Disability Program Navigator Year One: Challenges and Opportunities Venessa Fairbairn, DPN WorkSource First Coast Workforce Development.

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1 Disability Program Navigator Year One: Challenges and Opportunities Venessa Fairbairn, DPN WorkSource First Coast Workforce Development

2 Opportunities in the One Stops  Modification of the work registration form to include a section asking about barriers to employment has helped with earlier identification of customers with hidden disabilities.  The Disability Program Navigator Flyer placed in the One stop resource rooms helped to inform people about the services that are available  Adaptive and assistive software added to at least one computer per Center affords job seekers with visual impairments more independence in the one stop resource room

3 Opportunities in the One Stop  Utilizing the Web course, At Your Service: Welcoming Customers with Disabilities was a great way to begin our all staff training (www.wiawebcourse.org) www.wiawebcourse.org  By the Navigator providing each Center with training (over 300 staff members) on disability sensitivity and awareness, ADA, relay use etc., we saved our staff members were able to get to know the Navigator and thus we began developing positive relationships

4 Opportunities in The One Stops  By becoming an Employment Network, we have access to reach out to all of the SSI/SSDI beneficiaries region.  Each Center (8 Centers in 6 counties) designated an ADA Coordinator who participates in on going disability related training with the Navigator. This individual is available for on the spot questions and support.

5 Opportunities at the One-Stops  Each Center has a copy of the Access for All Training manual for One stops.  Each ADA Coordinator is being trained on assigning and maintaining Tickets to Work, as well how to operate JAWS and Zoom Text.

6 Opportunities in the One Stops  Job seekers with disabilities are welcomed and encouraged to participate in our resume and interview classes, as well as WIA orientation and general use of the one stop resource room  Job fairs are accessible and ASL interpreters are hired, thus increasing awareness of our services in the disability communities.

7 Opportunities in the Business Community  Our job announcement form now includes a section to ask businesses if they would like information regarding hiring qualified applicants with disabilities, reasonable accommodations and ADA information  This information is repeated in our follow up thank you letter when business list their jobs with us.

8 Opportunities in the Business Community  We are hosting accessible Job fairs in each our centers. Included with this service is a working luncheon for the businesses to attend where the Navigator presents information on ADA, Reasonable accommodations, tax incentives, and more. We also invite an agency to co present at these working luncheons to educate the businesses about their services and the populations they serve.

9 Opportunities in the Business Community  The Navigator offers a 4 hour training for businesses, customized to their needs. So far we have trained HR staff At Home Depot, Vystar (a large credit union) and Citi Bank. The Navigator has also presented to the First Coast Diversity Council. This is made up of mostly large businesses in our area. We partnered with The Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology for this presentation.

10 Opportunities for the Business Community  We hosted a breakfast for National Disability Mentoring day, inviting the participating businesses as well as the Students and job seekers.  Together with the Jobs Opportunity Consortium and SHRM we have created a power point on Job Carving. This is utilized in the training events for business

11 Opportunities for Collaboration  Presentations on The Navigator Initiative include: 1. The case managers for adult and children services 2. The Mayors Council on Disabilities 3. Vocational Teachers at the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind 4. Area 2 VR Counselors 5. The Job Opportunities Consortium 6. The WIB Executive Board 7. High School/Hi Tech Kick off event 8. The annual SE training retreat 9. The Florida Council for the Blind 10. Division of Blind Services

12 Up Coming Presentations  Business Service Team  Project Connect Transition Teams  The Florida Council on Disabilities  The full WIB board  The Chambers of Commerce  Service Clubs (Rotary, Lions, ETC)  The Jacksonville Association for Mental Health  NAMI  Mental Health Drop in Centers

13 Whom Have We Partnered With?  The Jacksonville Transit Authority  The Epilepsy Foundation  The local CILs  VR and DBS  The Chambers  Several local Service Providers of Supported Employment

14 Challenges  Information Exchange  Need for more technological accommodations  Lack of co-located SE agencies  VR process not standard in each Centers  6 Counties means 6 school systems  Some Courtesy barrier removal still needed in the centers (lowered Counters, automatic doors) 

15 Challenges  We still need to create a web based orientation, Navigator page on our web site, and we need to have our web site in a more adaptable format  We need more media outreach  Our software programs have not been made adaptable as of yet and we do not have TTYs in our centers.  We do not have accommodations in place for Intensive services assessments.

16 Challenges  Our region is large and spread out  Rural communities have transportation difficulties and higher unemployment rates Job Corp has proven to be very difficult for job seekers with disabilities to access.

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