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Teacher Engagement Survey 2014

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1 Teacher Engagement Survey 2014
Henry County Public Schools April 22 – May 9, 2014

2 Overview Engagement is the sense of connection that individuals have with their profession in general and with their current jobs in particular. Several factors at individual school sites affect a teacher’s level of engagement, including aspects of the working environment such as relationships with school administration, colleagues, students and parents; the physical work environment; feeling of personal safety; policy considerations and implementation; support for personal development and growth; prior preparation; perceptions of personal relevance; and satisfaction. This study was conducted to accomplish three goals: Measure the level of engagement among school-based staff Identify which groups of school based staff are engaged or not engaged Identify areas where engagement can be improved

3 Study Design School-based staff were invited to complete the Engagement Survey via with a unique link. The survey consisted of three parts: Engagement Scale was comprised of eight items that were specifically designed to measure each staff member’s level of engagement. Based on the average of these items, an “Engagement Score” was computed for each school-based staff. Scores were classified as Not Engaged (less than 3.5), Engaged (3.5 to 4.5) and Highly Engaged (4.5 to 5.0). Engagement Drivers measure a range of factors within the school environment that may impact engagement. The items are organized into several dimensions: Shared Values Leadership Communication Feedback and Recognition Work Environment Career Growth and Training Opportunities Additional Questions gathered information about morale, technology use and participant demographics.

4 Technical Notes This study was conducted as a census survey. That is, all school-based staff were invited and encouraged to participate, thereby giving all school-based staff members an opportunity to express their views. If all school-based staff participate, a complete picture of engagement results and survey data will be highly accurate. The response rate for the survey was 85%.

5 Engagement Survey Structure
Three sections to the survey – engagement questions (8 items), engagement drivers and demographic items.

6 Participation

7 Participant Details: Years of Experience in HCPS
How many years have you been working for the division? (N=601)

8 Participant Details: Position Type
Please select the description that best describes your current position. (N=611)

9 Participation: Race/Ethnicity and Gender
Gender? (N = 611) What is your race/ethnicity? (N=611)

10 Engagement

11 Calculating and Classifying Engagement Scores

12 Engagement Items The eight engagement items were rated on a five-point scale from Strongly Agree (5) to Strongly Disagree (1). Average ratings are displayed. (N=610)

13 Engagement Items (Continued)
Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

14 Overall Engagement

15 Engagement Drivers

16 Driver Dimension Calculations

17 Dimension Drivers

18 Shared Values Drivers Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

19 Leadership Drivers Thinking about your workplace office, department or school, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

20 Communication Drivers
Thinking about your workplace office, department or school, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

21 Feedback and Recognition Drivers
Thinking about your workplace office, department or school, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

22 Work Environment Drivers
Thinking about your workplace office, department or school, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

23 Career Growth and Training Opportunities Drivers
Thinking about your workplace office, department or school, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

24 Where to Focus Efforts to Increase Engagement?

25 Where to Focus Efforts to Increase Engagement?
Survey items (engagement drivers) examined aspects of the school/workplace environment to identify focus areas to help improve engagement. Each driver was rated on a five-point scale, with higher values indicating a stronger level of agreement. The relationship between each employee’s driver rating and his/her overall engagement score was analyzed. Correlation coefficients were computed between the engagement scores and each school/workplace driver. A correlation coefficient is a measure of how strongly two items are related. The value can range from -1.0 to 0 to The closer to ±1.0, the stronger the relationship. Based on the combination of driver ratings and engagement correlations, the drivers were classified as high vs. low in ratings and strong vs. weak in correlation to engagement. The categorization is based on a median correlation to engagement of Those drivers that scored low, but had a high (strong) correlation with engagement (red), should receive primary focus. The secondary area contains drivers that had high ratings and a strong correlation with engagement (yellow). Correlation To Engagement Strong Weak Driver Rating Low Primary Focus High Secondary Focus

26 Where to Focus Efforts to Increase Teacher Engagement? (Continued)
Correlation to Engagement Strong Weak Rating Low Best Opportunity - Gain These items are highly related to engagement, but were rated low. These items offer the best opportunity for improving engagement. Improvement in these items may help with the overall school environment, but would have little impact on engagement. High Best Opportunity - Maintain These items are highly related to Engagement, and were rated favorably. Emphasis on these items may help improve engagement among some staff. District/School is performing well with these items.

27 Best Opportunity for Gain for HCPS
Driver Rating Correlation to Engagement The division office expects all employees to share ideas to improve performance. 3.83 0.58 I feel comfortable sharing ideas and opinions with my principal or direct supervisor. 0.61 The actions of my principal or direct supervisor are consistent with his/her words. 3.82 Division office administrators make good decisions overall. 3.71 0.60 Division office administrators' actions are consistent with their words. 3.65 Division office administrators understand my needs as an employee. 3.44 0.64 I believe I can influence decisions at my school or department. 3.45 0.57 I receive recognition for my accomplishments. I am encouraged and expected to give feedback to improve my school or department. 3.58 0.62 I feel appreciated for the work I do. 3.40 0.66 Relation To Engagement Strong Weak Rating Low Primary Focus High Secondary Focus Median Driver Rating 3.85 Correlation To Engagement 0.56

28 Best Opportunity to Maintain for HCPS
Driver Rating Correlation to Engagement My principal or direct supervisor encourages me to always do my best. 4.20 0.63 Meeting the needs of students is one of the division’s top priorities. 4.18 0.58 My principal or direct supervisor has strong management skills. 3.87 0.60 I enjoy the professional relationship I have with my principal or direct supervisor. 3.93 0.62 I can count on the support of my principal or direct supervisor when addressing problems or issues. 3.91 I trust my principal or direct supervisor to make good decisions for students. 4.03 0.59 My principal or direct supervisor clearly communicates his/her expectations of my job performance. 4.05 My principal or direct supervisor is willing to listen to new ideas. 3.89 My principal or direct supervisor creates a professional work environment. My principal or direct supervisor allows me to make decisions about how to do my work. 4.02 My principal or direct supervisor implements policies fairly at my school or department. Correlation To Engagement Strong Weak Driver Rating Low Primary Focus High Secondary Focus Median Driver Rating 3.85 Correlation To Engagement 0.56

29 Low Rating, Weak Correlation
Driver Rating Correlation to Engagement The division office clearly explains how key decisions are made. 3.40 0.52 The division office clearly explains the reasons behind decisions on key issues. 3.36 0.51 The division office actively seeks input from a diverse group of employees regarding decisions that affect staff. 3.41 0.53 The division recognizes employees for their quality work and accomplishments. 3.64 0.49 The division evaluation tool used to assess my work performance is helpful. 3.37 My principal or direct supervisor regularly gives me constructive feedback to improve my work performance. 3.74 Staff members are recognized for good performance at my work site. 3.56 I believe work is distributed fairly at my school or department. 3.67 0.50 I work in an atmosphere where there is mutual respect among all staff. 3.69 Training offered by the division helps me to be effective in my job. 3.81 0.48 There are leadership opportunities for me within my school or department. 3.61 Correlation To Engagement Strong Weak Driver Rating Low Primary Focus High Secondary Focus Median Rating 3.85 Rating To Engagement 0.56

30 High Rating, Weak Correlation
Driver Rating Correlation to Engagement Employees of this division are professional and courteous when working with parents, students and colleagues. 4.19 0.45 Division office administrators have high expectations for all staff. 4.32 0.52 The division office provides clear direction and expectations to employees. 3.93 0.53 My principal or direct supervisor effectively communicates important issues that affect me. 3.87 0.54 I know where to go within the division to get information that I need. 0.48 My principal or direct supervisor encourages collaboration within and across teams at my school or department. The division encourages continued education and professional growth. 4.31 0.47 I have the education and training I need to perform my best work at the division. 0.32 The division office provides professional development that supports division initiatives. 3.92 0.44 My principal or direct supervisor identifies opportunities for my professional growth and improvement. 3.91 0.50 Correlation To Engagement Strong Weak Rating Low Primary Focus High Secondary Focus Median Rating 3.85 Rating To Engagement 0.56

31 Engagement by Employee Category

32 Engagement by Race/Ethnicity

33 Engagement by Teachers and Non-Teachers

34 Engagement by Gender

35 Engagement and Morale Engagement by Morale
Overall, how do you feel as an employee in a public school system?

36 Additional Questions

37 Suggestions for HCPS Please share suggestions of how the division can make you feel better about working in Henry County. The following suggestions were provided by staff (N = 254): Build upon and sustain the current progress and success of the division. Modify the current salary scale and pay step requirements. When communicating with parents, always support staff. Some respondents report not feeling supported when leadership addresses parent concerns. Communicate more clearly the expectations regarding state requirements to ease staff concerns related to SOL testing and performance evaluations. Better align professional development with the duties and requirements of current jobs. Remind administrators to offer consistent praise and constructive feedback for all staff members. Notes: Analysis procedure: 10% of randomized open-ended responses were analyzed for common themes. Common themes are listed from most to least recurrent.

38 Technology How strongly do you agree or disagree with each statement?

39 Professional Development
Select the areas below in which you need additional support RIGHT NOW to teach your students effectively. Number of Responses (N) Response Rate (%) No professional development needed at this time 142 27% Managing student discipline/behavior 118 22% Using technology as a tool for learning 81 15% Academically Gifted Students 74 14% Special Education 67 13% English Language Learners 57 11% Differentiating for individual student needs 56 Using Thinking Maps in the classroom 55 10% Other (e.g., working with parents, identifying abuse , students with disabilities, stress management, Smart Board, Additional time) 53 Classroom management/organization 50 9% Using the Rigor Relevance Framework for Effective Instruction 48 Creating and administering formative assessments 46 Student assessment 38 7% Dealing with crises in the classroom 37 Understanding of cultural or ethnic differences Small group instruction 36

40 Conclusions Themes Next Steps Staff participation was relatively high.
Managing student discipline/behavior and using technology as a tool for learning were among the top Professional Development needs identified by staff. Necessary improvement efforts are related to items associated with leadership, communication, feedback and recognition. Share data with principals at June retreat. Share results with School Board members at July retreat. Publicly share results with all staff on the division’s YourVoice website.


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