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2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 1 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 Perfume of nard - fragrance Bread and wine - new covenant Sheet - shame.

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Presentation on theme: "2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 1 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 Perfume of nard - fragrance Bread and wine - new covenant Sheet - shame."— Presentation transcript:

1 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 1 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 Perfume of nard - fragrance Bread and wine - new covenant Sheet - shame covered Prisoner - just for unjust The veil - new and living way

2 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 2 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 Perfume Bread & wine SheetPrisonerVeil

3 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 3 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 I. 14:3-9 Jesus anointed A woman anointed Jesus with expensive perfume. Jesus’ sacrifice is a sweet aroma to the Lord Lev 1:9; 16:12-13; Eph 5:2

4 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 4 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 II.14:22-26 The Lord’s Supper Bread and wine are symbols of his body and his blood, the new covenant he made with us Heb 9:19-27

5 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 5 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 III. 14:50-52 A young man fled That naked body is a figure of our spiritual and moral nakedness. Jesus is our garment of salvation and righteousness Gen 3:7, 21; Isa 61:10; Gal 3:27

6 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 6 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 IV.15:6-15 Jesus or Barrabas? Here is substitution, the prisoner is released and the innocent and just is put in his place 2Cor 5:21; 1Pet 3:18

7 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 7 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 V.15:33-41 The death of Jesus The veil of the temple was rent in two, top to bottom, symbolic of the open way to God, the new and living way through Jesus Heb 10:19-25

8 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 8 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship

9 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 9 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect

10 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 10 Perfume Bread & wine SheetPrisonerVeil Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 2CO the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life

11 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 11 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 Perfume Bread & wine SheetPrisonerVeil 1CO 11:25... whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup... do it in memory of me

12 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 12 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 Perfume Bread & wine SheetPrisonerVeil ROM 13:14 But put on (clothe yourselves with) the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts

13 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 13 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 Perfume Bread & wine SheetPrisonerVeil 1PE 2:16 Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God

14 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 14 Symbols of the death of our Lord Mark 14:1-16:8 Perfume Bread & wine SheetPrisonerVeil HEB 10:20, 22 Let us draw near... by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, his flesh... don’t forsake meeting... stimulating each other...

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