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Demography is: 1. Record this definition on your answer sheet. the study of changes (such as the number of births, deaths, marriages, and illnesses) that.

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Presentation on theme: "Demography is: 1. Record this definition on your answer sheet. the study of changes (such as the number of births, deaths, marriages, and illnesses) that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demography is: 1. Record this definition on your answer sheet. the study of changes (such as the number of births, deaths, marriages, and illnesses) that occur over a period of time in human populations

2 Why now? We are starting to study Asia, the most populous continent. 2. Predict: how many countries are in the circle that accounts for over half the people on Earth. Then check the next slide and correct if necessary.

3 Amazingly, the numbers check out. The world population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, is roughly 7,083,460,000. The countries in the circle are …world population China: 1,349,585,838 people (per the Census again) India: 1,220,800,359 Indonesia: 251,160,124 Bangladesh: 163,654,860 Japan: 127,253,075 Philippines: 105,720,644 Vietnam: 92,477,857 Thailand: 67,448,120 Burma: 55,167,330 South Korea: 48,955,203 Nepal: 30,430,267 Malaysia: 29,628,392 North Korea: 24,720,407 Taiwan: 23,299,716 Sri Lanka: 21,675,648 Cambodia: 15,205,539 Laos: 6,695,166 Mongolia: 3,226,516 Bhutan: 725,296the Census Be sure to change your country total for #2.

4 Click on the image to watch the video. 3. Approximately how many people live on Earth today? 4. Record 2 facts you learned in the video.

5 Population growth 5. Approximately how many people were in the world when you were born? 6. Approximately how many people are in the world today?

6 7. Which are growing faster – industrialized or developing countries? 8. What will the world population be when growth stops and population stays relatively stable? Population growth

7 afe=active Click on the image to watch the video. 9. 1000 years ago, how many people were in the world? ________________________10. When did the earth reach 1 billion people? ________________________ 11. Better medicine and better agriculture led to fewer ________________________. 12. How many years did it take to get from 1 billion to 7 billion? ________________________ 13. Can the world support the expected 10 billion? The video says this depends on how well we manage our __________________ _________________

8 I/AAAAAAAACK8/VlPzTZAyxDg/s1600/066+The+Case+For+Globalized+Solutions+02.jpg Population distribution Per capita GDP 14.Do the areas with the largest population have the highest per capita GDP? Write one region where there is a HIGH population and LOW per capita GDP AND one region where there is relatively LOW population and HIGH per capita GDP.

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