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Measuring and Identifying SEO Opportunities Melanie Phung Director, New Media PBS Interactive.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring and Identifying SEO Opportunities Melanie Phung Director, New Media PBS Interactive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring and Identifying SEO Opportunities Melanie Phung Director, New Media PBS Interactive

2 Webinar Objectives This presentation serves as an introduction to: Using benchmarking and baselining to set goals How do you know how much is possible? How do you measure success? Leveraging Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools to identify SEO opportunities Reviewing PBS Case Studies focused on SEO growth PBS Kids! WTJX Virgin Islands Public Television

3 Benchmarking How are you doing compared to your competitors? – Compare total traffic – Compare percentage that is organic – Compare inbound link volume

4 Competitive Benchmarking -Compare domain traffic -High-level snapshot of search terms, referring sites, trends > Compare Sites

5 Competitive Benchmarking -Percent of traffic from search engines -High-level snapshot referring search terms > Site Info > Search Analytics

6 Competitive Benchmarking Yahoo Site Explorer -See # of Pages Indexed -See # of Inbound Links > Inlinks > Except from this domain

7 Internal Baselines Google Analytics – How much traffic is organic? – Keyword diversity: How many different keywords send traffic? How many keyword variations per page? – What percent doesn’t include your brand name or “PBS”? – How many pages are attracting organic traffic?

8 Internal Baselines (cont.) Other Data – Number of Inbound Links? – Where do you rank for your target keywords? – Content performance: Total pages indexed vs. pages getting organic traffic – CTR from SERPs for priority pages

9 How much traffic is organic? The goal is to grow the size of the entire pie, not one slice at the expense of others.

10 How diverse is your organic traffic? Keyword diversity helps protect you against big drops in traffic if you lose a couple of rankings.

11 Inbound Links/Referring Sites Links are a major ranking factor. Baseline your current volume of inbound links so you can document your progress over time.

12 Monitor Rankings Understand your current rankings to identify opportunities and track success

13 Google Analytics Look for anything unusual that you can act on Use the "compare date range" feature to see spikes/drops Identify your best performing pages to mimic their success or funnel traffic Fix pages with high bounce rates or low time- on-site

14 Google Webmaster Tools Fix anything that is costing you traffic: malware! Duplicate content, crawl error, performance issues, 404s Look at your internal link structure. Does it reflect your SEO priorities? Identify high-volume keywords with existing rankings on second page. Boost those. Identify strong rankings that have low CTR and improve titles and snippets.

15 Maximizing Existing Rankings Identify edge rankings with significant impression volume. Focus optimization efforts on terms where edging up a few spots can double or triple current traffic.

16 Other Opportunities Always: Keyword Research! Address things Google tells you to fix in GWT – Clean up and redirect dead links – Fix duplicate content issues – Page load time issues Find sites linking to competitors to secure topical IBLs

17 Closing Thoughts Don’t work in the dark. Understand what to measure, why and how. Benchmark to evaluate how much growth is possible and where. Create a baseline, measure regularly, document successes. Mine your available data. Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools provide a ton of actionable information if you understand what to look at. Avoid data overload: It’s better to use fewer tools well than it is to use lots of tools without any focus. Fix errors that prevent indexing/linkability/etc. (Don’t spend money pouring water into a leaky bucket) Prioritize low-effort (or scaleable)/high-return tactics

18 Tools and Resources Google Analytics Google Webmaster Tools SEOBook Tools Yahoo Site Explorer

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