Welcome to… Oak Ridge Reformed Baptist August 12 th, 2007.

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1 Welcome to… Oak Ridge Reformed Baptist August 12 th, 2007

2 Evangelism Training I Peter 3:15 But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence. II Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. TELL THE TRUTH THE GOOD NEWS Oak Ridge Reformed Baptist 5 Week Evangelism Seminar Summer 2007

3 Course Schedule Week 4, July 30 th The Good News is because of SIN The Truth Concerning Man The Use of the Law in Evangelism What Did Jesus Do? – Video Presentation The good news is in JESUS CHRIST The good news is ours by GRACE through FAITH The good news joins us TOGETHER The Gospel and the Church Homework: Using the Law in Evangelism

4 WEEK THREE Homework Check Who is God? “That’s My King!”

5 The Good News is because of Sin A. W hy is this part of the outline? The good news IS because of sin People must understand their need for Christ Repentance from and forgiveness of sin is inherent in the message B. H ow does it fit? Typical transition: “unlike God, people are not holy by nature” Demonstrate the contrast between God and YOU Demonstrate the hopeless condition YOU are in C. H ow do I share it? Without fear – God’s testimony about man Make it Personal Not to make them feel unworthy of you, but unworthy of God

6 The Truth Concerning Man Three Myths about Man… The Myth of Inalienable Rights The Myth of Human Goodness The Myth of My Free Will

7 It is a tutor to bring us to Christ – Gal 3:24 It is a tutor to bring us to Christ – Gal 3:24 Video Presentation - WDJD Video Presentation - WDJD The Use of the Law in Evangelism

8 The Good News is IN Jesus Christ A. W hy is this part of the outline? Salvation is INCLUSIVE – Rom 10:9-13 Salvation is EXCLUSIVE – John 14:6, Acts 4:12 The Gift of eternal life is in Him – Rom 6:23 He is the One before whom every knee will bow – Phil 2:9-11 The cross is central to the gospel – I Cor 1:17-18,22-24, Gal 6:14 Illustration: John MacArthur on Larry King Live… B. H ow does it fit? Typical transition: “though our efforts fail, God does not fail” Jesus Christ is the only remedy for your sin! C. H ow do I share it? Don’t give the impression that Christ is a theory! He is real! God-Centered. Christ is willing to accept and forgive us Not US deciding if Christ is good enough for our taste!

9 The Good News is ours by Grace through Faith A. W hy is this part of the outline? Christiainity is more than knowledge Faith is the means by which God saves us – gift from Him Eph 2:8-9 Faith involves the mind, heart, and will… Heb 11 B. H ow does it fit? Typical transition: “not everyone will be saved by Jesus Christ” A call to repent in light of who God is, our sin, and Jesus’ work! C. H ow do I share it? Not just information – God is calling sinners to repent and believe! Plead with the person to count the cost…

10 The Good News Joins Us Together A. W hy is this part of the outline? The moment we are saved inwardly, we begin to change outwardly Salvation makes us a community – the body of Christ Salvation health requires us seek the Lord together – Heb 10:24-25 B. H ow does it fit? Make Clear that we are not saved by joining a church Appropriate to call for response before or after explaining this! C. H ow do I share it? Joyfully! With an invitation – “come join our church and identify w/ Christ” Accurately – our church is not the only place of worship – but a good option!

11 The Gospel and the Church A. I ntroduction to the Church God is saving a people, not just a bunch of individuals All believers are to contribute to the growth and health of the church Scriptures: I Pet 2:9-10, Titus 2:11-14, Eph 4:11-16 B. B aptism and Membership are right on the heals of the Gospel Matt 28:18-20 Acts 2:38, 44-47

12 Homework: Work on Memorizing the 10 Commandments Work on Memorizing the 10 Commandments Endeavor to use them in at least one discussion with a lost person this week. Endeavor to use them in at least one discussion with a lost person this week.

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