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Body Image & Eating Disorders

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1 Body Image & Eating Disorders
Ch. 11 Lesson 2 Pg

2 iPad Vocabulary Activity
Open Photon APP Open bookmark tab and press Glencoe Drop Down: “Chapter Activities” Go to: Chapter 11 Next, Open: “Interactive Study Guides” Open: “Lesson #2” Press lightning bolt at top of page

3 Eating Disorders Objective 1: Identify the different types of fad diets Objective 2: Identify the signs and symptoms of anorexia nervosa Objective 3: Identify the signs and symptoms of bulimia nervosa Objective 4: Identify the signs and symptoms of binge eating disorder

4 Your Body Image When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see?
Body Image: the way you see your body. Some teens may compare their bodies to those of models, athletes, or actors/actresses. Teens may feel pressure by their friends and/or family to look a certain way

5 Fad Diets Fad Diets: weight-loss plans that tend to be popular for only a short time. Fad diets typically promise quick, easy weight loss. People on these diets may lose weight temporarily, but they usually regain it after going off the diet. Weight Cycling: a repeated pattern of losing and regaining body weight. Fad diets can pose serious health risks In fact, most teens shouldn’t diet at all

6 Types of Fad Diets Miracle Foods: Promise you can “Burn Fat” by eating lots of a single food or type of food. Magic Combinations: Promise that certain foods will trigger weight loss when they’re eaten together. Liquid Diets: Plans replace solid foods with ultra-low-calorie liquid formulas. Diet Pills: Pills that claim to suppress your appetite so that you eat less. Others say they “Block” or “Flush” the fat from the body Fasting: Depriving the body of needed nutrients. Can result in dehydration. Funny Video:

7 Partner Assignment Use your textbook (pages ) and an iPad to answer the questions/ Open Photon APP Drop Down: “Chapter Activities” Go to: Chapter 11 Next, Open: “Student Web Activities Lesson 2” Answer Questions: 2,4,& 5

8 Partner worksheet activity
Pass out a scantron and the worksheet titled: “Chapter 11 Managing Weight and Eating Behaviors” Students are to write their answers on the scantron, turn it in for a grade, then be prepared to discuss with the class. Go over worksheet with the class.

9 Eating Disorders Eating Disorders: Extreme, harmful eating behaviors that can cause serious illness or even death. Eating disorders are classified as a mental illness, and they are often linked to depression, low self-esteem, or troubled personal relationships. Social & cultural forces that emphasize physical appearance can also play a role. Can run in families. Genetics may be a factor.

10 Anorexia Anorexia Nervosa: Is a disorder in which the irrational fear of weight gain leads to people to starve themselves Mainly affects girls and young women. Outside pressures, high expectations, a need to be accepted, and a need to achieve are characteristics associated with anorexia

11 Characteristics associated with Anorexia Nervosa
Avoiding food and meals Eating only a few kinds of food in small amounts Weighing or counting the calories in everything they eat. Exercising excessively Weighing themselves repeatedly

12 Other Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa
Drastic loss of body fat may cause infertility Loss of bone density Drop in body temperature Low blood pressure, Low heart rate, & multi-organ failure Growth of fine hair all over the body Heart problems & sudden death

13 Video Clip Oprah clip on anorexia

14 Bulimia Bulimia: Is an eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of food. Binging: eating a huge amount of food in a single sitting. After the binge, they purge, forcing themselves to vomit or taking laxatives to flush the food out of their system. Some bulimics may fast or exercise frantically after a binge.

15 health consequences of Bulimia
Dehydration Sore & inflamed throat Swollen glands Teeth may become damaged due to stomach acid from vomiting Can cause damage to their stomach, intestines and/or kidneys. Severe cases can result in irregular heart rhythms, heart failure, and death.

16 Video CLIP Dr Phil clip on Bulimia

17 Binge Eating Disorder Binge eating disorder: an eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively. The person may feel guilty and disgusted about his/her behavior, but feel powerless to stop. More common in males. Consequences include: Becoming overweight or obese. High blood pressure Type 2 diabetes Cardiovascular disease

18 Seeking Help Eating disorders are serious and dangerous illnesses.
People need help to overcome them. Medical help may involve counseling, nutritional guidance, a doctor’s care, and in some cases, hospital stay.

19 Is it Anorexia or Bulimia ???
Eat very small quantities of only certain foods Answer: Anorexia Extreme thinness (emaciation) Binge eating followed by forced vomiting Answer: Bulimia Usually done is secret because it is often accompanied by feeling of disgust or shame Excessive use of laxatives, diuretics, fasting, excessive exercise, or combination of these behaviors Worn tooth enamel, increasingly sensitive and decaying teeth as a result of exposure to stomach acid. Growth of fine hair all over the body. Lethargy, sluggish, or feeling tired all the time

20 Matching Activity Open Photon APP Open bookmark tab and chose Glencoe
Drop Down: “Chapter Activities” Go to: Chapter 11 Next, Open: “Interactive Health Tutor” Open: “chapter 11b” Press the lightning bolt at the top of the page

21 Additional Video clips on Anorexia/Bulemia Gabris
Why so thin? 4 mins. How fashion might be sensationalizing society about being thin. How younger kids are starting diets early. 40 Seconds with a girl looking into a mirror

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