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POLIGLOT Created by Belikova N. P. Provalinskaya N. N. Gymnasium №1.

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Presentation on theme: "POLIGLOT Created by Belikova N. P. Provalinskaya N. N. Gymnasium №1."— Presentation transcript:

1 POLIGLOT Created by Belikova N. P. Provalinskaya N. N. Gymnasium №1


3 What achievements are people proud of ?

4 Can you guess the country?




8 DARK HORSE 1.He was an assistant editor of the famous magazine “Punch”. 2. He wrote poems for his adorable son. 3. He was a famous children’s writer. 4. A teddy bear was the main character of his books.

9 DARK HORSE 1.He was an English physicist and mathematician. 2. He studied at Cambridge and then became its professor. 3. He described universal gravitation. 4. Some people believe the apple fell onto his head.

10 DARK HORSE 1.He is a famous Australian actor, film producer and musician. 2.He won an Oscar Award for best actor in 2000. 3.In 2010 he appeared in the film based on the Robin Hood legend. 4. He came for international attention for his role as Roman General Maximus.

11 DARK HORSE 1. He is a famous English sportsman. 2. He began his career in the team “Manchester United”. 3. His wife’s name is Victoria and they have four children. 4. He is recognized as the highest paid footballer of the world in 2011.


13 What are the main dishes of the traditional Russian menu?

14 What village are painted mugs, plates and spoons made in?

15 When did Napoleon try to conquer Russia?

16 What composer wrote music for the ballet “Swan Lake”?

17 When did Moscow host the XX Olympic Games?

18 Who founded Moscow?

19 Who founded St. Petersburg?

20 What is the official language of the Olympic Games?

21 What English person has two birthdays?

22 How do we call the swans belonging to the Queen?

23 What Russian cosmonaut made a tour around the earth that lasted 1 hour 48 minutes?

24 After what historical event was St. Basil’s Cathedral built?

25 What is the number of English - speaking countries?

26 When do the English have maypole dancing?

27 When does the Queen open Parliament?

28 What people is St. David’s Day important for?

29 Where are usually carols sung?

30 Name the largest library in London?

31 Name the first inventor of printing in Russia.

32 What can be included in the list of arts?

33 What Russian writer had political views close to the “Decembrists”?

34 Who was the Commander in Chief of the Soviet Army during the parade in 1945?

35 Name the competitions where we can see sports like tossing the caber or throwing the hammer?

36 What were the earliest books of the ancient world written on?

37 How are the farthest seats in the theatre called?

38 What do actors and actresses put on their faces to change their appearances?

39 Where can a performer get dressed?

40 He was a clown and an actor. Later he became the Head of the Moscow Circus.

41 Her real name was Norma Jean Baker. But she became famous as …

42 What instrument did Bach write his musical compositions for?

43 What is the main church in Russia?

44 What Russian artist showed the poetic beauty of the Russian nature in his paintings?

45 What country did Minin and Pozharsky fight against?

46 When did Alexander II write the decree abolishing serfdom?

47 What century did the Tartar yoke finish?

48 How do we call the words taken from other languages?

49 Explain what is “The Trooping of the Colour”?

50 Who shows people in the theatre where their seats are?

51 Name the longest Scottish game.

52 Who had an idea to bring the Olympic Games back to life?

53 IDIOMS AND PROVERBS 1.To let the cat out of the bag. 2. Put the cat among the pigeons. 3. While the cat is away the mice will play. 4. Like a cat on a hot tin roof.

54 “COLOUR” IDIOMS give a …… look 2. once in a ….. moon 3. to be like a …… rag to a bull 4. a ……. elephant

55 IDIOMS AND PROVERBS. 1. No man is wise at all times. 2. He laughs best who laughs last. 3. Rain at seven fine at eleven. 4. Neither fish no flesh. 5. Great talkers are little doers. 6. Bad news has wings. 7. Every bean has its black. 8. Many words will not fill a bushel. 9. Keep your chin up. 10. Every stick has two ends. 11. Never fry a fish till it’s caught. 12. The chain is no stronger than its weakest link.


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