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Carbon nanomaterials DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Gavin Lawes Wayne State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon nanomaterials DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Gavin Lawes Wayne State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon nanomaterials DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Gavin Lawes Wayne State University

2 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 1.Carbon structures 2. Carbon nanostructures 3. Potential applications for Carbon nanostructures Outline

3 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from Periodic table

4 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Electron (-) Proton (+) Neutron Carbon atom

5 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from amino group carboxylic acid group Carbon-based molecules are somewhat important for life on Earth… Amino acids

6 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Lecithin from Phospholipids

7 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Pentane from …and are also important for all industrial activity

8 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from s orbital p orbital Electron orbitals

9 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from Hybridization

10 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from from sp 3 hybridized C crystals

11 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from sp 2 hybridized C crystals

12 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from Graphite consists of layers of hexagonal Carbon sheets.

13 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 DiamondGraphite Electrical insulatorElectrical conductor* Very hardVery soft* TransparentOpaque ExpensiveCheap

14 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Nanoscale carbon structures

15 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from Buckminsterfullerene Molecule consisting of 60 C atoms sp 2 hybridized bonds Has 20 hexagons, 12 pentagons Other related structures have 70 or 84 C atoms

16 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from C 60 is named for Buckminster Fuller who designed geodesic domes.

17 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Original report of C 60

18 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Robert Curl, Sir Harold Kroto, Richard Smalley “for their discovery of fullerenes”. from

19 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from Carbon nanotubes Rolled up sheet of sp 2 bonded carbon atoms

20 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from Single walled carbon nanotube (single sheet of carbon atoms) Multiwalled carbon nanotube (several sheets of carbon atoms) Carbon nanotubes can be formed from a single sheet of C atoms or several sheets

21 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Carbon sheets can also be rolled up in different directions to give different types of nanotubes.

22 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from Electrical conductor Electrical insulator The properties of nanotubes depend on how they are rolled up

23 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Nanotube sizes also depend on how they are rolled up

24 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Graphene (single sp 2 bonded carbon sheet)

25 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from C atoms in hexagonal array

26 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 From Scale bar 0.2 nm

27 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov “for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene”. from

28 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Carbon nanostructures

29 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Why are carbon nanostructures interesting?

30 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Multiwall carbon nanotube breaking They are strong

31 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Silica fibres+MWCNT Multiwall carbon nanotube composite Mechanical properties can improve by 50% or more by adding carbon nanotubes.

32 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 10 nm Damascus sabre steel contains nanotubes Multiwalled carbon nanotubes found in 17 th century sword. These are formed during the synthesis and may have produced the very good mechanical properties.

33 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from They have good electrical properties

34 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from Carbon nanostructures may be used in new electronic devices

35 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Devices made with carbon nanotubes

36 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Carbon Nanotubes. Advanced Topics in the Synthesis, Structure, Properties and Applications, 455-93, 2008 Carbon nanotubes can be used for making electronic devices

37 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from Properties of graphene depend on the subtrate

38 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 From Geometry of graphene may also affect the properties

39 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Graphene may be used as a transparent electrode

40 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Carbon nanotube mechanical oscillator Force sensitivity of 1 fN Hz -1/2

41 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Graphene mechanical oscillator

42 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Carbon nanotubes may have biomedical applications Carbon nanotubes can be functionalized with different biologically relevant molecules.

43 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Cells incubated with functionalized carbon nanotubes

44 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Metal Semiconductor Energy Momentum Electronic bandgap

45 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 from The electronic bandgap for graphene looks like a pair of cones touching at their tips for certain positions (in momentum space). This leads to interesting electronic properties.

46 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Schrodinger Equation Dirac Equation (for massive particles) (for relativistic particles) E~p 2 E~p Appropriate for electrons in graphene

47 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 How do you make carbon nanotubes? 1. Carbon arc discharge. Hold two carbon (graphite) electrodes at some potential difference in a Helium atmosphere and bring the electrodes together. At some separation and arc will be produced, and carbon nanotubes will grow on the cathode. These will normally be multiwalled nanotubes, but single walled nanotubes can be grown by adding Ni, Fe, or Co to the cathode.

48 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 2. Laser ablation. Heat up a lump of graphite to ~1200 C in an Ar atmosphere, and then blast it with a laser. This can make single walled nanotubes if the graphite has a catalyst like Co or Ni included. 3. Catalytic growth. Heat up hydrocarbons (e.g. acetylene) to high temperatures and then let them settle on a substrate coated with a catalyst (Fe, Co, Ni). This will form either multiwalled nanotubes or single walled nanotubes depending on the growth conditions. How do you make graphene? Graphite and scotch tape.

49 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 Open problems 1. To be useful for devices, these carbon nanomaterials need to be prepared on and/or connected reliably to electrodes. 2. Since the properties of these nanomaterials depend strongly on structure (e.g. armchair vs zig-zag nanotubes), we need to have good control over these structural details. 3. Many unanswered physics questions remain, including the magnetism, superconductivity, and optical properties of these materials.

50 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 1. A number of carbon allotropes naturally form interesting nanostructures 2. These nanostructures have enormous potential in developing new electronic, optical, and nano-mechanical devices. Summary

51 DCMST June 2 nd, 2011 End

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