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Getting Ready for the Green Deal Rob Veck & Peter Richardson Winchester Action on Climate Change (Registered Charity 1126993) (c) Rob Veck 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Ready for the Green Deal Rob Veck & Peter Richardson Winchester Action on Climate Change (Registered Charity 1126993) (c) Rob Veck 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Ready for the Green Deal Rob Veck & Peter Richardson Winchester Action on Climate Change (Registered Charity 1126993) (c) Rob Veck 2011

2  Goal ◦ To agree a framework for Communities to successfully operate in the Green Deal  DECC / Government Vision for communities.  GreenWin Vision for communities.  Seeding Community Enterprises ◦ Access to funds ◦ Grants ◦ Scalability.  Making a living ◦ Value proposition for GD business roles, CIC’s, Social Enterprises.  Training.  Avoid re-inventing the wheel.  Goal ◦ To agree a framework for Communities to successfully operate in the Green Deal  DECC / Government Vision for communities.  GreenWin Vision for communities.  Seeding Community Enterprises ◦ Access to funds ◦ Grants ◦ Scalability.  Making a living ◦ Value proposition for GD business roles, CIC’s, Social Enterprises.  Training.  Avoid re-inventing the wheel. (c) Rob Veck 2011

3  A Community Catalyst for the Green Deal ◦ Social Enterprise ◦ Contributes profits into community  Aims to:- ◦ Providing Skills, New Jobs & Opportunities for local people & businesses. ◦ Assist Community Groups & householders to reduce GHG emissions of their residencies & community properties. ◦ Make it Happen - Facilitate connectivity between  Demand from communities and householders  Supply from Green Deal Players, Local Businesses, Local Authorities ◦ Forming relationships with local businesses and trades.  Centre of Excellence for the Green Deal. ◦ Support, Work With & Integrate:-  Local Businesses  Community Groups and Priority Areas.  Winchester City and Hampshire County Councils  Householders  A Community Catalyst for the Green Deal ◦ Social Enterprise ◦ Contributes profits into community  Aims to:- ◦ Providing Skills, New Jobs & Opportunities for local people & businesses. ◦ Assist Community Groups & householders to reduce GHG emissions of their residencies & community properties. ◦ Make it Happen - Facilitate connectivity between  Demand from communities and householders  Supply from Green Deal Players, Local Businesses, Local Authorities ◦ Forming relationships with local businesses and trades.  Centre of Excellence for the Green Deal. ◦ Support, Work With & Integrate:-  Local Businesses  Community Groups and Priority Areas.  Winchester City and Hampshire County Councils  Householders (c) Rob Veck 2011

4  Support Community Groups to Upgrade Community Asset  Promote offer to local householders  Raising Capital: Shareholding in asset upgrade. ◦ Share of FIT / RHI based on level of investment. ◦ Offset own carbon emissions where similar upgrade not possible on own house. ◦ Promotes support from community members.  Offer similar upgrade to householders at a discount ◦ Economies of scale result in reduce cost of materials and installer overheads. ◦ Reduces costs to householder AND community asset upgrade.  Support Community Groups to Upgrade Community Asset  Promote offer to local householders  Raising Capital: Shareholding in asset upgrade. ◦ Share of FIT / RHI based on level of investment. ◦ Offset own carbon emissions where similar upgrade not possible on own house. ◦ Promotes support from community members.  Offer similar upgrade to householders at a discount ◦ Economies of scale result in reduce cost of materials and installer overheads. ◦ Reduces costs to householder AND community asset upgrade. (c) Rob Veck 2011

5  Provide “Economies of Scale” Linkages to potentially large community customer base.  Reduced Marketing costs. ◦ Raise awareness, interest & desire to act amongst local communities and householders ◦ Lead Generation by GreenWin & Community Action Group. ◦ Back-office Lead management by GreenWin. ◦ Reference Management by GreenWin for future campaigns.  Support for Green Deal.  But Nothing is Free ◦ Finders Fee for each lead. ◦ Commission fee for actual installation. ◦ Pays for GreenWin Hub. ◦ Residue back to community.  Provide “Economies of Scale” Linkages to potentially large community customer base.  Reduced Marketing costs. ◦ Raise awareness, interest & desire to act amongst local communities and householders ◦ Lead Generation by GreenWin & Community Action Group. ◦ Back-office Lead management by GreenWin. ◦ Reference Management by GreenWin for future campaigns.  Support for Green Deal.  But Nothing is Free ◦ Finders Fee for each lead. ◦ Commission fee for actual installation. ◦ Pays for GreenWin Hub. ◦ Residue back to community. (c) Rob Veck 2011


7  GreenWin Principles ◦ Local ◦ Trusted ◦ Focus on “the right thing” rather than profit ◦ Grounded in delivery of energy efficiency work & building green skills in the local community.  Proactively “recruit” a community groups to upgrade a community asset. ◦ Empower key leaders & influencers by presenting benefits, implementation options and community involvement. ◦ Make it easy for communities to act (e.g. by deploying best practice from Local United) ◦ Provide financial options, ROI. ◦ Establish a Community Action Group.  Point of contacts for ◦ Green Deal players to enable assessment, quotations. ◦ Value Add services from GreenWin & Local Businesses  Interlock with Local Authorities ◦ Focus on LA Housing Stock & deprived areas.  GreenWin Principles ◦ Local ◦ Trusted ◦ Focus on “the right thing” rather than profit ◦ Grounded in delivery of energy efficiency work & building green skills in the local community.  Proactively “recruit” a community groups to upgrade a community asset. ◦ Empower key leaders & influencers by presenting benefits, implementation options and community involvement. ◦ Make it easy for communities to act (e.g. by deploying best practice from Local United) ◦ Provide financial options, ROI. ◦ Establish a Community Action Group.  Point of contacts for ◦ Green Deal players to enable assessment, quotations. ◦ Value Add services from GreenWin & Local Businesses  Interlock with Local Authorities ◦ Focus on LA Housing Stock & deprived areas. (c) Rob Veck 2011

8  Centre of Excellence for the Green Deal ◦ Independent & Trustworthy Advice and support for Local Businesses, Householders, communities etc. ◦ Provide a “Which Local” equivalent for Green Deal Players and Value add Businesses. ◦ Support provision of new jobs by ultimately provide certified training.  Delivery of Services ◦ GreenWin Contractors delivering Value Add Services ◦ 3 rd Party Companies delivering specialist services  Back office Support to Participants Reduce overhead of leads management, billing  Centre of Excellence for the Green Deal ◦ Independent & Trustworthy Advice and support for Local Businesses, Householders, communities etc. ◦ Provide a “Which Local” equivalent for Green Deal Players and Value add Businesses. ◦ Support provision of new jobs by ultimately provide certified training.  Delivery of Services ◦ GreenWin Contractors delivering Value Add Services ◦ 3 rd Party Companies delivering specialist services  Back office Support to Participants Reduce overhead of leads management, billing (c) Rob Veck 2011

9  GreenWin Value Add ◦ Whole House Assessment (GDA) ◦ Whole House Design ◦ Project Management ◦ Loft Clearing ◦ Simple Insulation eg pipes, water tanks ◦ Config Smart Meters ◦ Switching Energy Suppliers  Specialist Services ◦ PV ◦ Cavity Wall Insulation ◦ Solar Hot Water ◦ Solid Wall Insulation ◦ Double Glazing ◦ Renewable Heating ◦  GreenWin Value Add ◦ Whole House Assessment (GDA) ◦ Whole House Design ◦ Project Management ◦ Loft Clearing ◦ Simple Insulation eg pipes, water tanks ◦ Config Smart Meters ◦ Switching Energy Suppliers  Specialist Services ◦ PV ◦ Cavity Wall Insulation ◦ Solar Hot Water ◦ Solid Wall Insulation ◦ Double Glazing ◦ Renewable Heating ◦ (c) Rob Veck 2011

10  Step 1 – Engage the Community ◦ Raise awareness, interest and desire to act ◦ Community Asset & Whole House Assessment  Step 2 – Detailed Plan  Step 3 – Implementation Plan for 1 st stage  Step 1 – Engage the Community ◦ Raise awareness, interest and desire to act ◦ Community Asset & Whole House Assessment  Step 2 – Detailed Plan  Step 3 – Implementation Plan for 1 st stage (c) Rob Veck 2011

11  Outcome: ◦ Asset Upgrade Defined. ◦ Agreement with Community Leaders. ◦ Campaign implemented. ◦ Number of leads captured.  Outcome: ◦ Asset Upgrade Defined. ◦ Agreement with Community Leaders. ◦ Campaign implemented. ◦ Number of leads captured. (c) Rob Veck 2011


13  Outcome:  Established Baseline plan for household.  Identify possible better ROI /CO2 savings.  Householder decides on Action to proceed with.  Ideally include linkage to community upgrade plan.  RESULT: Stage 1 Action Plan.  Outcome:  Established Baseline plan for household.  Identify possible better ROI /CO2 savings.  Householder decides on Action to proceed with.  Ideally include linkage to community upgrade plan.  RESULT: Stage 1 Action Plan. (c) Rob Veck 2011


15  Outcome: ◦ Funding Identified  Support from GDA or GreenWin.  Customer chooses using list of GDP’s or others. ◦ Simple upgrade:  Installer may provide logistics etc ◦ Complex upgrade  Householder may require a project manager / GDA. ◦ Implementation plan defined  Outcome: ◦ Funding Identified  Support from GDA or GreenWin.  Customer chooses using list of GDP’s or others. ◦ Simple upgrade:  Installer may provide logistics etc ◦ Complex upgrade  Householder may require a project manager / GDA. ◦ Implementation plan defined (c) Rob Veck 2011

16  Outco

17  Green Deal Advisor Role ◦ If Complex, may project manage the implementation.  Outcome: ◦ Measures installed. ◦ Householder provides feedback to Greenwin. ◦ GreenWin may inspect results of measures.  Green Deal Advisor Role ◦ If Complex, may project manage the implementation.  Outcome: ◦ Measures installed. ◦ Householder provides feedback to Greenwin. ◦ GreenWin may inspect results of measures. (c) Rob Veck 2011

18  A “GreenWin” Hub needs to establish:- ◦ Network of Green Deal Players. ◦ Linkages to Value Add Businesses. ◦ Equipment. ◦ Back office. ◦ Marketing & initial running costs. ◦ Needs to cover delay until Green Deal fully functioning in 2012.  Possible Sources of Seeding Money:- ◦ Enterprise Investment Scheme  Requires External investment from interested parties. ◦ LEADER funding  Considered to be high risk and advised to scale down pilot. ◦ Others  A “GreenWin” Hub needs to establish:- ◦ Network of Green Deal Players. ◦ Linkages to Value Add Businesses. ◦ Equipment. ◦ Back office. ◦ Marketing & initial running costs. ◦ Needs to cover delay until Green Deal fully functioning in 2012.  Possible Sources of Seeding Money:- ◦ Enterprise Investment Scheme  Requires External investment from interested parties. ◦ LEADER funding  Considered to be high risk and advised to scale down pilot. ◦ Others (c) Rob Veck 2011

19  Value Add services ◦ Cover loft clearance, energy switch, smart meter monitor installation etc. ◦ Direct GreenWin subcontractors.  Specialist Services ◦ Finders Fees for each generated lead. ◦ Commission Fee from each GDI’s implementation. ◦ Commission Fee from GDP loan. ◦ Commission Fee from GDA. ◦ Possible GreenWin employee is a GDA.  Value Add services ◦ Cover loft clearance, energy switch, smart meter monitor installation etc. ◦ Direct GreenWin subcontractors.  Specialist Services ◦ Finders Fees for each generated lead. ◦ Commission Fee from each GDI’s implementation. ◦ Commission Fee from GDP loan. ◦ Commission Fee from GDA. ◦ Possible GreenWin employee is a GDA. (c) Rob Veck 2011

20  Training  Avoid re-inventing the wheel: ◦ Work via Local United ?  Training  Avoid re-inventing the wheel: ◦ Work via Local United ? (c) Rob Veck 2011

21  Lock down funding model.  Understand revenue stream ◦ Is there a living for GDA’s & GreenWin ?  i.e. Commission from GD players ? ◦ Needs a “Sales Rally” to promote Green Deal Value Proposition to businesses.  Who best to interlock with ?  Lock down funding model.  Understand revenue stream ◦ Is there a living for GDA’s & GreenWin ?  i.e. Commission from GD players ? ◦ Needs a “Sales Rally” to promote Green Deal Value Proposition to businesses.  Who best to interlock with ?

22  Property Assessment – ECO Plan & Payback Period ◦ Green Deal Assessor (GDA)  Up-skilled Domestic Energy Advisor  Quantifies Savings on possible changes.  ECO Plan must meet “Golden Rule”  Loan Finance attached to the Property ◦ Green Deal Provider (GDP)  Linked to Energy Companies  Checks ECO Plan meets “Golden Rule”  ECO Plan Implementation ◦ Green Deal Installer (GDI)  Property Assessment – ECO Plan & Payback Period ◦ Green Deal Assessor (GDA)  Up-skilled Domestic Energy Advisor  Quantifies Savings on possible changes.  ECO Plan must meet “Golden Rule”  Loan Finance attached to the Property ◦ Green Deal Provider (GDP)  Linked to Energy Companies  Checks ECO Plan meets “Golden Rule”  ECO Plan Implementation ◦ Green Deal Installer (GDI) (c) Rob Veck 2011

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