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Is there a Fungus among us?

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1 Is there a Fungus among us?

2 The Kingdom Fungi Fungi are not plants, they are eukaryotic (have nucleus) heterotrophs (rely on other organisms for food) that have cell walls. Fungus = one Fungi = more than one

3 Fact: One of the largest living organisms on earth belongs to the Fungi kingdom. A large honey mushroom patch, originating from a single spore, grows in the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon. The mushroom, Armillaria ostoyae, lives three feet underground is estimated to cover 2,200 acres. After testing samples from various locations, scientists say it is all one organism. The fungus is 3.5 miles across and takes up 1,665 football fields. Experts estimate that the giant mushroom is at least 2,400 years old. It is about 38 acres in size and is estimated to weigh more than 100 tons, about as much as a blue whale!

4 How do they eat with no mouth?
They do not ingest their food. They digest food outside of their bodies and absorb it. Many absorb nutrients from decaying matter or live as parasites.


6 Parts of a Fungus Hyphae-thin one-cell thin filaments that run throughout the fungus, spreading and branching as the fungus grows;

7 Parts of a Fungus Mycelium –tangled mass of hyphae: releases digestive enzymes and absorbs food Fruiting body- reproductive structure, ex. the cap of a mushroom

8 Reproduction Fungus can reproduce both sexually and asexually
Asexual – two kinds produce spores a piece of hyphae can break off and grow a new fungus Sexual – two hyphae of opposite sex(+ and -) fuse their nuclei and create genetic diversity

9 The evil hand produces a cloud of spores.

10 Asex Sex

11 Four Fungus groups Common mold – Zygomycota Sac fungi – Ascomycota
Club fungi – Basidiomycota Imperfect fungi - Deuteromycota

12 Common Molds Phylum zygomycota Ex. Bread mold Life cycle includes
zygospore (a resting spore that contains zygotes – sex cells) Have two kinds of hyphae: Rhizoids – root like, anchor fungus, release digestive enzymes Stolons – stem like, have sporangiophores which can contain up to 40,000 spores

13 Common mold structure

14 Phylum Ascomycota ex. Yeast, cup fungi
Sac Fungi Phylum Ascomycota ex. Yeast, cup fungi Ascus – sac like structure that contains spores, part of fruiting body Produce tiny spores, which are produced by budding, called conidia, formed in conidiophores Yeast – single celled organisms produced by budding

15 Sac Fungus Life Cycle

16 Club Fungi Phylum Basidiomycota Ex. Grocery store mushroom
Basidium – found on gills under cap of mushroom, spores found here

17 Club Fungus Parts Base

18 Imperfect Fungus Phylum Deueteromycota Composed of fungi that do not fit in any other phylum, because we have never been able to see the sexual phase of their life cycle. Ex. Penicillium – source of antibiotic penicillin video

19 Lichen lichen can dissolve rock, survive severe cold, and remain dormant for long periods without harm. Symbiotic(2 organisms living together)- a union between fungus and algae . The algae provide nutrients while the fungus protects them from the elements. The result is a new organism distinctly different from its component species.

20 Lichen Algae: provides food by photosynthesis
Fungus: shelter and hold in moisture

21 True or False? People began eating mushrooms only a century ago.

22 False Although mushrooms have been cultivated commercially in the U.S. for about a century, they've been considered a delicacy since ancient times. In fact, Romans fed this "food of the gods" to soldiers before battle.

23 Mushrooms have no nutritional value
True or False? Mushrooms have no nutritional value .

24 False They contain essential amino acids, potassium, some B vitamins and some minerals.

25 Mushrooms are low in calories.
True or False? Mushrooms are low in calories.

26 True

27 Poisonous species of mushrooms look different from edible ones.
True or False? Poisonous species of mushrooms look different from edible ones.

28 They may look almost identical.
False They may look almost identical.

29 Mushrooms do not undergo photosynthesis.
True or False? Mushrooms do not undergo photosynthesis.

30 True

31 True or False? Fungus can travel at a greater acceleration than any other living thing.

32 True, kind a One species, a Pilobolus, releases its spores via a “water cannon” at a force of 180,000 g’s. A top roller coaster has an acceleration of 8-10 g’s. video

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