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Scratch Art Steps. Step 1 Make Thumbnail sketches Make several small Sketches to come up with an idea for your design.

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Presentation on theme: "Scratch Art Steps. Step 1 Make Thumbnail sketches Make several small Sketches to come up with an idea for your design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scratch Art Steps

2 Step 1 Make Thumbnail sketches Make several small Sketches to come up with an idea for your design

3 Step 2 Do a rough draft 5” x 8” paper size figure out exactly how you want your design to look and draw it out.

4 Step 3 Show it to someone- Classmate- Teacher – Parent- Friend Ask for feedback - Ask “Could I do something to improve the design”

5 Step 4- Option A Trace your rough draft design on a 5 x 8 piece of clear overhead paper (found in the supply drawers) Put the overhead on the overhead paper Tape your illustration board to the wall Use a pencil to trace your design

6 Step 4 – Option B Free hand draw your final design onto your large illustration board

7 Step 5 Trace over your pencil lines with a THICK or Medium tipped Sharpie marker. Make sure you trace around all objects that you need to know where the edge is.

8 Step 6 Color ALL of the WHITE space with oil pastel. DO NOT LEAVE ANY WHITE BOARD SHOWING Color it Thick Don’t color over your sharpie lines Use good colors – light colors are best, dark colors get lost in the background.


10 Step 7 Spray paint the entire drawing with black spray paint. Use FLAT paint Do small thin layers and let it dry Do not get too much paint As soon as it is covered STOP spraying. Too much paint will not scratch easily

11 Step 8 Carefully scratch your lines, designs, patterns and song lyrics into the black paint using a scratch art tool. Make sure you are using the tool correctly It would be a good idea to practice this on a scrap first. I usually have one up front you can practice on.

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