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CPEIR WORKSHOP GROUP 6 El Salvador, Honduras, Morocco and Poland.

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1 CPEIR WORKSHOP GROUP 6 El Salvador, Honduras, Morocco and Poland

2 Why would you want to do a CPEIR and how might you benefit? Avoid duplication of expenditures/ streamline investment (domestic, international) Identify expenditures (climate markers) / raise awareness about CC investment Improve effectiveness of use and allocation in a context of scarce resources Bridging levels of institutional spending (local, regional, national) Improve governance, coordination, communication at institutional level MRV purposes: benchmark, M&E, audit the internal expenditures Assess degree of integration of CC investment into planning process Identify investment gaps

3 What next steps are you taking to strengthen your policies and institutions to better manage climate change expenditures? Improve institutional coordination, establish mechanisms to effectively channel resources according to policy priorities Strengthen portfolio management: policy priorities, M&E, MRV of funds Develop direct access to CC funds to access a larger amount of $ and be accountable for it. Assessment of sectors not included in previous CPEIR assessments Define CC strategy that can guide public investment (e.g.: cost effective mitigation-GHG abatement cost curve, no regret adaptation measures) Budget reform process provides an opportunity to mainstream CC (E.g.: Morocco: Streamline “especial accounts” vs establishment of “National Climate Fund”?) Strengthen the budget programming Promote regional exchange on climate finance effectiveness lessons learned Tailor CC finance instruments to needs of actors that are delihvering on CC Promote low cost instruments and mobilize private finance trough incentives

4 What are your 3-4 priority areas for further support to strengthen the management of climate change expenditures? Modeling climate change to facilitate policy response. Analytical tools to assist decisions making at macro level (cost of adaptation/inaction, employment, etc.) Definitions, indicators, makers for CC investment Establishment of coordination mechanisms and strengthen institutional setting. Technical/financial support to perform CPEIR Development of cross-sector policy and empower the leading institution Mechanisms to align domestic, external and private investments. Further support for peer learning, S/S collaboration, regional exchange Engagement of other key actors for CC action: Academia, CSO and private sector Support to develop MRV systems.

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