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Generalization, Discrimination, and Stimulus Control

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1 Generalization, Discrimination, and Stimulus Control
Chapter 9 Generalization, Discrimination, and Stimulus Control

2 Variability Changing conditions Adaptive learning must adapt
Transfer behaviour across situations

3 Generalization Tendency for a learned behaviour to occur in the presence of stimuli not present during training e.g. Little Albert  conditioned fear to white rat, also afraid of terrier, santa mask, fur coat

4 Discrimination Tendency for a learned behaviour to occur in the presence of certain stimuli, but not in their absence Inversely related to generalization

5 Stimulus Control Stimuli come to exert influence over behaviour
Application of generalization and discrimination CS+ and CS- S+ and S- S+ indicates more reinforcing outcome, S- less reinforcing (or even aversive) outcome

6 Discrimination Training
Any procedure that establishes the ability to discriminate between stimuli Process by which stimulus control is established

7 Generalization

8 Generalization Not a given
Can increase generalization by training in a variety of settings Generalization not always appropriate or useful (e.g., generalizing violence from video game to real world)

9 Generalization Gradients
Measure of generalization/discrimination Respond to stimuli more like trained stimuli Train on one stimulus, test on others Techniques/methodologies Train with yellow stimulus Amount of responding Test with all colours

10 Probe Trials Insert occasional unreinforced test stimulus
Won’t extinguish since there are still many reinforced trials trials training stimulus (reinforced) probe stimulus (unreinforced)

11 Extinction Blocks Train stimulus to asymptote
Blocks of extinction trials Each stimulus presented once/block Extinction constant across stimuli

12 Extinction Blocks Generalization Gradient # of responses 4+3+1 = 8
= 45 = 30 = 22 3+1+0 = 4 Training Block 1 50 30 10 40 20 Responses Light wavelengths Generalization Gradient 4 20 15 12 3 Block 2 7 3 1 15 11 Block 3 5 10 1 3 and so on...

13 Reading a Generalization Gradient
Response rate Response rate Response rate Stim. continuum Stim. continuum Stim. continuum Flat: No discrimination Broad: Some discrimination Narrow: Lot of discrimination

14 Semantic Generalization
Doesn’t have to be a perceptual stimuli Generalization of abstract feature Adults ate candy (US) to salivate (UR) while shown words (style, urn, freeze, surf) Shown homophones (stile, earn, frieze, serf) Shown synonyms (fashion, vase, chill, wave) CRs for homophones, but very strong CRs for synonyms

15 Generalization Post Extinction
Classical or Operant training, then extinction Produces reduction in generalization to other stimuli

16 Generalization of Punishment
Suppression of behaviour via punishment also generalizes Honig & Slivka (1964) Pigeons peck coloured disk, get reinforced (7 colours) Next, peck green disk, get shocked Gradient forms Greatest reduction of pecking to “greener” colours Number of Responses

17 Discrimination & Training Techniques

18 Presence/Absence Training
Successive Discrimination Training Go-No Go procedure (operant) Sometimes, reinforced for “no go” S+ & S- alternate randomly (S+ --> reinf., S- --> extintion) Simultaneous Discrimination Training S+ & S- presented at same time Peck Don’t Peck Don’t Peck (No Go) Peck (GO)

19 Matching to Sample (MTS)
Select from 2+ alternatives (comparison stimuli) the stimulus that is the same as the sample Mismatching (non-matching to sample) Like MTS, but pick comparison stimulus not like sample Delayed Matching to Sample (DMTS) Like MTS, but delay between presentation of sample and choice Delayed MTS Non-match MTS Don’t Peck Peck

20 Errorless Discrimination Training
Previous techniques slow Many mistakes where S- selected Present S+ as normal, but start S- at low salience (short time and “faint”) Gradually increase salience of S- to equal S+ Quick, relatively little frustration for S- choice, greater discrimination learned

21 Differential Outcomes Effect
Different reinforcers available for different responses Can produce faster and stronger discrimination training than basic forms Faster learning and accuracy DOE Normally… Response Response CORN corn nothing Sample Sample nothing PEAS corn

22 Theories of Generalization and Discrimination

23 Pavlov’s Theory Physiological interpretation Species influenced
Discrimination training produces establishes areas of activation in brain CS+ --> excitatory regions CS- --> inhibitory regions

24 Activation Stimuli similar to CS+ will excite parts of brain close to CS+ area Dissimilar stimuli will not activate CS+ area Result is CR or no CR, respectively

25 Inferential Interpretation
Theory based on inference from observed behaviour No independent validation of brain area generation through conditioning Physical proximity of brain areas not needed for response generation

26 Spence’s Theory Opponent process theory
Excitatory (CS+ or S+) and inhibitory (CS- or S-) gradients Net sum effect of gradients Resultant behaviour

27 Peak Shift Change in generalization gradient Peak level of responding
Shift in peak level of responding away from S+ in direction opposite S-

28 Peak Shift Responses S+ S- Control (S+ only) Exp. 1 (S+ & S-)
shift direction Responses S+ Exp. 1 (S+ & S-) Control (S+ only) S-

29 Peak Shift: Shift Away from S-
+15 Net gradient +10 +5 +15 Excitatory gradient +10 +5 Inhibitory gradient -5 -10 -15

30 Support for Spence’s Theory?
Honig et al. (1963) Excitatory and inhibitory gradients Responses Group 1 S+ S- Group 2 S+ S-

31 Lashley-Wade Theory Generalization gradients depend on prior experience with stimuli similar to those used in testing Discrimination training --> discrimination because it teaches subjects to tell the difference between S+ and other stimuli Everyday experiences produce discrimination learning

32 Predictions Previous experience with stimuli will make discrimination training of those stimuli easier Lack of previous experience will make subsequent training harder

33 Standard Design Rear animals under specific environmental condition
e.g., darkness so no experience with colours Give S+/S- training Test for generalization gradient If gradient of perceptually deprived subjects flatter than normally reared subjects, then support for Lashley-Wade theory

34 Results Ambiguous Possibility that special rearing environment produces neurological damage

35 Jenkins & Harrison (1960) Group 1 pigeons Group 2 pigeons
S+ (tone) --> reinf., S- (quiet) --> no reinf. Group 2 pigeons S+ (tone) --> reinf., no S- (i.e., tone always on) Test both groups for generalization to other tones and to periods of silence

36 Results Group 1 birds Group 2 birds Supports Lashley-Wade theory
Less likely to respond during silent periods Show standard generalization gradient to tones Group 2 birds Responded same amount during tone or silence Flat generalization gradient (i.e., no discrimination of tones) Supports Lashley-Wade theory

37 Theories Pavlov’s Spence and Lashley-Wade Lacks support
Both have situations that support and contradict predictions

38 Applications

39 Concept Formation Concept: any class of things sharing one or more defining features Defining features allow discrimination between stimuli within class and outside class Concepts can be learned through discrimination training

40 Herrnstein’s Studies Stimuli from natural environment
Train/test many stimuli Positive and negative instances Pigeons, 80 pictures Tree/no tree = positive/negative instances Learn discrimination easily Generalization test Supports concept formation, not memorization

41 Concepts of Absolute or Relative
Concept of absolute Learn individual stimuli Specify features of members of class Concept of relative: Learn relationship between stimuli Degrees of similarity of features of class members

42 Example

43 Transposition Transfer relational rule to new stimuli set
Kohler (1939) Training S+ S- Test transfer absolute

44 Stimulus Control Absolute stimulus control Relational stimulus control
Successive discrimination tasks Relational stimulus control Simultaneous discrimination tasks Animals do whatever is easiest

45 R R R Mental Rotation Rotate letter various amounts and/or inverted
i.e., backwards Determining inversion takes longer the greater the degree of rotation Mental rotation of internal representation Gradient of response times looks like generalization gradients R R R

46 Smoking Relapse Smoking gives frequent reinforcement
But, not only physiological effects of nicotine Social reinforcement Environmental factors become conditioned as S+ for smoking Smoke in many situations, strong generalization

47 Experimental Neuroses
When not possible to distinguish between stimuli in discrimination conditions Consumer situations Frustration No-choice as option

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