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Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) / Institut für Weltraumforschung (IWF), Graz, Austria, T +43/316/4120-400,

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Presentation on theme: "Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) / Institut für Weltraumforschung (IWF), Graz, Austria, T +43/316/4120-400,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) / Institut für Weltraumforschung (IWF), Graz, Austria, T +43/316/4120-400,, MMS  Four identical NASA satellites for 3D measurements in the Earth’s magnetosphere (launch: 2014)  IWF lead: satellite potential control; IWF contribution: electron beam instrument and magnetometer Resonance  Four Russian spacecraft exploring Earth’s magnetosphere (launch: 2015)  IWF contribution: calibration of electric field sensors BepiColombo  Magnetospheric (JAXA) and planetary orbiter (ESA) exploring Mercury (launch: 2016)  IWF lead: magnetometer; IWF contribution: mass spectrometer ElectroMagnetic Satellite  Chinese satellite studying Earth’s ionosphere (launch: 2016)  IWF lead: development of a scalar magnetometer InSight  NASA Mars lander for geophysical research (launch: 2016)  IWF contribution: heat flow and physical property package Solar Orbiter  ESA spacecraft studying Sun and heliosphere (launch: 2017)  IWF contribution: antenna calibration, wave processor, and magnetometer CHEOPS  ESA space telescope characterizing exoplanets (launch: 2017)  IWF contribution: onboard computer JUICE  ESA spacecraft studying Jupiter and three of its largest moons (launch: 2022)  IWF contribution: magneto- meter and antenna calibration GOCE  ESA satellite measuring the Earth’s gravity field (launch: 2009)  IWF contribution: algorithms for gravity field parameters JUNO  NASA mission dedicated to understand Jupiter’s origin and evolution (launch: 2011)  IWF contribution: antenna calibration Van Allen Probes  Two NASA spacecraft studying processes in the Earth’s radiation belts (launch: 2012)  IWF contribution: electric and magnetic field instruments Cassini  NASA orbiter exploring Saturn and its moons (launch: 1997)  IWF contribution: antenna calibration Cluster  Four ESA spacecraft investigating the Earth’s magnetosphere (launch: 2000)  IWF lead: satellite potential control; IWF contribution: magnetometer Rosetta  ESA orbiter and lander ex- ploring comet Churyumov- Gerasimenko (launch: 2004, arrival: 2014)  IWF lead: atomic force micro- scope; IWF contribution: mass spectrometer, penetra- tor, and magnetometers Venus Express  ESA satellite investigating Venus’ atmosphere and ionosphere (launch: 2005)  IWF lead: magnetometer; IWF contribution: ion spectrometer STEREO  Two NASA spacecraft observing the Sun (launch: 2006)  IWF contribution: antenna calibration In the area of instrument development the emphasis lies on magnetometers and onboard computers, antenna calibration and on satellite laser ranging. Presently, IWF is involved in seventeen active and future inter- national space missions. It collaborates with the European Space Agency (ESA), NASA, national space agencies in France, Japan, Russia, and China, with the Austrian space industry, and more than 120 research institutes worldwide. Missions in Preparation Missions in Orbit IWF Missions Rosetta (ESA/AOES) Victor Franz Hess Research Center (IWF/Fischer) THEMIS  Five NASA satellites explor- ing the origin of magnetic storms and auroral pheno- mena (launch: 2007)  IWF contribution: magneto- meter The Space Research Institute (Institut für Weltraumforschung, IWF) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ÖAW) in Graz focuses on  Earth’s gravity field  space plasma physics  solar system exploration with over 80 staff members from more than a dozen nationalities. Green Sunlight Aurora (NASA/Hugo Løhre MMS Cleanroom (ASRC Research and Technology/B. Lambert) GOCE (ESA/AOES) GOCE (ESA) JUICE (ESA/AOES)

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