ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY Program Review Lori Heymans & Paul Chanley Spring 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY Program Review Lori Heymans & Paul Chanley Spring 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY Program Review Lori Heymans & Paul Chanley Spring 2007

2 Electronic Technology Program Mission The ET Program prepares students for careers in the field of electronic technology and/or pursuit of further study at four-year institutions. Aligns with NECC mission by providing an affordable occupational course of study. Program graduates earn an Associate Degree in Science, (ASET).

3 Electronic Technology Program Occupations Electronic/Electrical Engineering Technicians: Help design, develop, test and manufacture electronic and electrical equipment. Solve technical problems in research and development, manufacturing, sales, construction, inspection and maintenance. Median annual earnings, $46K Electronic Technician: Install, repair and maintain electrical and electronic equipment and devices. Median annual earnings, $40K.

4 PROGRAM STRENGTHS Electronic Technology

5 Electronic Technology Program Strengths Course Sequence and Content: The course work required achieves an associate degree. Critical thinking, problem solving and “hands-on” lab work are the major focus. Students build confidence in their skills as they progress through the program.

6 Electronic Technology Program Strengths Course Sequence and Content (cont.): Co-op work experience opportunities are available. Graduates are well prepared for full-time employment. Graduates gain the skills and knowledge to continue their education. Graduates are prepared to pursue life-long learning.

7 Electronic Technology Program Strengths Lab Equipment and Classroom Environment: Program has state-of-the-art classroom and laboratory. Instructors offer multiple avenues to engage the students in learning. This high tech and “hands-on” environment is a differentiator.

8 Electronic Technology Program Strengths For example, analyzing an electronic circuit can be approached through: 1.White board presentation and problem solving sessions. 2.Circuit software simulation by instructor, team or individual. 3.Prototype and analyze circuit using rack-mounted electronic lab equipment. 4.Instruction, reflection and discussion during power point presentation.

9 Electronic Technology Program Strengths Faculty: Professional, diverse and dynamic group of instructors who share and collaborate on ideas to improve the program. Understand needs and stresses of students. Teaching experience is vast in years, with a good mix of ages among the faculty.

10 Electronic Technology Program Strengths Faculty (Cont): Stay current in technology and new approaches to student engagement through workshops and conferences. Provide technical and applied mathematic workshops for high and middle school science, technology and math teachers. Publish and present academic papers for American Society of Engineering Educators (ASEE).

11 Electronic Technology Program Strengths Articulation Agreements with Local High Schools: Established articulation agreements between NECC Electronic Technology Program and ten high schools in the Greater Merrimack Valley. Secured 18 credit articulation agreement between NECC and Whittier Technical High School, (May 2007). Developed Applied Technical Math articulation agreement between NECC and Haverhill and Methuen High Schools, (May 2007).

12 Electronic Technology Program Strengths Collaborative Partnerships: Faculty serve on advisory boards: Merrimack College’s Electrical/Computer Engineering Northeastern University’s Engineering Technology Middlesex Community College Whittier Technical High School Massachusetts Department of Workforce Development MVOTEC Museum of Science: PowerUp, (July 2004-present) Museum of Science: ATLAS, (July 2007)

13 Electronic Technology Program Strengths Collaborative Partnerships (cont.): Massachusetts Department of Education: Summer Content Institutes, (2006 and 2007) Northeastern University RET Program Nanotechnology, (2006) NECC Electronic Technology Advisory Board

14 PROGRAM CHALLENGES Electronic Technology

15 Electronic Technology Program Challenges Student Enrollment: Lucent Technology was a great recruiting center. Robust training program for the workforce, (1998-2003). Robust training program for the workforce, (1998-2003). Displaced workers enrolled in ET with the support of government grants, (2003-2005). Displaced workers enrolled in ET with the support of government grants, (2003-2005). Solid recruiting/marketing plan needs to be established and implemented to attract more students.

16 Electronic Technology Program Challenges Student Enrollment (cont.): Current marketing and recruiting efforts: Workshops for local high and middle school teachers Workshops for local high and middle school teachers Articulation agreements with local high schools Articulation agreements with local high schools Visits to local high schools Visits to local high schools Technology Day at NECC Technology Day at NECC Activities need to be expanded and supported by additional marketing and financial resources. “Best Practices in Student Recruitment” has been developed; needs resources behind it.

17 Electronic Technology Program Challenges Faculty: Several upper courses taught by senior DCE, (retired full-time faculty). A plan is necessary to reduce the level of dependency on the senior DCE faculty. Infuse new and current instructors into the upper-level courses. Utilize senior DCE members as mentors, while the senior members are still teaching at NECC. Level of urgency high.

18 PROGRAM SUMMARY Electronic Technology

19 Electronic Technology Program Summary Strong Job Outlook with Good Pay Solid Course Sequence and Content State-of-the-Art Classroom and Lab Equipment Experienced, Dedicated Faculty Great Relationships with Collaborative Partners: Four-Year Institutions, Local High Schools and Industry No other Community College in the Greater Boston area offer what we do in ET Differentiator for NECC

20 Electronic Technology Program Summary Key Action Items: Market the program aggressively to increase student enrollment. Maintain quality of high-tech, hands-on teaching through continuous improvement in course content, partnerships and equipment. Expand job placement and internship/co-op assistance for students.

21 Electronic Technology Program Summary How does the Electronic Technology Program get it all done with two full-time faculty -- Lori and Paul?


23 Program Review Comments Program Review Comments Program review requires a large amount of work over time; needs review of faculty reassignment time. Current model needs to change. " The Program” should be the customer. Data should be evaluated and reports given to the PR project leader. Workload should be distributed throughout the college. For example: Where were Enrollment Services, Financial Aid, Learning Accommodation inputs to the Review?

24 Program Review Comments The Program Review is a way to reflect more holistically on program strengths, challenges and opportunities.

25 Program Review Comments Thank You: Ellen Wentland Joanne Ronsivalli Ken Langer Ginny Anderson and Our Department for The Support

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