SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Overview of Cookbook Examples Francesco Longo University and INFN, Trieste, Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Overview of Cookbook Examples Francesco Longo University and INFN, Trieste, Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Overview of Cookbook Examples Francesco Longo University and INFN, Trieste, Italy Thanks to Chuck Patterson, Jim Chiang, Nicola Omodei, David Band, Masaharu Hirayama, Heather Kelly, Jürgen Knödlseder and many others Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope

2 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Science Tools User Interface aspects of the standard analysis environment, such as Image/plot display (UI2), Command line interface & scripting (UI4), and GUI & Web access (UI5) are not shown explicitly. 1 This tool also performs periodicity tests and the results can be used to refine ephemerides 2 These tools can also take as input binned data from other instruments, e.g., GBM; the corresponding DRMs must also be available. 14 Sept 2002 Pulsar ephem. (D4) Level 1 (D1) LAT Point source catalog (D5) Interstellar em. model (U5) Pointing/livetime history (D2) Astron. catalogs (D6) Level 0.5 IRFs (D3) Alternative source for testing high- level analysis Alternative for making additional cuts on already- retrieved event data simulator (O1) Observation simulator (O2) extractor (U3) Data sub- selection (U2) Data extract (U1) Exposure calc. (U4) Likelihood (A1) Map gen (U6) Src. ID (A2) Event display (UI1) Pulsar profiles (A3) 1 Catalog Access (U9) extractor (U3) Pulsar phase assign (U12) Pulsar period search (A4) GRB spectral-temporal modeling (A10) Source model def. tool (U7) Arrival time correction (U10) GRB temporal analysis (A7) 2 GRB LAT DRM gen. (U14) GRB spectral analysis (A8) 2 GRB event binning (A5) GRB unbinned spectral analysis (A9) GRB visual- ization (U13) IRF visual- ization (U8) Ephemeris extract (U11) GRB rebinning (A6) 2 The big picture: Details are changing, but still basically right Standard Analysis Environment

3 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Use Cases of ST

4 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW User Workbook Science Tools Tutorials These tutorials help you on how to get the data, make further selections and make simple binning procedures to explore LAT data 1

5 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Tutorial 1 At the end of the tutorial you should be able to generate CMAP and LC from gtbin and learn how to use gtselect and the data server at GSSC

6 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW User Workbook Science Tools Tutorials These tutorials help you to analyze GLAST source data. In particular you are guided to use the Binned and Unbinned Likelihood analysis on a particular sky region both at command interface and with a Python UI 2

7 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Tutorial 2 At the end of the tutorial you will be able to perform likelihood analysis (binned and unbinned) on specific region of the sky, making cnts and src maps, exposure maps … you should be able to generate xml models of the sky regions

8 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW User Workbook Science Tools Tutorials This tutorials helps to identify a particular source on the sky with data from external catalogs 2.1

9 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW User Workbook Science Tools Tutorials These tutorials let you to do a spectral analysis on GRB using GBM and LAT data. XSPEC is required. 3

10 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Tutorial 3 The tutorial lets you to bin the GBM data and perform joint spectral analysis with GBM and LAT data.

11 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW User Workbook Science Tools Tutorials These complete tutorials guide you in the analysis of PSR data. 4

12 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Tutorial 4 After the series of tutorials on PSR you will be able to find the PSR period having applied barycentric corrections and phase search using ephemerides calculation

13 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW User Workbook Science Tools Tutorials This tutorial is useful to simulate new source models and test your ideas… 5

14 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Tutorial 5 In the Observation Simulator tutorials you will find how to simulate a realistic sky, defining simple source models. You will be directed also to the description of the complete modeling of PSR and GRB modeling available.

15 SLAC March 1 st 2006 GLAST LAT Software F.Longo GLAST LAT GLAST LAT SW Conclusions Try to use the tutorials e.g. start from gtobssim to create your “own” sky and then reanalyze the DC2 sky on the same region They are proved to be effective in getting the users really involved in GLAST analysis Follow carefully tomorrow’s tutorials on real DC2 sky

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