6) John the Baptist said that Jesus would be baptized with the holy spirit and with water. Water is not a person nor is the holy spirit a person.” Pg.24 Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. Then the Spirit of the LORD rushed upon him, and although he had nothing in his hand, he tore the lion in pieces as one tears a young goat. But he did not tell his father or his mother what he had done.

2  Merely Power?  Acts 10:38  Rom.15:13  Rom.15:19  1 Cor.2:4  “He” Texts  John 14:26  John 16:8  John 16:13-14  Person Qualities  Acts 13:1-2  Acts 16:6-7  Acts 15:28  Acts 21:11  Acts 28:25  1 Tim.4:1

3  Acts 5:3-4  Isaiah 6:8-9 + Acts 28:25  Omnipresent – Ps.139:7  Omnipotent – Rom.15:19 * Mk.2:5-10  Omniscience – 1Cor.2:10-11  Eternal – Heb.9:14

4  Luke 1:35  John 14:16-17  Matt.28:19  Acts 2:33  2 Cor.13:14  Eph.4:4-6  1 Peter 1:2  Rev.1:4-5

5  Physical Creation  Rev.4:11  Heb.1:1-2  Gen.1:2  Ps.104:30  Job 26:13  Job 33:4  Spiritual Creation  Incarnation, Mt.1:18  Baptism, Mt.3:16-17  Led By, Mt.4:1  Miracles, Mt.12:28  Resurrection, Rom.8:11  Revelation, Jn.16:13  Confirmation, Rom.15:19

6  Hear the Gospel of Christ, Mk.16:15  Believe in Jesus Christ, Acts 16:31  Repent and Turn to God, Acts 17:30  Confess Jesus as Lord, Matt.10:32  Be Baptized, I Pet.3:21 ----------------------------------  Be Faithful Unto Death, Rev.2:10  If Err: Repent and Pray God, Acts 19:18

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