Archived Information About the KU-CRL Founded in 1978 Mission: Dramatically improve the performance of at-risk students through research-based interventions.

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Presentation on theme: "Archived Information About the KU-CRL Founded in 1978 Mission: Dramatically improve the performance of at-risk students through research-based interventions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Archived Information

3 About the KU-CRL Founded in 1978 Mission: Dramatically improve the performance of at-risk students through research-based interventions $60 million dollars of contracted R&D International Professional Development Network Over 175,000 teachers in 3,500 school districts

4 What is the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) ?

5 The Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) is an integrated model of research- validated practices to address many of the needs of diverse learners, primarily focused on adolescents. It has been under development for 25 + years at the University of Kansas-Center for Research on Learning. CRL

6 Responding to the Challenges NCLB –Adequate Yearly Progress –Scientifically-based practices IDEA –Specialized instruction

7 The Performance Gap Years in School Skills Demands /

8 The Performance Gap Years in School Skills Demands /

9 Learning Strategies Curriculum Content Enhancement Routines Cooperative Thinking Strategies Teaming & Problem Solving Strategies Community Building Strategies Possible Selves Learning Expressways Self Advocacy Strategy

10 Strategic Instruction Model Learning Strategies Curriculum CRL

11 Learning Strategies Curriculum Acquisition Word Identification Paraphrasing Self-Questioning Visual Imagery Interpreting Visuals Multipass Storage First-Letter Mnemonic Paired Associates Listening/Notetaking LINCS Vocabulary Expression of Competence Sentences Paragraphs Error Monitoring Themes Assignment Completion Test-Taking

12 Self-Questioning A ttend to clues as you read S ay some questions K eep predictions in mind I dentify the answer T alk about the answers

13 Strategic Instruction Model CRL Content Enhancement Routines

14 Content Enhancement Teaching Routines Planning and Leading Learning Course Organizer Unit Organizer Lesson Organizer Explaining Text, Topics, and Details Framing Routine Survey Routine Clarifying Routine Teaching Concepts Concept Mastery Routine Concept Anchoring Routine Concept Comparison Routine Increasing Performance Quality Assignment Routine Question Exploration Routine Recall Enhancement Routine



17 To really create social change, many people have to be organized, outspoken, and persistent! Progressive Era Unsafe food Monopolies Limited voting rights Unsafe and unfair working conditions Muckrakers wrote about problems Bully pulpits forced new laws Demonstrators created public pressure Activists organized protests Meat Inspection Act Anti- trust Act Voting rights expanded Commerce and Labor Departments Tools for Social Change Social Changes The FRAME Routine Key Topic Main idea is about… So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) Essential details Main idea Essential details Main idea a period of social change in the U. S. Social Problems

18 What is the Content Literacy Continuum (CLC) ?

19 The listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and strategies necessary to learn in each of the academic disciplines.

20 is the door to content acquisition.

21 . CLC- A Continuum of Action Level 1: Ensure mastery of critical content. Level 2: Weave shared strategies across classes. Level 3: Support mastery of shared strategies for targeted strategies. Level 4: Provide more intensive intervention for those who need work on basic literacy elements. Level 5: Deliver more intensive clinical options for those who need it.

22 Enhanced Content Instruction Level 1

23 Enhanced Content Instruction Level 1 Goal: Mastery of critical content for all regardless of literacy levels. Primary tools: Content Enhancement Routines.

24 Content Enhancement Teaching Routines Planning and Leading Learning Course Organizer Unit Organizer Lesson Organizer Explaining Text, Topics, and Details Framing Routine Survey Routine Clarifying Routine LINCS Vocabulary Routine Teaching Concepts Concept Mastery Routine Concept Anchoring Routine Concept Comparison Routine Increasing Performance Quality Assignment Routine Question Exploration Routine Recall Enhancement Routine

25 Exploration and Building of PRIOR KNOWLEDGE through interactive development of key word list.

26 Embedded Strategy Instruction Level 2 Goal: Use of strategies routinely across classes. Primary tools: Learning Strategies Curriculum taught explicitly but with adaptations to the 8-stage instructional sequence.

27 Learning Strategies Curriculum Acquisition Word Identification Paraphrasing Self-Questioning Visual Imagery Interpreting Visuals Multipass Storage First-Letter Mnemonic Paired Associates Listening/Notetaki ng LINCS Vocabulary Expression of Competence Sentence Writing Paragraph Writing Error Monitoring Theme Writing Assignment Completion Test-Taking

28 Self-Questioning A ttend to clues as you read S ay some questions K eep predictions in mind I dentify the answer T alk about the answers

29 Large Group Instruction Learn by Watching (I Do It!) Review the steps of the strategy Explain how it will help them learn Specify what they need to do Think out loud Problem solve Attack the challenge in different ways Address errors from previous day’s work

30 Ask for strategy steps Ask students to explain how they’re thinking Shape student responses Encourage students with authentic praise Evaluate student understanding Re-instruct if necessary Large Group Instruction Learn by Sharing (We Do It!)

31 Self-Questioning-2001 n= 133 7th Grade Science Class: Growth Scores

32 Paragraph Writing-2001 Paragraph Scores n=147 7th Grade Language Arts Implementation

33 State Writing Assessment

34 Intensive Strategy Instruction Level 3 Goal: Mastery of specific learning strategies. Primary tools: Learning Strategies Curriculum taught explicitly and intensively with the 8-stage instructional sequence; Strategic Tutoring done individually.

35 Self-Questioning A ttend to clues as you read S ay some questions K eep predictions in mind I dentify the answer T alk about the answers

36 Eight Stage Instructional Process 1. Pretest and Make Commitments 2. Describe 3. Model 4. Verbal Practice 5. Controlled Practice 6. Advanced Practice 7. Posttest and Make Commitments 8. Generalization Daily instruction for 6 to 8 weeks in each strategy.

37 Strategic Tutoring Usually one-to-one instruction With a highly skilled instructor Who assesses, constructs, weaves, and plans for transfer using Strategies for learning how to learn While helping youth complete class assignments

38 Level 4 Basic Skill Instruction for Those Below a 4th Grade Level Goal: Fundamental literacy skills at least at the 4 th grade level. Primary tools: Research-validated programs in decoding, fluency and comprehension skills and strategies

39 Level 4 Reading Approaches Corrective Reading Language! Wilson Reading Orton-Gillingham

40 Level 4 Delivery Structures Pullout programs Labs Courses Before or after school tutoring

41 Therapeutic Intervention Level 5 Goal: Mastery of the language underpinnings of curriculum content and learning strategies. Primary tools: Tools and procedures used at the other levels enriched with Curriculum-Relevant Therapy.

42 Curriculum-relevant therapy Curriculum-relevant therapy is a kind of intervention that engages adolescents in meaningful, relevant, results oriented work, leading to academic success. The Speech-Language Pathologist Provides Curriculum-Relevant Therapy Practice Principles: 1. Intervention provided by the SLP should be therapeutic, or clinical, in nature. 2. Intervention should relate directly to what students have to learn in school.

43 How these services might be delivered: A regularly-scheduled “therapy” class as an elective. Co-teaching with other special service providers. Working with students in a communication, reading or writing lab.

44 Cross-Level Practices Shared Responsibility/Collaboration SMARTER Planning Delivery Options A variety of models and schedules (e.g. during the school day; outside of the school day)

45 Cross-Level Practices Shared Tools (e.g. Content Enhancement devices STRUCTURE Your Reading Self-Advocacy Cooperative Thinking Possible Selves Community Building Surface Counseling Learning Expressways

46 Research Validated Instruction Effective Delivery Systems Administrative Support Sustained Professional Development ++ +

47 CLC Adoption: What is involved? Exploring Stage  Awareness level activities, Introduction to the CLC and Gauging Interest and Ability to Commit Planning Stage  Evaluation of Student Data, Staff Interviews, Creation of Professional Development Plans Implementing Stage  Ongoing PD & Support, Role-Specific Implementation, Site-Based PD Planning, Student Performance Evaluation Sustaining Stage  Refine & Enrich Accomplishments, Institutionalize, New Teacher Preparation

48 CLC Professional Development How do we plan and implement professional development for CLC success?

49 Professional Development Phases Learn It Do It Refine It Use It

50 Research Validated Instruction Effective Delivery Systems Administrative Support Sustained Professional Development ++ +

51 What Can the Content Literacy Continuum Do for High Schools?

52 Addresses, national state, and district priorities in literacy.

53 Content: Rigorous academic standards

54 Provides an organized approach to implementing IDEA while meeting the needs of other learners, consistent with No Child Left Behind provisions. It’s a good idea!

55 Provides for different levels of intervention.

56 Focuses on change at the school level.

57 Is conceptualized as part of the school improvement process. Dovetails with requirements most states have for school improvement plans.

58 Represents a structured, systematic effort to package research validated literacy practices. SIM +

59 Allows flexibility in implementation– starting places may differ depending on where people are and what is going on at the school.

60 Reorients professional development efforts toward a content literacy team, not just individual teachers using validated practices.

61 Helps professionals differentiate complementary roles.

62 www.kucrl.or g

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