Is Your Campus Ready for the Plus 50 Learner? International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence National Institute for Staff & Organizational.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Your Campus Ready for the Plus 50 Learner? International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence National Institute for Staff & Organizational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Your Campus Ready for the Plus 50 Learner? International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence National Institute for Staff & Organizational Development (NISOD) May 25-28, 2009 | Austin, Texas

2 The Demographic Revolution: It’s Here Our nation faces a demographic revolution as 78 million baby boomers enter their retirement years.

3 A baby boomer turns 50 every 7.5 seconds. Each day in 2008 – 10,000 baby boomers are turning age 62. Boomers Go Plus 50

4 Society’s Stereotypes About Aging Have Not Kept Up With Reality

5 The New “Third Stage” of Life Thanks to advances in healthcare, the traditional “third stage” of life has also expanded. Most baby boomers can expect to spend three decades in retirement.

6 Plus 50 adults want to stay actively engaged in the workplace, in education and in service opportunities. Not the Stereotypical Retirement

7 Innovative program reaching out to adult learners who are age 50 and up that is benchmarking standards of excellence among community colleges nationwide. What is the Plus 50 Initiative?

8 Three focus areas: Plus 50 Learning Plus 50 Training & Re-Training Plus 50 Volunteering

9 Who is participating – Community Colleges

10 Colleges' Plus 50 Program Focus Areas 30% 58% 86% 0%25%50%75%100% Service and Volunteering Training / Re-Training Academic / Enrichment / Personal Interest

11 A Workforce Short on Experience Just as in the general population, the workforce is aging. But it’s also shrinking in size – with fewer younger workers available to take the place of older ones who are leaving.

12 Projected Workforce Changes Just as in the general population, the workforce is aging. But it’s also shrinking in size – with fewer younger workers available to take the place of older ones who are leaving. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

13 -Shortages in skilled worker and managerial positions. -A loss of institutional knowledge to the business or company. -The loss of expertise and experience. -A leadership void in the workplace. The Loss of Experienced Workers: The Impact

14 Most people ages 55 to 70 continue to work, either full or part time, for money or for personal fulfillment. Plus 50 Adults: Work on Their Terms

15 For Many: Not Working Is Not an Option Many people will stay in the workforce well into retirement age so they can maximize their Social Security benefits.

16 Enrichment/Personal Interest/General Studies Courses Offered to Plus 50 Learners

17 Career-Related Courses Offered to Plus 50 Learners

18 Source: Plus 50 Initiative National Survey

19 Why Colleges Do Not Have Program Offerings and Services Dedicated to Plus 50 Learners

20 Plus 50 Initiative Website

21 Advising Boomers for Encore Careers: Session Outcomes  Describe an approach to local needs assessment  Identify an example of collaboration among enrollment management, academic affairs, student affairs, and workforce development personnel for Plus 50 students  Discuss a model of academic advising and support services for Plus 50 students

22 Know Your Local Demographics (Cape Cod, MA)  300,000 year-round population  26.8 percent population 60 or older  60 percent households with at least one adult 55 Plus Estimated 1500 individuals 55 Plus establishing permanent residence each year 11 percent local unemployment rate Losses in retirement funds

23 Assessment: Focus Groups & Electronic Survey (2007) N=232 Continue off-campus opportunities Integrate Plus 50 issues in curriculum Employment Training and Mentoring Professional Development in Gerontology “Talent Bank” of volunteers Form a partnership with a research university

24 Plus 50 Student Success Model  Advising  Orientation  Student Success Workshops  Peer tutoring and support groups, and study groups

25 The Plus 50 Advisor Coordinates Plus 50 advising sessions Provides academic and career counseling Collects data on contacts and services Provides outreach to attract Plus 50 students Delivers advising services that address the developmental needs, interests, and learning styles of Plus 50 students


27 Plus 50 Students’ Goals (CCCC) Finding a new career Getting a job Exploring possible new careers Improving computer skills 71% seeking shortest route to completion Opportunities to earn credit for life experience Financial Aid

28 Plus 50 Adults Want Help Making These “Bonus” Years Productive ( David Bank, Encore Colleges-Civic Ventures) Community colleges are well-positioned to make the connection between those with the desire to make a difference and actual “purpose-driven jobs.

29 -Aging demographic- more healthcare and human service vacancies (not-for- profit) -Professional, scientific & technical services -Most Cape businesses have 10 or fewer employees -Over 490 non-profit human services agencies The Loss of Experienced Workers: The Impact on Cape Cod & Islands

30 Strategies for Working with Plus 50 Learners “Me Decade”: Expect to be catered to Speak in open, direct style but avoid controlling language Answer questions in detail & expect to be pressed for answers Present options to demonstrate flexibility in your thinking Beware of resistance to “senior”, “older”, or “mature” labeling

31 From : Boomers go to College Survey ( Portland Community College) Stress Program not demographic –seeking respect from regular college service centers Ease entry and “honor experience”-seeking advice and mentoring Be flexible and responsive- credit/non-credit courses Provide internships, placement services, and partnerships Peer mentorships Provide accurate information

32 The New Message “The freedom to make real dreams come true. You have cared for others, now it’s time to do the things you always wanted to do.”

33 Advising and Program Planning (Noel Levitz-”Attitudes of Incoming Adult Learners”, 2008) Develop intrusive advising Address financial stress Evaluate services Increase opportunities for contact with faculty Find opportunities to include family/friends Design effective early intervention processes during the first three weeks Direct life experience into career routes Recognize desire to “make a difference” and purpose-driven jobs

34 Be mindful to… Balance the special needs of older adults with baby boomers’ resistance to being pigeon-holed in any program they sense is targeted at ‘seniors’. (David Bank, Encore Colleges-Civic Ventures)

35 Collaborations…

36 Working together…

37 After years work experience, 17% of the plus 50 population is looking to strike out on their own. LCCC courses have been created to teach entrepreneurial skills to start the business or venture you’ve always dreamed of. Entrepreneurship …

38 “Could I, Should I…Own a Business” “Is a franchise right for YOU?” “Marketing for Small Business” “Writing a Business Plan” Series…

39 Working together continued…

40 Life Transition Center…

41 Advisory Board members… Career Quizzes

42 Personal Enrichment

43 Personal Enrichment classes… Computer REIKI Getting Paid to T Talk…

44 Future programming… –AAA –NCOA –Stimulus –Career Link –Mentor/Demonstration Colleges –Grants –Self- pays

45 Our Contact Information: Susan F. Miller Dean, Academic and Student Affairs Cape Cod Community College email: Christine R. Donnolo Associate Dean of Continuing Education Workforce and Community Development Luzerne County Community College email: Mary Sue Vickers Director, Plus 50 Initiative American Association of Community Colleges email:

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