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Apps Meeting 2010 Travis Armstrong Cyle Nelson January 2010 Advanced C# Customization Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Apps Meeting 2010 Travis Armstrong Cyle Nelson January 2010 Advanced C# Customization Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apps Meeting 2010 Travis Armstrong Cyle Nelson January 2010 Advanced C# Customization Training

2 Advanced C# Customization Prerequisites: –It’s assumed you already know what’s being taught in the Intro session: Basics of C# and Object Oriented Programming –Namespaces, objects, scope –C# Syntax, operators, loops C# Program object in ACE –Referencing workspace objects, executing Debugging –Using the Event Log and MessageBox How to do useful things –Read servo data, log to a file Have Visual Studio installed and ready to go If not, you’re in the wrong room!

3 Advanced C# Customization What is a Plug-in Custom Ace Object –Creating an object –Editor Attributes –Serialization –Custom Editor GUI Plug-in Other Topics –Collections –GUI Design Example –V+ Task Profiler

4 What is a Plug-in? Plug-ins add functionality to Ace Basic concepts –Custom object Server-side Data container Combination of other objects –GUI Plug-in Client-side Display information Interact with server –More advanced combinations Some GUI items could create server-side objects –Example: V+ Task Profiler

5 Other customization Custom Operator Interface (or Client) –Not a Plug-in to Ace –Separate from the Ace client or server –Connects to an existing AceServer –Not part of today’s discussion Custom application –Host the AceServer internally –All implementation done in Visual Studio –OEM-type applications (rare)

6 Our Focus Today’s session –Server-side Plug-in Custom Ace Object Making something simple Custom Object Editor –Client-side Plug-in GUI Plug-in Hooking in to the client Accessing a server-side object

7 Ace Assemblies DLL’s in the Ace “bin” directory are loaded when ACE starts –C:\Program Files\Adept Technology\Adept ACE\bin Attributes indicate what Ace should do with it –In AssemblyInfo.cs: [assembly: Ace.AceAssembly] Used to register as an ACE Plug-in

8 Creating a Custom Ace Object Exercise 1: –Create a new object Plug-in

9 Getting Started Start Visual Studio, create a new project –Class Library Add Reference to Ace dll –Ace.Core.dll Mark it as an Ace Plug-in in AssemblyInfo.cs –[assembly: Ace.AceAssembly] Your class is called “Class1.cs” namespace CustomAceObjectSample001 { public class Class1 { }

10 Making the Object Ace needs to know what you’re creating –In this case, it’s a workspace object –All workspace objects are derived from the base class AceObject –So, your class needs to inherit from AceObject Ace needs to know where to display the object –This is called the Picklist –Attribute Ace.Gui.PickList() –String that defines where the object is –You can use the existing ones, or make your own public class Class1 : AceObject { [Ace.Gui.PickList("CustomObject|Sample")]

11 Test the object Build the library –From the VS menu Build>Build Solution –F6 Copy the dll to the Ace folder –C:\Program Files\Adept Technology\Adept ACE\bin Run ACE

12 Creating a Custom Ace Object Exercise 1: –Create a new type of object –Make it available in the “CustomObject” picklist –Test it It doesn’t do much yet, does it?

13 Sidebar: Visual Studio tricks Instead of building your project, then copying the dll to the Ace /bin/ folder –Project properties –Build Events –Post-build command –copy "$(TargetPath)" "C:\Program Files\Adept Technology\Adept ACE\bin“ –When you build, it will copy the dll to the folder

14 Sidebar: Visual Studio tricks Visual Studio Professional –Debug Start external program When you press F5 –Builds project, copies dll to Ace /bin/ folder –Starts Ace with your dll in Debug mode –Breakpoints, debugging, etc Only available in Visual Studio Pro –You must disable the “LoaderLock” exception –In Debug->Exceptions, under “Managed Debugging Assistants”

15 Give it a Property Property vs Field –A Field is the variable within a class –A Property is the way the variable is accessed from outside (an accessor) –With Properties, you can easily change the accessibility For Read-Only, don’t implement ‘set’ –ACE will automatically display public Properties in the PropertyGridEditor, but not Fields public string text; private string text; public string Text { get { return text; } set { text = value; } }

16 Creating a Custom Ace Object Exercise 2: –Add a private Field –Add a public Property that gets and sets the Field –Test it

17 PropertyGrid Editor Default Editor –Automatically displays public Properties –Name is the exact text of the Property –Description is empty –Category is “Configuration” DescriptionAttribute DisplayName DisplayName, Description, and Category can be customized with attributes Category

18 Property Attributes You can enter custom attributes for the Property directly in the C# code Attributes –Require System.ComponentModel (using) –DisplayName What is displayed in the editor –DescriptionAttribute Helpful text displayed at the bottom –Category Helps sort the properties in the editor [DisplayName(“Text Property”)] [DescriptionAttribute(“This is a custom text property”)] [Category(“Miscellaneous Category”)] public string Text { get { return text; } set { text = value; } }

19 Creating a Custom Ace Object Exercise 3: –Give your Property custom attributes Display Name Description Category Save the workspace Why did this happen?

20 Serialization Serialization is the process of converting object data to a storage format –ACE uses XML Serialization “Human readable” (sort of) Workspace objects need to be serialized so they are saved with the workspace, and can be reconstructed later Object classes need the Serializable attribute –Even if the data isn’t being stored –If the data is being stored, you must also implement the methods to do this [Serializable] public class Class1 : AceObject {

21 Serialization Methods When the workspace is saved, ACE requests data from every object in the workspace, then writes the file –GetObjectData When a workspace is loaded, ACE creates objects using that data –Custom constructor

22 Serialization (Saving) Override the GetObjectData method –Add “using System.Runtime.Serialization” –If you type in “public override void G…” Visual Studio will enter the rest for you –Add lines to save the data in your own object Info.AddValue(string name, data) –Name is whatever name you choose to save it under  Only used for saving and loading the object –Data can be any data type (string, boolean, double, object, etc) Add all data from the object that you want to store public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { base.GetObjectData(info, context); } info.AddValue("Text", text);

23 Serialization (Saved Data) When you save the workspace, the object data is written to the file –You can open ACE workspace files and see the serialized data Sample hello world

24 Serialization (Loading) You must create a specific constructor to load the object –Get the values out of the info object Info.GetBoolean(string name) Info.GetString(string name) Info.GetDouble(string name) Info.GetValue(string name, Type type) –Returns an object that can be cast into any type –For instance, if you have made a custom data container class or have a more complex class –Must be cast into the correct type You must also create a basic parameterless constructor protected Class1(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) :base(info,context) { text = info.GetString("Text"); } public Class1() { }

25 Creating a Custom Ace Object Exercise 4: –Implement Serialization methods to save and load your object data –Test it

26 Custom Object Editor By default, ACE will use a PropertyGrid to display the public Properties of the class You can create your own class-specific editor

27 Custom Object Editor Add a User Control to the project –Right click on the project –Add -> User Control –Name it something useful (CustomObjectEditor)

28 Custom Object Editor You are looking at the design mode –Note [Design] in the tab Open the code view Change “UserControl” base class to “DefaultObjectEditor” –Add “using Ace.Gui” public partial class CustomObjectEditor : DefaultObjectEditor {

29 Custom Object Editor Add something useful to the Designer –Since we’re just using a Text field, add a TextBox –Position and size it if you want –Look at the properties Now, we need to link the Text property of the object to the text box, in two ways –When the editor is opened, the Text property should be displayed in this TextBox –When the text in the TextBox is modified, the object property should be updated

30 Custom Object Editor Display the object text when the editor is opened: –Find the “Load” event of the Control –Click on the control (not the TextBox) –Open the Properties window –Click on the Events button –Find the Load event Double-click on it to automatically generate code –Inheriting from DefaultObjectEditor gives us SelectedObject When the editor is opened, SelectedObject is passed in It’s type is object, so it must be explicitly cast: private void CustomObjectEditorSample_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } textBox1.Text = ((Class1)SelectedObject).Text;

31 Custom Object Editor Update the object text when the control is modified –Find the TextBox event TextChanged –Now, whenever the text is modified in the textbox, the object will be updated Only one more step to go ((Class1)SelectedObject).Text = textBox1.Text;

32 Custom Object Editor Reference the editor in the object class –ACE needs to be told that this is the editor to use whenever the object is opened –Mark the class with the ObjectEditor attribute You may need to add “using Ace.Gui” [ObjectEditor(typeof(CustomObjectEditor))] public class Class1 : AceObject {

33 Custom Object Editor Exercise 5: –Test your custom editor

34 Take a break

35 GUI Plug-in Two aspects of a GUI Plug-in 1.The control itself that is displayed Graphical user control 2.The client-side assembly Registers the control Defines how it is displayed

36 GUI Plug-in (User Control) Add a new Item to your Visual Studio solution –User Control, name it GuiPluginControl.cs Add a Label to the control

37 GUI Plug-in (Assembly) Add a class to the project –GuiPluginClass.cs Inherit from IAceClientPlugin –Add “using Ace” Build the project –What happened? What is this error? –IAceClientPlugin requires that certain methods be implemented “GuiPlugin does not implement Initialize()” “GuiPlugin does not implement Dispose()”

38 Required methods Initialize() –Called during client startup –Connect to the Ace Client Editor context –Add an item to the pulldown menu –Add an event handler Dispose() –Called during shutdown –Release any resources class GuiPluginClass : IAceClientPlugin { public void Initialize() { } public void Dispose() { }

39 GUI Plug-in Add the Initialize() and Dispose() methods –Add “using Ace.Gui”, “using System.Windows.Forms” Initialize: // Reference the Editor Context IGuiHost guiHost = AceClient.Instance.EditorContext; // Create instance of the User Control Plug-in GuiPluginControl control = new GuiPluginControl(); // Add the User Control to the dockable window guiHost.AddContent(control, "Custom User Control", null); // Add an event handler to display the window EventHandler handlerPlugin = delegate { guiHost.SetContentVisible(true, control); }; // Reference the "View" pull-down menu ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)guiHost.PulldownMenuStrip.Items["ViewMenu"]; // Add an item to the pull-down menu menuItem.DropDownItems.Add("My Custom Gui Plugin", null, handlerPlugin);

40 GUI Plug-in Dispose() method can be empty Build the project, and run it Exercise 6: –Tie the Custom Object and GUI Plug-In together Add a button to the Control When clicked, read the value of an object in the workspace

41 GUI Plug-in Create the button Double click the button to add Click event handler private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Reference the AceServer AceServer server = AceClient.Instance.AceServer; // Get the object in the workspace Class1 customObject = server["Custom Object"] as Class1; // Make sure it exists before reading the text property if (customObject != null) { label1.Text = customObject.Text; }

42 GUI Plug-in Run your project –Click the Read button –Does it work? The object path must be exactly correct!

43 Other Topics Collections –Array –List –Dictionary Gui Plug-ins – things to keep in mind Resource Files –GuiText –PropertyGrid –EnumText

44 Array Arrays in C# are like most other programs Defined type, can be multidimensional Must declare with size Assign elements by integer index Loop through them using for or foreach Sort string[] stringArray = new string[5]; stringArray[0] = "item 0"; for (int i = 0; i < stringArray.Length; i++) { stringArray[i] = "item " + i.ToString(); } foreach (string item in stringArray) { ace.AppendToLog(item); } Array.Sort(stringArray); type[]

45 List List is like an Array, but allows dynamic sizing Don’t have to declare size Easily add items New items are added to the end Access by index Find a specific entry Loop using foreach Sort List stringList = new List (); stringList.Add("item 0"); stringList[0] = "test"; int location = stringList.IndexOf("item 0"); stringList.Sort(); foreach (string item in stringList) { MessageBox.Show(item); } List

46 Dictionary Dictionary has key and value key can be any type value can be any type Can add new elements, refer by index Can be very complex relationships Dictionary Dictionary strings = new Dictionary (); strings[0] = "item 0"; strings.Add(1, "item 1"); Dictionary objectStrings = new Dictionary ();

47 Other Topics - Versioning Plug-ins reference ACE modules (dlls) Dll reference must match the version of ACE that is running Dlls change with each version of ACE A Plug-in built for will only work with You must build a new Plug-in whenever you upgrade ACE This applies to 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 Changes in 3.0 –Reference will change (Ace.Core.Common instead of Ace.Core)

48 Other Topics – GUI design GUI Design –Resolution What looks great on your laptop might not work on a user’s low-res monitor –Display settings Windows settings –“Classic style” vs XP style –Dpi settings (affects font size) –The next 3 slides are all on the same screen, same resolution

49 My “normal” settings

50 Changed dpi Notice the text doesn’t fit correctly

51 “Classic” Windows settings

52 V+ Task Profiler

53 GUI Plug-in –Inherits from IAceClientPlugin –Adds a button to the Toolstrip –Monitors controller connection and Selected Link Disables button if controller disconnected or link changed to a disconnected controller (or iCobra) When the button is clicked, starts a multithreaded server-side Data management object –Downloads V+ programs to controller & starts them –Listens for V+ to establish connection

54 V+ Task Profiler V+ programs read the task profile data and send to the Server object Server object receives and parses data Server object raises an event to notify the GUI object that the data is ready to display GUI object updates graph

55 Profiler Startup Registers the control Creates the button Monitors controller status When the button is clicked, creates the control Creates the server-side data object Displays the graph Downloads V+ programs Starts V+ programs Spawns new thread to listen for response Listens for connection from V+

56 Profiler Runtime Reads profiler information Sends up to PC Unpacks data Sends to ProfileDataServer Compiles data Converts to display format Raises event for UI Updates graph display Monitors user requests (display all tasks) Monitors controller status Maintains Dictionary of all open Profiler windows Handles disconnect/close events

57 V+ Task Profiler

58 Advanced C# Customization Reminder –Systems Group is here to help you –Resource for samples, advice, etc Feature requests come from AE’s –AIM Plug-Ins designed by AE’s –Many showed up in later versions of AIM Questions

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