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Unit: SE Asia/Middle East Topic: Vietnam. 1. Decades of War A.From 1946- 1964, Vietnam fought France for independence. B.As of 1954, Ho Chi Minh ruled.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit: SE Asia/Middle East Topic: Vietnam. 1. Decades of War A.From 1946- 1964, Vietnam fought France for independence. B.As of 1954, Ho Chi Minh ruled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit: SE Asia/Middle East Topic: Vietnam


3 1. Decades of War A.From 1946- 1964, Vietnam fought France for independence. B.As of 1954, Ho Chi Minh ruled Communist N. Vietnam, and Ngo Dinh Diem ruled South Vietnam.

4 C.N. Vietnam invaded S. Vietnam; even with massive U.S. aid, S. Vietnam fell to Communism in 1975.

5 The U.S. used napalm (burning gasoline-like jelly) and Agent Orange (to defoliate trees) during the Vietnam War. The U.S. used napalm (burning gasoline-like jelly) and Agent Orange (to defoliate trees) during the Vietnam War.







12 2. Cambodia A.The Vietcong, or North Vietnamese, sent troops and supplies through Cambodia. B.In 1969, the U.S. bombed and then invaded Cambodia.


14 C.After 1973, violent Cambodian communist guerrillas, the Khmer Rouge, took over.

15 D.Led by Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge forced people to work in the fields and killed more than a million Cambodians.

16 E.In 1979, Vietnam invaded and occupied Cambodia, renaming it Kampuchea.

17 F.After 1993, the UN ensured that Cambodia held peaceful elections, and today it is a a single-party constitutional monarchy. Norodom Sihamoni

18 4. Vietnam Today A.Tens of thousands fled Vietnam in flimsy boats; many drowned.

19 B.Rebuilding Vietnam was slow due to an U.S.-led boycott.

20 C.In the 1990s, some free- market reform was enacted, attracting investors. D.Today, diplomatic relations with the U.S. are normal, and many tourists visit Vietnam every year.



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