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God-Size Your Church © Dr. John Jackson

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Presentation on theme: "God-Size Your Church © Dr. John Jackson"— Presentation transcript:

1 God-Size Your Church © Dr. John Jackson

2 …you drive the new 2008 award winning Harley

3 …this is your bass boat

4 …this is what you call a palm pilot

5 …a little rain doesn’t spoil your fishing

6 …you wear a shirt like this for your engagement picture

7 …and your wedding cake looked like this

8 …this is your doorbell

9 …your wife is quoted in the paper saying

10 What is a God-Sized Church? God-sized churches, regardless of the absolute number of the persons attending weekend services, are passionate to see lost people found, saved people growing, hurting people healed, and all people using their spiritual gifts for the glory of God.

11 Biblical Basis for God Size Ministry? “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:6-7). Outreach Spiritual Growth Leadership Development

12 4 Things Leaders Do 1) Vision Casting Vision casting requires a passionate pursuit of the possible even in the midst of the mind-numbing reality of the present. Leaders learn to speak in short sentences that SING rather than in paragraphs that SNORE. Leaders must paint pictures, call forth emotions, and challenge people to risk

13 4 Things Leaders Do 2) Create Environments 3) Develop Systems 4) Equip Leaders

14 Two Views of Leadership Strategy Clarity of Vision Developing Leaders Growth Limits Control 9/16/05 Dr. John Jackson

15 Shaping Culture in Ministry Focus: Shaping Your Vision for Ministry Alignment: Strategic Planning and Vision Development Reach: Building Your Team Near & Far

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