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MISUG Meeting Materials ERCOT 10/16/2012. 2 Agenda 10/16/2012 1.Antitrust AdmonitionJ. Lavas 9:30 a.m. 2.Introduction/Agenda OverviewJ. Lavas 9:35 a.m.

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Presentation on theme: "MISUG Meeting Materials ERCOT 10/16/2012. 2 Agenda 10/16/2012 1.Antitrust AdmonitionJ. Lavas 9:30 a.m. 2.Introduction/Agenda OverviewJ. Lavas 9:35 a.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 MISUG Meeting Materials ERCOT 10/16/2012

2 2 Agenda 10/16/2012 1.Antitrust AdmonitionJ. Lavas 9:30 a.m. 2.Introduction/Agenda OverviewJ. Lavas 9:35 a.m. 3.Social Media UpdateJ. Lavas 9:45 a.m. 4. Updates on Open Revision Requests NPRR455 CRR Shift Factors NOGRR084 Grid Ops Summary NOGRR101 DC Tie Outages NPRR476 Market Submitted EOCs J. Lavas 10:00 a.m. 5. Updates on open Requests/Specifications System Wide RUC Charges (#60) Actual Load Report (#64) J. Lavas 10:15 a.m. 6. Review Initiating Project Efforts NPRR 422 DAM Shift Factors/SCED Shift Factor Changes NPRR 382 Verbal RUC Committed or Decommitted Resources Report NPRR 383 Unconfirmed Trades NPRR 260 Secure MIS Access for Registered Users J. Lavas 10:45 a.m. 7.Ancillary Service Capacity Monitor DashboardS. Lonney 11:00 a.m. 8.Energy Offer Curves – Step II MitigationS. Looney 11:15 a.m. LunchAll Noon 9.Look Ahead SCED Public Pricing Display EnhancementsF. Trefny 1:15 p.m. 10.Demand Side Working Group Report RequestsE. Rothschild 1:45 p.m. 11.System Adequacy ReportingF. Trefny 2:45 p.m. 12.MISUG Task List Review - AdditionsJ. Lavas 3:30 p.m. New Business/Future MeetingsAll 3:45 p.m.

3 3 Updates on Open Revision Requests 10/16/2012

4 4 NPRR & SCR Updates/Initiating Project Efforts NPRR_SCRTitleDescription Date SubmittedCurrent Status Implementation Date NPRR382 Verbal RUC Committed or Decommitted Resources Report Creates new report on the MIS Secure Area for verbal RUC6/08/11 9/20/2011 - BOD ApprovedAugust 2012 NPRR383Unconfirmed Trades Report Creates 3 new reports for unconfirmed trades on the MIS Certified Area that will provide timely information regarding the trades that have not yet been confirmed for the upcoming hour and all remaining hours of the RUC Study Period6/8/11 9/20/2011 - BOD ApprovedAugust 2012 NPRR422Public DAM Shift Factors Posting of the hourly Day-Ahead Shift Factors for binding constraints in the Day-Ahead Market (DAM)11/17/11 2/21/2012 - BOD ApprovedAugust 2012 NPRR455CRR Shift Factors Creates a report on the MIS Secure Area that provides Shift Factors for any binding constraints in a CRR Auction4/19/12 7/18/2012 - BOD Approved2013 NPRR260 Providing Access to MIS Secure Area to MIS Registered Users Provides "registered users" access to MIS Secure Area for Independent MIS Registered Entity (IMRE)8/9/10 1/19/2011 - BOD ApprovedDecember 2012 NOGRR084Daily Grid Ops Summary Report Creates a summary level report of daily operational information to be posted on the MIS Public Area10/27/2011 5/15/2012 – BOD Approved 2013 NOGRR101 Market Transparency for DC Tie Outage Information Creates a detailed report regarding any outage of a Direct Current Tie (DC Tie)07/26/12Pending OWG IA NPRR476 Market Sumitted Energy Offer Curves Provides for the addition of unmitigated, unextended market-submitted Energy Offer Curves to the existing 60-Day SCED Disclosure Report and the 7-Day Event Trigger Posting when LMP exceeds 50xFIP Report.08/16/2012PRS- IA Review 10/16/2012

5 5 Review Open Requests/Specifications System Wide RUC Charges (#60): NPRR Drafted last meeting – Passed to CSWG for review? Data provided in RTM MODE and Monthly RUC Clawback report, is this daily report still necessary? Actual System Load by Weather Zone Report (#64) : See Specifications 10/16/2012

6 6 Initiating Project Efforts NPRR 422 DAM Shift Factors/SCED Shift Factor Changes NPRR 382 Verbal RUC Committed or Decommitted Resources Report NPRR 383 Unconfirmed Trades NPRR 260 Secure MIS Access for Registered Users Historical DAM Clearing Prices for Capacity 10/16/2012

7 7 Other Discussion Items Discussion on Ancillary Service Capacity Monitor Energy Offer Curves Discussion Look Ahead SCED Public Pricing Display Enhancements Demand Side Working Group Report Requests – See attachment for agenda item 10 System Adequacy Reporting New Business MISUG Task List Review 10/16/2012

8 8 System Adequacy Reporting 10/16/2012 EMIL IDName Freq Which Forecast What’s Included Traceability NP3-560-CD 7 Day Load Forecast by Forecast Zone  Forecast by Forecast Zone Hourly Next 168 Hours Short-Term NP3.2.3(3)(c) NP3.2.2(3) NP3-561-CD 7 Day Load Forecast by Weather Zone  Forecast by Weather Zone Hourly Next 168 Hours Short-Term NP3.2.2(3) NP3-763-CDShort Term System Adequacy (a)For Generation Resources, the available On-Line Resource capacity for each hour, using the COP for the first seven days; (b)For Load Resources, the available capacity for each hour using the COP; (c)Forecast Demand for each hour described in Section 3.2.2; (d)Ancillary Service requirements for the Operating Day and subsequent days; and (e)Transmission constraints that have a high probability of being binding in SCED or DAM given the forecasted system conditions for each week including the effects of any transmission or Resource Outages. The binding constraints may not be updated every hour. Hourly Next 168 Hours Short-Term Hourly Daily Hourly NP3.2.3(3)(a-e) (c) NP3-560-CD 7 Day Load Forecast by Forecast Zone (d) NP4-33-CD DAM Ancillary Service Plan (e) NP6-86-CD SCED Shadow Prices and Binding Transmission Constraints

9 9 System Adequacy Reporting 10/16/2012 NP3-775-M36 Month Resource Capacity Report (Medium Term Sys Adequacy) (a) Generation Resource capacity at the time of forecasted weekly peak Demand; (b) Load Resource capacity at the time of the forecasted weekly peak Demand; (c) Weekly peak forecast Demand described in Section 3.2.2, Demand Forecasts; (d) Calculated system reserve, highlighting any deficiency hours, that excludes Load Resource capacity; (e) Calculated system reserve, highlighting any deficiency hours, that includes Load Resource capacity shown as a reduction in forecast Demand; (f)Ancillary Service requirements; and (g)Transmission constraints that have a high probability of being binding in the Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) or Day-Ahead Market (DAM) given the forecasted system conditions for each week excluding the effects of any transmission or Resource Outages. Monthly Next 36 Months Long-Term Monthly Monthly Monthly Daily Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly NP3.2.3(2)(a,b,d,e,g) 36 Month Resource Capacity Report 36 Month Resource Capacity Report (c) NP3-760-M Long Term Weekly Peak Demand Forecast (d) NP4-33-CD DAM Ancillary Service Plan 36 Month Resource Capacity Report (f) NP3-782-M Projected AS Service Requirements (g) NP3-776-M Projected Trans Constraints for Medium Term PASA AND NP3-775-M 36 Month Resource Capacity Report

10 10 System Adequacy Reporting 10/16/2012 EMIL IDNameFrequency/Forecast ZP12-400-SGShort Term LF; Mid Term LF ZP8-803Availability of Resources for Short Term PASA ZP8-807Availability of Resources for Medium Term PASA Other: SARA (Seasonal Assessment Resource Adequacy) not on MIS or required by protocol

11 11 Questions 10/16/2012

12 12 Next Meeting’s Topics 10/16/2012 Next Meeting December 2012 – Web Ex Only? Specs: Follow up: Report Recommendations from DSWG NPRRs: Actual Load by Weather Zones System Wide RUC New Business:

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