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1 News from eRHIC Matt Lamont, Thomas Ullrich, William Foreman, Anders Kirleis, Michael Savastio, Elke Aschenauer and the CAD-eRHIC Team E.C. AschenauerEIC-Convener.

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Presentation on theme: "1 News from eRHIC Matt Lamont, Thomas Ullrich, William Foreman, Anders Kirleis, Michael Savastio, Elke Aschenauer and the CAD-eRHIC Team E.C. AschenauerEIC-Convener."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 News from eRHIC Matt Lamont, Thomas Ullrich, William Foreman, Anders Kirleis, Michael Savastio, Elke Aschenauer and the CAD-eRHIC Team E.C. AschenauerEIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 2009

2 eRHIC group in Physics E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 20092 eRHIC taskforce formed weekly meetings on EVO Thursday@2pm concentrate on simulating “golden physics channels” and to develop tools/software to be used by collaboration detector – IR design together with CAD In process of hiring 2 PostDocs Have 3 students over the summer Information available openly for everybody at Summer Work generate tools to simulate have rapgap & pythia  root-trees work to provide dvcs, pepsi and Hermes-transversity generators simulated dis & diffractive events for several energy settings design a detector in Geant fitting in IP-2 design a detector in Geant fitting in IP-2 (software based on STAR & ATLAS) generate tools to MC  Geant  root-trees and a lot of more

3 Momentum vs. Theta of Scat. Electron  What we see:  Differences between DIS and diffractive events  Different angle & momentum distributions depending on electron + proton energies Momentum (GeV/c) Theta (degrees) 4+250 GeV DIS Diffractive 10+100 GeV DIS Diffractive 60 o - 180 o 140 o - 180 o  What we do:  Edit codes so only information for certain particles are plotted, both in DIS and diffractive E.C. Aschenauer 3EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 2009 All done by William Foreman

4 π+ Momentum vs. Angle  What we see:  Angles at which pions are projected for different energies in both DIS and diffractive events  In DIS events, pions tend to be sent at much smaller angles compared to diffractive events Theta (degrees) 0 o - 180 o Momentum (GeV/c) 4+250 GeV DIS Diffractive 10+100 GeV Diffractive DIS We use this information to design the detector! E.C. Aschenauer 4EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 2009

5 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 20095 STAR PHENIX 2 x 200 m SRF linac 4 (5) GeV per pass 5 (4) passes Polarizede-gun Beamdump 4 to 5 vertically separated recirculating passes Coherente-cooler 5 mm 20 GeV e-beam 16 GeV e-beam 12 GeV e-beam 8 GeV e-beam Common vacuum chamber Gap 5 mm total 0.3 T for 30 GeV eRHICdetector MeRHICdetector 10-20 GeV e x 325 GeV p 130 GeV/u Au possibility of 30 GeV @ low current operation ERL-based eRHIC Design

6 Medium Energy eRHIC Concept Medium Energy eRHIC Concept E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 2009 6 Geometrical constraints: If it is possible use the existing interaction region at RHIC 2 o’clock and wider tunnel to place the superconducting linac inside it. Minimize civil construction cost and re-use for eRHIC already built and installed linac.

7 IR-Design for MeRHIC I E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 20097  no synchrotron shielding included

8 Detection from hadron beam fragments Tagging from Au fragments and p in ep suppress incoherent scattering / ensure exclusivity suppress incoherent scattering / ensure exclusivity neutrons are detected in ZDC neutrons are detected in ZDC protons use magnetic rigidity Au:p 2.5:1 protons use magnetic rigidity Au:p 2.5:1 DX magnets disturbs p tagging E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 20098

9 IR-Design for MeRHIC II E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 20099  no synchrotron shielding included  allows p and heavy ion decay product tagging

10 First ideas for a detector concept E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200910 / TRD Dipol3TmDipol3Tm Solenoid (4T) ZDC FPD FED //// r: 5 ft / 1.5m ~15m

11 The (M)eRHIC Detetor E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200911 All the work was done by Anders Kirleis with a lot of help by Pavel Nevski Still need to model EMCal in barrel and include the already modeled DIRC

12 Solenoid Magnetic Field in Z Dimension Magnetic Field (KG) Radial Dimension (cm) Z Dimension (cm) E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200912

13 Radial Dimension (cm) Z Dimension (cm) Solenoid Magnetic Field in Z Dimension E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200913

14 Magnetic Field (KG) Dipole Magnetic Field in Y Dimension Z Dimension (cm) Radial Dimension (cm) E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200914

15 Dipole Magnetic Field in Y Dimension Z Dimension (cm) Radial Dimension (cm) E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200915

16 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200916

17 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200917

18 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200918

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20 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200920

21 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200921

22 E.C. Aschenauer 22EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 2009

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24 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200924

25 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200925

26 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200926

27 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200927

28 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200928

29 E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200929

30 HITS DATA FROM A MYLAR TRACKING DETECTOR E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200930

31 The √s vs. luminosity landscape E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200931 semi-inclusive DIS inclusive DIS Diffraction electro-weak 4x100 10x100 20x100 20x250 exclusive DIS (DVCS) exclusive DIS (PS & VM)

32 Existing Experiment Luminosities Hera : H1 and Zeus: 10 31 cm-2s-1 27GeV e+/e- 920GeV p √s = 320GeV did measure: did measure: inclusive & semi-inclusive DIS exclusive reactions (DVCS) diffractive physics electro-weakHermes: fixed target 27GeV e+/e- √s=7.2GeV polarised: 5x10 31 cm -2 s -1 ; unpol: 10 32-33 cm -2 s -1 ; did measure: inclusive & semi-inclusive DIS exclusive reactions (DVCS, pS, VM) spin physics E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200932

33 Existing Experiment Luminosities CERNCompass fixed target 160GeV m+/m- √s=17GeV polarised: ~10 31 cm -2 s -1 ; unpol: 10 32-33 cm -2 s -1 ; did measure: inclusive & semi-inclusive DIS exclusive reactions (VM) spin physics plan to measure: exclusive reactions (DVCS, PS) Drell Yan SMC, NMC and EMC very similar, with different beam energies E.C. Aschenauer EIC-Convener Meeting, AUG. 200933

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