Mrs. Newsome’s Pre-K Class Literacy Development Math Concepts News & Weekly Learning Modules Who is Mrs. Newsome?

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1 Mrs. Newsome’s Pre-K Class Literacy Development Math Concepts News & Weekly Learning Modules Who is Mrs. Newsome?

2 Literacy Development Goals for Pre-K Domains on KISD Report Card: Domain 2: Language/ Communication Skills Retell a story Engage in daily conversation with others Follows directions in daily routines Domain 3: Reading Skills Engage in pre-reading activities for a minimum of 5- 20 minutes Identify words that rhyme in a read aloud book written in rhyme Name letters (upper and lower case) in a variety of print Sort objects by a given sound (ex: beginning, ending) Ask and answer questions regarding the story or information in the text Domain 4: Writing Skills Write first name by memory Write about a given topic (make symbols on a page to convey print) Information provided from the Texas Educator Agency: “The literacy experiences provided during the prekindergarten year form the basis for learning to read. Children develop the understanding of the everyday functions of print, gain the motivation to want to learn to read and appreciation of different forms of literacy, from nonfiction and fiction books, to poems, songs, and nursery rhymes, by being read to and interacting with stories and print.” – TEA PK Guidelines Practice! Practice! Practice! Home Practice Ideas Any literacy learning game (electronic or not) HOME

3 Math Concepts Goals for Pre-K Domain 5: Math Skills Touches and counts objects to 10 (1 to 1 correspondence) Organizes objects with common attributes and explains why. (Sort) Recognizes and creates patterns. (AB, AABB, ABC) Route count to 30 Identify shapes. (circle, square, rectangle, rhombus, oval, star, crescent, octagon, hexagon.) Try This…Why? Count everywhere! Counting is a pattern. Once a child can count to 30 getting even higher comes quickly. Count objects (meatballs on spaghetti, letters in name, cars in the driveway, people in the house) Learn 1 to 1 correspondence. (1 thing to 1 number.) When starting this touch what you are counting. Sort things, anything! (boys and girls in the house, shorts and pants, a dresser is a great use for sorting clothes, objects by color or shape Learn that many things can be classified (many different ways to classify) Make patterns with any object Patterns can be found in so many places, our calendar, weather, moon, seasons, etc. HOME

4 News & Weekly Learning Modules News & Reminders February 4 th - McDonalds night (Rufe Snow & 1709) from 5-7 pm 13 th - 100 th day of school (don’t forget your project!) *Parade 10:15 & 2:30* 14 th – Valentine’s Parties Please bring 22 Valentines with only the from name on them so we can pass them out easier. AM- 10:00- 10:30 PM- 2:15- 2:45 17 th - Bad Weather Make-up Day. Regular school schedule 27 th – Open House (More information to come) Weekly Learning FebUnitNew Stuff 3-7Seasons & Weather #13, introduce word problems, pink, heart, SW: like WF:-ap 10-14Earth & Space#14, black, hexagon, SW: a WF: -ap 17-21Earth & Space#15, white, octagon, SW: all, WF: -at 24-28Dinosaurs#16, Concept of first, next & last grey, SW: see WF:-at HOME

5 Who Is Mrs. Newsome? My mission, as a teacher, is to enhance learning by developing cognitive skills and personal development within each student as I challenge myself by striving to be as prepared and knowledgeable as I can on a daily basis. Crystal Newsome Teaching at the Keller Early Learning Center since 2013 (with years of working with children prior) Graduate of the University of North Texas with a Bachelor’s degree in Early childhood – Grade 6 with an ESL Certification Currently working towards a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Development with a concentration in Reading Specialist Stay in touch! Let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you! Room Number: (817)- 744-6778 * School Number: (817)-744-6700 * conference time: 11:00-11:30 HOME

6 Home Practice Ideas Practicing at home will assist in transferring new concepts and ideas to your students everyday vocabulary and knowledge. * The last two suggestions are focused on mostly in the second semester, after other skills have been introduced and practiced. HOME

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