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Stress The key to coping with stress is learning to manage how you respond to it.  

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Presentation on theme: "Stress The key to coping with stress is learning to manage how you respond to it.  "— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress The key to coping with stress is learning to manage how you respond to it.  

2 What is stress? An interference that disturbs a person’s healthy mental and physical well-being. It occurs when the body is required to perform beyond its normal range of capabilities.

3 What are the signs of stress? Physical Signs Stress headaches Back pain Chest Pain Heart disease Heart palpitations High blood pressure Decreased immunity Stomach upset Skin problems Sleep problems Physical Signs Stress headaches Back pain Chest Pain Heart disease Heart palpitations High blood pressure Decreased immunity Stomach upset Skin problems Sleep problems Emotional Symptoms Anxiety Restlessness Worrying Irritability Depression Sadness Anger Feeling insecure Lack of focus Burnout Forgetfulness Emotional Symptoms Anxiety Restlessness Worrying Irritability Depression Sadness Anger Feeling insecure Lack of focus Burnout Forgetfulness

4 Activity


6 Coping Strategies Life Event Changes and On-the-Job Stress Life Event Stress  Reassess your lifestyle and list your priorities.  Use these changes to reorder your life.  Try to reduce uncertainty surrounding the event.  Maintain strong bonds with family and friends. On-the-Job Stress  Don’t overreact to a bad day on the road.  Analyze mistakes to determine what caused the error and identify what you need to do to prevent the error from occurring again.  Control anger by asking yourself why you are angry.  Avoid resentment by analyzing the situation, then identifying and dealing with the root of the problem.

7 5 Exercises that Lower Stress 1. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen, then breathe in and out deeply through your nose. 2. Place your hands on your shoulders, then exhale while your head falls backward. Move your hands across your collarbone. 3. Place your left hand on your right shoulder and squeeze. Repeat using your right hand and left shoulder. 4. Place the fingers of both hands at the base of your skull. Apply circular pressure, gradually working down your next and across your shoulders. 5. Place your hands on top of your head. Use your hands to gently pull your head down. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then release and repeat several times.

8 5 Tips to Reduce Stress 1. Learn to identify stress warning signals and act to lower your stress level. 2. Talk to others about your stress and what is causing it. 3. Don’t make major decisions too quickly. 4. Take advantage of training programs so you can learn as much as you can about safer and better ways to do your job. 5. Be flexible with your attitudes about people, events, and situations.

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