(SI) Supplemental Instruction MSJC Results SP’09 Source: MSJC MVC Math & District SI Coordinator – Janice Levasseur - Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS.

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Presentation on theme: "(SI) Supplemental Instruction MSJC Results SP’09 Source: MSJC MVC Math & District SI Coordinator – Janice Levasseur - Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 (SI) Supplemental Instruction MSJC Results SP’09 Source: MSJC MVC Math & District SI Coordinator – Janice Levasseur - Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext3073 8.11.9

2 SI Elements: Courses – historically difficult courses SI Leader – passed course with an ‘A’ – paid for attending all classes with current class – does not re-lecture – leads/facilitates discussion – shares study strategies – viewed as a peer Sessions – ‘ two’ one hour sessions per wk – planned around students Session – group participation Participant – attended at least one SI session – attendance is voluntary

3 Data Source Janice Levasseur – MSJC MVC Math & District SI Coordinator 676 students – enrolled 346 SI Group (51% participation rate) 330 Non-SI Group SP09 - 20* courses-(sessions) Hist: 112 Span: 101 Psyc :101 Nurs : 100 Chem: 101, 102 Phys: 202-(2) Biol: 125,151 Math: 50, 51-(2), 90-(3), 96-(2), 105, 212 *11 sessions conducted on MVC & 9 on SJC M50 /51= Pre-Algebra M90 = Elementary Algebra M96 Intermediate Algebra M105 = College Algebra M140 = Statistics

4 Benefits of SI … increased course grades decreased % of withdraws increased success rates

5 SI - Stats SP’09 51% participation Half (51%) of the 346 students attended at least one SI session. 545-one hour sessions were conducted generating over 2,200 contact hours Source: MSJC MVC Math Coordinator – Janice Levasseur / MSJC P&P Dept. XCJH 8.11.9

6 Grade Distribution SI versus Non-SI group SP’09 Successful completions in the SI Group (79%) far exceed the Non-SI (58%). The % of ‘Ws’ were significantly higher among Non-SI Group (21%) relative to the SI Group (9%), ‘W’s and ‘F’s account for over 1/3 of non-SI grades. Successful completions in the SI Group (79%) far exceed the Non-SI (58%). The % of ‘Ws’ were significantly higher among Non-SI Group (21%) relative to the SI Group (9%), ‘W’s and ‘F’s account for over 1/3 of non-SI grades. 79% Success Rate Source: MSJC MVC Math & District SI Coordinator – Janice Levasseur - Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext3073 8.11.9 37%

7 Grade Distribution SI versus Non-SI group SP’09 Successful completions in the SI Group by campus… the student participation rate: MVC 58% & SJC 43% Successful completions in the SI Group by campus… the student participation rate: MVC 58% & SJC 43% Success Rate Source: MSJC MVC Math & District SI Coordinator – Janice Levasseur- Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext3073 8.11.9 MVC SJC

8 SI - Stats SP’09 Participants attended on averaged over 6 sessions The avg. # of students per session was 4 A SI session requires an estimated 3 attendees to be cost effective Source: MSJC MVC Math & District SI Coordinator – Janice Levasseur- Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext3073 8.11.9

9 Grade Point Average SI versus Non-SI group SP’09 The GPA or mean final grade of SI participants 2.8 was 0.4 (over 2/5 grade point) higher than the Non–SI participants. Source: MSJC MVC Math & District SI Coordinator – Janice Levasseur - Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext3073 8.11.9

10 Any Questions?

11 11 Data Source Janice Levasseur – MSJC MVC Math Coordinator 867 students – enrolled 410 SI Group (47% participation rate) 357 Non-SI Group 5 Semesters - 20 courses sessions FA06 - Math:140 SP07 - Math: 90, 105, 140 FA07 - Math: 50, 51, 105, 140 SP08 – Math: 50, 51, 90, 96, 105 FA07 - Math: 50, 51, 90, 96, 105, Psyc 101, Hist 124 M50 /51= Pre-Algebra M90 = Elementary Algebra M96 Intermediate Algebra M105 = College Algebra M140 = Statistics Psyc 101 = Intro Hist 124 = U.S. Source: MSJC MVC Math Coordinator – Janice Levasseur Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext7073 - 2.10.9

12 12 Grade Distribution SI versus Non-SI group FA’06/SP’07/FA’07/SP’08/FA’08 Successful completions in the SI Group (69%) far exceed the Non-SI (40%). The % of ‘Ws’ were significantly higher among Non-SI Group (33%) relative to the SI Group (13%), ‘W’s and ‘F’s account for over ½ of non-SI grades. Successful completions in the SI Group (69%) far exceed the Non-SI (40%). The % of ‘Ws’ were significantly higher among Non-SI Group (33%) relative to the SI Group (13%), ‘W’s and ‘F’s account for over ½ of non-SI grades. 69% Success Rate Source: MSJC MVC Math Coordinator – Janice Levasseur Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext7073 - 2.10.9 51%

13 13 Grade Point Average SI versus Non-SI group FA’06/SP’07/FA’07/SP’08/FA’08 The mean final grade avg. of SI participants 2.5 was 0.6 (over 1/2 grade point) higher than the Non–SI participants. Source: MSJC MVC Math Coordinator – Janice Levasseur Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext7073 - 2.10.9

14 Key Points: Makes F students D students (M50,50) Increases retention rate 1 to 4 sessions attendees = “test prep” Selection of courses are data based driven Basic sources of SI growth: funding (not a replacement for tutoring) availability of SI leaders (trained & experienced) seasoned BSI coordinator (trained, experienced & dedicated champion)

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