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VocabTrophiclevelsFood Chain /Web CyclesOfmatter Pop. rltshp SurpriseMisc. 50 100 200 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "VocabTrophiclevelsFood Chain /Web CyclesOfmatter Pop. rltshp SurpriseMisc. 50 100 200 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 VocabTrophiclevelsFood Chain /Web CyclesOfmatter Pop. rltshp SurpriseMisc. 50 100 200 400 500

2 What is a group of organisms of different species living together in a particular place called?


4 Another name for a producer.

5 Autotroph

6 What does an ecosystem consist of?

7 All living things in a certain area as well as their physical environment

8 Give an example of a decomposer and what it does.

9 Fungi or bacteria: It’s a consumer that gets its food from breaking down dead organisms.

10 List three abiotic factors

11 1. Soil 2. Water 3. Weather

12 Give an example of a relationship between a producer and a consumer.

13 Deer Eating Grass

14 Plants : Producers as Horses : __________

15 Plants : Producers as Horses : Consumers

16 What trophic levels are animals in that feed on plants?

17 Second, Third, or Fourth

18 How much energy is passed on to the next trophic level?

19 10%

20 Does the energy decrease or increase when you are moving from one trophic level to the next higher trophic level?

21 Decrease

22 Algae and plants are in what trophic level? What are they called?

23 First trophic level producers

24 What happens to an organisms nutrients when it dies?

25 The nutrients are released by decomposers

26 Daily Double What is the difference between food chain and food web?

27 Food chains: show how much matter and energy move through an ecosystem. Food Webs: are models that express all possible feeding relationships at each tropic level in a community.

28 What is the process called when plants make their own food?

29 Photosynthesis

30 Looking at the food chain what trophic level is the penguin in? Algae → Krill → penguin

31 Third Trophic level

32 What is the ultimate fate of all energy?

33 To be lost as heat

34 What is the ultimate source of all energy?

35 SUN

36 What is transpiration?

37 It’s when the trees sweat- liquid changing from a liquid to a gas.

38 Matter is constantly being _________?

39 Recycled

40 Is water, nitrogen, and carbon required by all living things to survive?

41 Yes

42 What does it mean when a population has reached their carrying capacity?

43 It’s the number of organisms of one species that an environment can support

44 Give an example of a mutualistic relationship Give an example of a mutualistic relationship

45 Ant and Tree the ant provides protection and the tree provide food and shelter.

46 Give an example of qualitative data

47 Any description with words. Mrs. Harding has brown hair.

48 What is an example of a commensalistic relationship?

49 Falcon and Geese

50 What’s an example of parasitism?

51 Ticks and Dogs

52 Ecology is the study of what?

53 Relationships between living things and their environment.

54 What are three types of symbiotic relationships?

55 1. Mutualism 2. Parasitism 3. Commensalism

56 What organism receives energy from every other type of organism?

57 Decomposers

58 Starting at the base of the pyramid do the numbers decrease or increase as it goes up to the next higher trophic level?

59 Decrease

60 True or False Energy is recyclable


62 What does biomass mean?

63 It’s the total dry weight of the organisms in an ecosystem.

64 Commensalism : one organism Mutualism : _____ _________

65 Commensalism : one organism Mutualism : both organisms

66 What is a niche?

67 The role and position a species has in its environment-how it meets its needs for food, shelter, how it survives, and how it reproduces. Does it matter what their genetic make up is? NO

68 What happens when two niches over lap?

69 The organisms may have to compete directly.

70 A single factor that limits the growth, abundance, or distribution of a population is?

71 Limiting factor

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