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Published byLeo Stafford Modified over 9 years ago
H 2 O 2 (μM)02000 0 0 Soluble / InsolubleSol Insol Sol Insol Total protein7. Insoluble adjusted by soluble protein % change+107.1-12.7 SpeciesHouse mouseChinchilla MLS (years)4.017.2 Supplemental Figure 1: Representative blot of detergent insoluble protein
H 2 O 2 (μM)01000 0 0 Disulphide bonds9.915.512.911.6 10.017.516.1 Total protein2. Disulphide (adjusted to total protein) % change+55.3+16.6-32.7-1.7 SpeciesShrewGerbilFox SquirrelChinchilla MLS (years)2.26.316.017.2 Total protein Disulphide bonds Supplemental Figure 2: Representative blot of disulphide bond formation Unbound Region of label quantification
Supplemental Figure 3: (A) scatterplot of maximum lifespan against body mass (log 10 scale) in 52 species of mammals. (B) Scatterplot of change in protein carbonyl content following exposure to 100 μM H 2 O 2 body mass (log 10 scale) in 52 species of mammals.
Supplemental Figure 4: Mammalian phylogeny, values at nodes are millions of years since divergence
Supplemental Figure 5: Reference list for construction of phylogeny
A C B Supplemental Figure 6: Scatterplot of % change in protein carbonyl content following exposure to 5 mM paraquat. (A) Data for 16 species of rodents. (B) Data for 19 species of primates. (C) Data for 14 species of Lauriasiatheria.. Cells from humans are shown in the scatterplot (with the "H" symbol) but not used in the statistical analysis. Values are adjusted by total protein content in each sample. Error bars, if present, represent SEM of 2-3 cell lines derived from independent animals.
Supplemental Figure 7: Scatterplot of % change in protein carbonyl content following exposure to 5mM paraquat plotted against body mass (log 10 scale) in 52 species of mammals.
Shrew (MLS 2.2) Yuma myotis (MLS 8.8) Fringed myotis (MLS 18.3) Big brown bat (MLS 19) Long-eared myotis (MLS 22) Little brown bat (MLS 34) Wild sheep (MLS 22.8) Deer (MLS 23) Desert lynx (MLS 20.3) Common raccoon (MLS 21) Cougar (MLS 23.8) Domestic dog (MLS 24) A B C Supplemental Figure 8: (A) Representative blot of baseline protein carbonyl content in (A) 15 species of rodent. (B) 14 species of primate (C) 12 species of Laurasiatheria. Hamster (MLS 3.9) House mouse (MLS 4.0) Cotton rat (MLS 5.2) Gerbil (MLS 6.3) Nile kusu (MLS 6.7) Cactus mouse (MLS 7.3) White footed mouse (MLS 7.9) Deer mouse (MLS 8.3) Chipmunk (MLS 9.5) Degu (MLS 14) Fox squirrel (MLS 16) Chinchilla (MLS 17.2) Porcupine (MLS 18) Beaver (MLS 23.4) Grey Squirrel (MLS 23.6) Red-bellied lemur (MLS 20) L’Hoest’s monkey (MLS 24.1) Olive Baboon (MLS 27.5) Squirrel monkey (MLS 30.2) Vervet (MLS 30.8) Woolly monkey (MLS 32) Ruffed lemur (MLS 36) Hamadryas (MLS 39) Baboon (MLS 55) Managabey (MLS 46) Gibbon (MLS 55) Gorilla (MLS 55.4) Chimpanzee (MLS 59) Human (MLS 122.5) Total Protein Protein Carbonyl
Chinchilla (mls 17.2) Porcupine (mls 18) Beaver (mls 23.4) Lemur (mls 20) Titi (mls 26.4) Macaque (mls 40) Rodents Primates Total Protein Protein Carbonyl Supplemental Figure 9: Representative blot of protein carbonyl content in 3 species of rodents and 3 species of primate. Protein carbonyl content is measured using an antibody against 2,4-Dinitrophenol (anti-DNP). Total protein is measured using an india ink stain.
Rodent species Common Species NameLatin Species NameFamilyMLS (yrs)Weight (g)Number of Donors Golden hamsterMesocricetus auratusMuridae3.91051 Wild house mouseMus musculusMuridae420.53 Cotton ratSigmodon hispidusMuridae5.21851 GerbilMeriones unguiculatusMuridae6.353.21 Nile kusuArvicanthus niloticusMuridae6.71103 Cactus mousePeromyscus eremicusCricetidae7.4251 White-footed mousePeromyscus leucopsisCricetidae7.9231 Deer mousePeromyscus maniculatusCricetidae8.320.51 ChipmunkTamias striatusSciuridae9.5961 Red squirrelTamiasciurus hudsonicusSciuridae9.82002 Guinea pigCavia porcellusCaviidae127282 DeguOctodon degusOctodontidae142351 Fox squirrelSciurus nigerSciuridae168001 ChinchillaChinchilla lanigeraChinchillidae17.2642.53 North American PorcupineErethizon dorsatumErethizontidae1886003 American BeaverCastor canadensisCastoridae23.4202503 Grey squirrelSciurus carolinensisSciuridae25.65331 Supplemental Table 1: List of rodent cell lines
Primate species Common Species NameLatin Species NameFamilyMLS (yrs)Weight (g)Number of Donors Common marmosetCallithrix jacchusCallitrichidae16.52551 Southern lesser bushbabyGalago moholiGalagonidae16.61751 Coquerel's mouse lemurMizra coquereliCheirogaleidae17.43111 Pygmy marmosetCallithrix pygmaeaCallitrichidae18.61241 Red-bellied lemurEulemur rubriventerLemuridae2017651 Red tamarinSaguinus midasCallitrichidae20.55011 L'Hoest's monkeyCercopithecus lhoestiCercopithecidae24.147001 Red titiCallicebus cupreusPitheciidae26.411201 Olive baboonPapio anubisCercopithecidae27.5240001 Common squirrel monkeySaimiri sciureusCebidae30.29251 VervetChlorocebus aethiopsCercopithecidae30.856204 Common woolly monkeyLagothrix lagotrichaCebidae3276501 Black & white ruffed lemurVarecia variegataLemuridae3636701 Hamadryas baboonPapio hamadryasCercopithecidae37.5180002 Rhesus macaqueMacaca mulattaCercopithecidae4082352 Red-capped mangabeyCercocebus torquatusCercopithecidae4694931 BonoboPan paniscusHominidae55399251 GorillaGorilla gorillaHominidae55.41398422 White-handed gibbonHylobatus larHylobatidae5668101 OrangutanPongo pygmaeusHominidae59644751 ChimpanzeePan troglodytesHominidae59.4449842 HumanHomo sapiensHominidae122.5620352 Supplemental Table 2: List of primate cell lines
Laurasiatheria species Common Species NameLatin Species NameOrderMLS (yrs)Weight (g)Number of Donors Northern Short-tailed ShrewBlarina brevicaudaSoricomorpha2.221.63 Yuma MyotisMyotis yumanensisChiroptera8.86.251 Fringed MyotisMyotis thysanodesChiroptera18.361 Desert lynxCaracal caracalCarnivora20.3160001 Big brown batMyotis lucifugusChiroptera19232 RaccoonProcyon lotorCarnivora2160002 Western Long-eared MyotisMyotis evotisChiroptera227.41 Wild SheepOvis ariesArtiodactyla22.8800002 White-tailed deerOdocoileus virginianusArtiodactyla23870001 CougarPuma concolorCarnivora23.4630001 Domestic dogCanis familiarisCarnivora24400001 OcelotLeopardus pardalisCarnivora28.2880001 BobcatLynx rufusCarnivora32.3940002 Little brown batEptesicus fuscusChiroptera34103 Supplemental Table 3: List of Laurasiatheria cell lines
Bird species Common Species NameLatin Species NameOrderMLS (yrs)Weight (g)Number of Donors Yellow-rump warblerDendroica coronataPasseriformes6.912 1 Horned larkEremophila alpestrisPasseriformes833.5 1 Carolina wrenThryothorus ludovicianusPasseriformes9.217.5 1 KilldeerCharadrius vociferusCharadriiformes10.988 1 House finchCarpodacus mexicanusPasseriformes11.621.4 1 Barn swallowHirundo rusticaPasseriformes1618.3 1 American robinTurdus migratoriusPasseriformes1775.5 1 Gray catbirdDumetella carolinensisPasseriformes17.934.5 1 GadwallAnas streperaAnseriformes22.3791 1 Wood duckAix sponsaAnseriformes22.5452.8 1 PheasantPhasianus colchicusGalliformes271095 1 MallardAnas platyrhynchosAnseriformes29.11,048 1 Mourning doveZenaida macrouraColumbiformes31.3119 1 Rock doveColumba liviaColumbiformes35358.7 1 OstrichStruthio camelusStruthioniformes50111,000 1 Supplemental Table 4: List of bird cell lines
Common Species NameLatin Species NameMLS (yrs)Corriell Cell Line Name Southern lesser bushbabyGalago moholi16.6PR00519 Coquerel's mouse lemurMizra coquereli17.4PR01044 Pygmy marmosetCallithrix pygmaea18.6PR00839 Red-bellied lemurEulemur rubriventer20PR00273 Red tamarinSaguinus midas20.5PR00550 Red titiCallicebus cupreus26.4PR00793 Olive baboonPapio anubis27.5PR00033 Common squirrel monkeySaimiri sciureus30.2PR00612 Common woolly monkeyLagothrix lagotricha32AG05356 Black & White ruffed lemurVarecia variegata36PR00293 Red-capped mangabeyCercocebus torquatus46PR00485 BonoboPan paniscus55PR00235 GorillaGorilla gorilla55.4PR00055PR00278 White-handed gibbonHylobatus lar56PR001131 OrangutanPongo pygmaeus59PR01107 ChimpanzeePan troglodytes59.4PR00175PR00115 HumanHomo sapiens122.5GM02937GM02912 Supplemental Table 5: List of cell lines obtained from Corriell cell repository
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