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The Gospel Of Heaven the hope which is laid up for you in heaven Colossians 1:5.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gospel Of Heaven the hope which is laid up for you in heaven Colossians 1:5."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gospel Of Heaven the hope which is laid up for you in heaven Colossians 1:5

2 Our hope promised... 1. 1.Laid up for us in heaven Co 1:5; Jn 14:1-3 2. 2.An inheritance reserved in heaven 1Pe 1:3-4; Mt 25:34 3. 3.A heavenly city, yet to come He 11:10,16; 13:14 4. 4.New heavens and a new earth 2Pe 3:10-14 5. 5.New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven Re 3:12 The Gospel Of Heaven

3 Our hope realized... 1. 1.New heavens and a new earth Re 21:1 2. 2.New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven Re 21:2 3. 3.God dwelling with His people Re 21:3 4. 4.No tears, death, sorrow, crying Re 21:4 5. 5.All things made new for overcomers Re 21:5-8 The Gospel Of Heaven

4 Our hope described... 1. 1.New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven Re 21:9-10 2. 2.Having the glory of God, clear as crystal Re 21:11 3. 3.High wall, 12 gates, 12 foundations Re 21:12-14 4. 4.City 1500 miles cubed, wall 216 feet high Re 21:15-17 5. 5.Wall of jasper, city of gold, foundations of precious gems, gates of pearl, streets of gold Re 21:18-21 The Gospel Of Heaven

5 Our hope described (cont.)... 6. 6.God & the Lamb are the temple, the light Re 21:22-23 7. 7.The saved shall walk in the light, the kings bring their glory and that of the nations into it Re 21:24-26 8. 8.Only for those in the Lambs Book of Life Re 21:27 9. 9.With the water of life and tree of life Re 22:1-2 10. 10.Gods servants will serve and reign forever Re 22:3-5 The Gospel Of Heaven

6 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. ~ Revelation 22:14

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