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A Cure for Sin; Romans 12 Eric Messelt Timberline Baptist Church June 22, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "A Cure for Sin; Romans 12 Eric Messelt Timberline Baptist Church June 22, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Cure for Sin; Romans 12 Eric Messelt Timberline Baptist Church June 22, 2008

2 Introduction Speaker: Eric Messelt- graduate from Western Seminary, Portland

3 Introduction Sin is Bad

4 Introduction Sin is Bad A Cure for Sin?

5 Introduction Sin is Bad A Cure for Sin? Even incurable disease can be treated

6 Problem of Sin Specifically, sin of Pride

7 Problem of Sin Specifically, sin of Pride All religions see Pride as a problem…

8 Seven Deadly Sins Pride Envy Lust Wrath Sloth Gluttony Greed

9 Sin of Pride “Inordinate self love is the cause of every sin” – Thomas Aquinas

10 Sin of Pride “Inordinate self love is the cause of every sin” – Thomas Aquinas Working definition: thinking more highly of yourself than you ought (Rom. 12:3)

11 Sin of Pride “For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, …” 1Tim 4:10 Love of money causes all kinds of mischief! Aquinas says that the cause of all sin is the first sin of Pride.

12 Famous Practitioners of Pride Satan (Is. 14:13-15; Ezk. 28:15)

13 Famous Practitioners of Pride Satan (Is. 14:13-15; Ezk. 28:15) Adam (Gen 3:4-6)

14 Famous Practitioners of Pride Satan (Is. 14:13-15; Ezk. 28:15) Adam (Gen 3:4-6) Me (not so famous) – a fan of sin for over 50 years!

15 Sin of Pride Forgetting our place in the universe

16 Sin of Pride Forgetting our place in the universe Confusing the Creator – critter distinction

17 Sin of Pride Forgetting our place in the universe Confusing the Creator – critter distinction Violation of the Greatest commandment

18 Romans 12 Context  Audience is mostly Gentile  Important because of “Therefore”  What went before linked to what is coming

19 Romans 9 through 11 Theme of Grace

20 Romans 9 through 11 Theme of Grace Grace to Israel Grace to Gentiles grafted into God’s people

21 Romans 9 through 11 Theme of Grace Grace to Israel Grace to Gentiles grafted into God’s people God is persistent to bless his sinful people

22 Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God - your spiritual service of worship.

23 Romans 12:1 Paul urges them….

24 Romans 12:1 Paul urges them…. Based on what went before (“mercies”)

25 Romans 12:1 Paul urges them…. Based on what went before (“mercies”) Because you God, Yahweh, is gracious to you, you should live grace lives

26 Romans 12:1 Paul urges them…. Based on what went before (“mercies”) Because you God, Yahweh, is gracious to you, you should live grace lives Main verb: “Present”

27 Romans 12:1 Present  The whole you (“body”)

28 Romans 12:1 Present  The whole you (“body”)  Living Sacrifice

29 Romans 12:1 Present  The whole you (“body”)  Living Sacrifice  Holy (set apart)

30 Romans 12:1 Present!  The whole you (“body”)  Living Sacrifice  Holy (set apart)  Pleasing to God

31 Romans 12:1 The argument: This is your “spiritual- reasonable” service

32 Romans 12:1 “Reasonable”

33 Romans 12:1 “Reasonable” Logikos

34 Romans 12:1 “Reasonable” Logikos

35 Romans 12:1 “Reasonable” Logikos “Logical”

36 Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

37 Romans 12:2 Don’t be like the world We need to be changed, transformed How?  Change our minds  Repent!

38 Romans 12:2 Purpose?  Glorify God  Prove-test-confirm-approve God’s will  That it truly is Good Acceptable Perfect

39 Romans 12:3-7 How do I battle the sin of Pride? By service  Specifically, service to the church

40 Romans 12:3-7 How do I battle the sin of Pride? By service  Specifically, service to the church Conclusion: each believer is important to the whole body

41 Service Is Required What are spiritual gifts for?? What is a “servant?”

42 The Goal of Service is NOT primarily about:  getting things done,  doing ministry,  meeting needs

43 The Goal of Service Primary: Glorifying God Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1Cor 10:31) - that’s the goal of everything we do

44 The Goal of Service Primary: Glorifying God Service is secondly about developing Jesus-like hearts

45 The Goal of Service Heart of Jesus: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, …” (Mk. 10:45)

46 Point of Sermon If you want to be like Jesus:  Serve others  Be active  Get over yourself

47 Seven Deadly Sins Pride Envy Lust Wrath Sloth Gluttony Greed

48 Seven Deadly Sins - Virtues PrideHumility EnvyKindness LustChastity WrathPatience SlothDiligence GluttonyTemperance GreedCharity

49 Virtues Service attacks both sloth and Pride

50 Virtues Service attacks both sloth and Pride When we practice virtues, We are “saved” (sanctified) We become more like Jesus

51 The Goal of Service Primary: Glorifying God Service is secondly about developing Jesus-like hearts Thirdly, service does accomplish ministry and meet needs

52 Service Privilege Takes many forms Suppresses evil tendencies Important

53 Conclusion How much do you really want to be like Jesus?

54 Blessings to you and yours in this next week.

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