30 May 2001Autonomous Agents1 The BOID architecture ( Conflicts Between Beliefs, Obligations, Intentions and Desires ) Jan Broersen Mehdi Dastani Joris.

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Presentation on theme: "30 May 2001Autonomous Agents1 The BOID architecture ( Conflicts Between Beliefs, Obligations, Intentions and Desires ) Jan Broersen Mehdi Dastani Joris."— Presentation transcript:

1 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents1 The BOID architecture ( Conflicts Between Beliefs, Obligations, Intentions and Desires ) Jan Broersen Mehdi Dastani Joris Hulstijn Zisheng Huang Leendert van der Torre Department of Artificial Intelligence Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

2 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents2 Layout of this Talk logics and architecture for autonomous agents conflicts and agent types BOID – norms: Dignum et al, Castelfranchi,... –specialized architectures –generic architecture –example

3 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents3 BDI Logics rational balance between its informational and motivational attitudes axiomatization for each attitude –KD45 for beliefs; D and K for desires and intentions; Necessitation for beliefs, desires, and intentions axiomatization between attitudes –static: Bp->Ip –dynamic: commitment strategies A(Intend(a, A  ) U(Bel(a,  )   Bel(a, E  ))))

4 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents4 Interpreter (Reasoner) BDI Architecture PlansBeliefs Desires Intentions Sensor Effectors

5 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents5 BDP logic and architecture Reiter’s default logic: beliefs and desires are B and D defaults inconsistent beliefs or desires are possible: {T:-p/p, T:-p/  p} leads to multiple extensions prioritization of defaults express agent types

6 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents6 Conflicts Simple conflicts, e.g. between two desires Complex conflicts, e.g.: –you believe that there are no cheap rooms close to the conference –you are obliged to take cheap room –you desire to stay close to the conference –you intend to go to a conference Increasing # of possible conflicts in BOID

7 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents7 Conflicts and Agent Types Realistic agent: beliefs override others Social agent: obligations override desires Selfish agent: desires override obligations simple-minded agent: intentions override obligations and desires open-minded agent: desires and obligations override intentions

8 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents8 BI-I- OD Obs. Act. Social Simple Minded  ( r b ) <  ( r i ) <  ( r o ) <  ( r d )

9 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents9 B I-I- O D Obs. Act. Super Selfish  ( r b ) <  ( r d ) <  ( r i )   ( r b ) <  ( r d ) <  ( r o )

10 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents10 B I-I- O D Obs.Act. P BOID Architecture

11 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents11  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et  gc gc   s   ch Act. P Example : Initial State “ Simple-minded  ( r b ) <  ( r i ) < … ”  et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference

12 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents12  gc gc   s Act. P Example : Step 1 “ Simple-minded  ( r b ) <  ( r i ) < … ”  {et}   ch  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference

13 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents13  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et gc   s Act. P Example : Step 2 “ Simple-minded  ( r b ) <  ( r i ) < … ”  {et} {et,gc}   ch  gc et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference

14 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents14  gc gc   s Act. P Example : Step 3 “ Social … <  ( r o ) <  ( r d ) ”  {et,gc}   ch {et,gc}  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference

15 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents15  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et  gc Act. P Example : Step 4 “ Social … <  ( r o ) <  ( r d ) ”  {et,gc} {et,gc,  s}   ch gc   s et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference

16 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents16  gc gc   s Act. P Example : Step 5 “ Social … <  ( r o ) <  ( r d ) ”  {et,gc,  s}   ch {et,gc,  s,ch}  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference

17 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents17  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et  gc gc   s Act. P Example : Step 6 “ Social … <  ( r o ) <  ( r d ) ”  {et,gc,  s,ch}   ch et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference

18 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents18  gc gc   s Act. P Example : Step 7 “ Social … <  ( r o ) <  ( r d ) ”    ch {et,gc,  s,ch}  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference

19 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents19  gc gc   s Act. P Example : Step 3 “Selfish … <  ( r d ) <  ( r o ) ”    ch {et,gc}  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference

20 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents20  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et  gc gc   s Act. P Example : Step 4 “Selfish … <  ( r d ) <  ( r o ) ”  {et,gc,  ch} {et,gc}   ch et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference

21 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents21  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et  gc gc   s Act. P Example : Step 5 “Selfish … <  ( r d ) <  ( r o ) ”  {et,gc,  ch}   ch et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference {et,gc,  ch}

22 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents22  et  s   ch   et  s  ch  et  gc gc   s Act. P Example : Step 5 “Selfish … <  ( r d ) <  ( r o ) ”    ch et = expensive ticket s = spend-much-money ch = cheap hotel gc = go conference {et,gc,  ch} {et,gc,  ch,  s}

23 30 May 2001Autonomous Agents23 Conclusion conflicts within or among informational and motivational attitudes conflict resolution and agent types small gap between logic and architecture extension selection: planning and scheduling

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