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Healthy Diet BMI Dietary Problems Cultural Differences with Diet.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Diet BMI Dietary Problems Cultural Differences with Diet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Diet BMI Dietary Problems Cultural Differences with Diet

2 In Pairs Discuss: What a healthy balanced diet consist of?

3 Healthy Balanced Diet Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Minerals and Vitamins Fibre Water What are their roles in the human body?

4 Think, Pair, Share What is metabolic rate? The rate at which all the chemical reactions in the cells of the body take place, it varies person to person Can be affected by: Proportion of muscle to fat in your body Exercise Inheritance

5 What is malnutrition?

6 A question of balance To maintain your weight Energy intake = energy output

7 Body Mass Index (BMI) Body Mass Index (BMI) measures the relative amounts of fat and muscle in the body. What is your BMI? BMI = body mass (kg) (height) 2 (m) underweight normal overweigh t obese <20 20-25 26-30 >30 BMIConclusion CelebrityHeight (m) Height 2 (m 2 ) Body Mass (kg) BMI

8 Traditional Diets In groups of 3 assess the traditional diet in one of the following countries: China, India, Africa, America, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Russia and Greece and produce a poster with information to present to the rest of the class You need to: Decide on the most suitable way to show the nutritional content of the diet in your country. L5 simple description, L6 appropriate diagrams e.g. pie charts, L7 further details of diet in comparison to other cultures

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