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International Center Resource Kit

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1 International Center Resource Kit
Personal Skill Development in Grades 6 – 12: Enhancing Learning for 21st Century Success

2 International Center’s Four Learning Criteria
1. Core Academic Learning 2. Stretch Learning 3. Student Engagement New Training Kit: 4. Personal Skill Development Measures of personal, social, service, and leadership skills Demonstrations of positive behaviors and attitudes.

3 Resource Kit: Table of Contents
1: Necessary Personal Skills in a Changing World 2: Character-Centered Learning Chapter 3: Soft Skills for Success in School and in the Workplace 4: Communication Skills for the Workplace 5: Group Communication Skills  6: Self-Management Skills for Success in Life and Work  7: Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills 8: Training Students in Leadership Skills 9: Skills for Civic and Financial Literacy Appendix A & B –Descriptions of Successful Programs & Handouts

4 Sample Data Indicators of Personal Skill Development
Participation in service learning Students holding leadership positions in clubs or sports Assessment of time management, ability to plan and organize work Leadership and/or follower-ship Respect for diversity Conflict resolution--Reduction in number of student incidences of conflict Work as a member of a team

5 Global Workplace Environment
Workers must demonstrate: strong communication skills flexibility organizational skills respect positive attitude.

6 U. S. Department of Labor Necessary Personal Qualities:
Responsibility Self-esteem Sociability Self-management Integrity Interpersonal Skills Participates as a Member of the Team Teaches Others Serves Clients / Customers Exercises Leadership Negotiates Comfortable with Cultural Diversity

7 Think About These Skills:
Who teaches young people these skills? How do the students in your school demonstrate these important personal skills? How can we incorporate these skills into the curriculum?

8 Don’t You Wish the Clerk at the Store Had These Skills?
Teamwork and collaboration Self-motivation and initiative Work ethic including dependability Critical thinking and creativity Flexibility and adaptability Leadership and Interpersonal skills Organization skills Problem-solving skills Multicultural skills Time management skills

9 550 Employers in Virginia Say:
Math, reading, writing, and speaking should be paired with decision making and problem solving. Workers should take the job seriously, have a positive attitude, and demonstrate responsibility, reliability, and flexibility. The primary responsibility lies in the education system, K-12. Three-fourths believe schools should prepare future workers with both the basic skills and the applied personal skills they need for success.

10 300 Research Studies Say: When students learn to communicate effectively, respect others, accept responsibility, resolve problems, analyze, evaluate, and work on teams, their academic achievement improves. Plus 10 percentile points and more on standard achievement tests. Improved attendance Better classroom behaviors Far fewer discipline referrals

11 Where to Start? Character Education Guiding Principles
Intrapersonal Domain Responsibility Contemplation Initiative Perseverance Optimism Courage Interpersonal Domain Respect Compassion Adaptability Honesty Trustworthiness Loyalty

12 Character Education Partnership
Partner with community groups, parents, administrators, local leaders, and others. Must be deliberate and intentional Must be incorporated into all aspects of school life Must be stressed in students’ and adults’ interpersonal relationships

13 The Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Schools should move from traditional learning in school to out of school experiences. Apply course content to real-world problems and practice working together in groups Place students in a situation where they must interact as if they are employees of a company.

14 Writing for the Workplace
Perform at the high level of proficiency demanded in the workplace. Professionalism in writing means: Businesses cannot send materials to customers with mistakes in sentence construction, grammar or spelling.

15 Students as Managers Give students managerial roles to:
experience the workplace through the eyes of employers. practice leadership and organizational skills. analyze a situation, determine solutions to a problem, assist others, and view the big picture.

16 Project-Based Learning: Solve Community Problems
Lack of student parking at the school Recycling program for the area Need for an animal shelter in the area Assistance for the elderly: yard clean-up, errands. Recreational facilities for youth, senior citizens Tutoring programs for younger students Affordable day care center for young families. Student health clinics; youth employment centers Literacy programs for adults, immigrants Need for an EMT unit in town

17 Connections to Curriculum: Language Arts Example
Beowulf– Legendary Dragon-Slayer, kills Grendel who has terrorized the community Groups of students: what community problems are causing conflict? Where do we need dragon-slayers? Read newspapers, attend City Council, County Commission, or Department of Transportation open meetings Interview elected officials or community leaders

18 Beowulf Lesson Plan In groups
Brainstorm the problem, cite the opinions of all entities involved, determine what solution will satisfy all parties. Write an action plan that presents their solution and includes a timeline, approximate costs, sources of funding, and other detail. Present the plan to an appropriate audience.

19 Example: Social Studies
Dust Bowl Period in American History Gather data on the cost of supporting a family of four for one month in their area of the state. Research salaries and costs of housing, groceries, child care, transportation, utilities, insurance, clothing

20 Dust Bowl Design a 6-panel informational brochure outlining these costs for young families moving into the area. Deliver the brochures to appropriate agencies in the community. Prepare a panel presentation on the data and their findings.



23 Integration: Health and Art Classes
Research the use of art as therapy for Alzheimer’s, post traumatic stress disorder, mental illness, and other diseases. Groups develop a plan for implementing art therapy for patients in conjunction with the school’s art department. Write a proposal that includes the feasibility of the program, an outline of activities, a timeline, costs and materials, etc.

24 Science– Group Project
Unit on protecting the environment: Small groups research a specific environmental problem affecting the local region. Develop a solution. Design a marketing plan to enlist the public to participate. (TV script, pamphlet, flyer, radio ads, opinion editorials.) Groups perform or present one element of their plan.

25 Mathematics Unit on Measurement:
Groups research prices in the area to rent or purchase different types of dwellings (homes, condos, apartments. Calculate the price per square foot. Prepare a cost comparison sheet on different options for housing in the area. Write a newspaper article on the topic. Include interviews with realtors, builders, buyers, renters.

26 Professional Writing Examples
Create a city-wide program and write an action plan for... Design a brochure Design a performance review form Prepare a persuasive oral presentation with visuals Write a corporate philosophy Write an employee handbook section with guidelines on... Design and conduct a survey Prepare a multimedia presentation Write an observation report Write customer service guidelines Conduct interviews of community leaders and write a... Write a feature article for the local paper Design a newsletter Design a calendar using art work that represents... Design an employee or student handbook Plan a community-wide clean-up day

27 How to Integrate Personal Skills? Choose a concept you teach:
Ask: How is this concept applied outside the classroom? What personal skills do you want to embed? How will you re-design the lesson? What activities, outcomes? What products will students develop? How will they present them?

28 The Bottom Line Research on Group Projects:
Student achievement and attitude toward the subject improves when they work together in heterogeneous groups. Greater acceptance of peers = fewer discipline referrals Students practice and learn skills: goal setting planning their time effective follow-through completing tasks efficiently. (Slavin, 1995)

29 Employers Expect Leadership
Schools should involve more students in activities that expect them to lead as chairs of committees. Schools need to develop materials to give students opportunities to practice leadership skills. Students need more activities and experiences in group achievement and productivity. (Carter and Spotanski).

30 Ways to Train Students in Leadership
Involve Students in: Service Learning Civic Literacy Projects Financial Literacy Projects

31 Benefits of Service Learning
Increased personal and social responsibility. Self-awareness and self-esteem Fewer behavioral problems More trusting and reliable attitudes; greater empathy Higher grades on state tests of basic skills Improved grade point averages Better school attendance rates

32 NAEP 2006 Test in Civics Tests students’ knowledge:
Civic life, politics, and government Foundations of the American political system The constitutional government– democracy’s purposes, values, and principles The relationship of the U.S. to other nations Roles of citizens in American democracy

33 The Nation’s Civics Report Card
Results of NAEP 2006 Test in Civics 8th Grade 70 percent Basic 22 percent Proficient 2 percent Advanced 12th Grade 66 percent Basic 27 percent Proficient 5 percent Advanced

34 The National Conference of State Legislatures: 2003 Survey
Students who have participated in civic education are 2-3 times more likely: -to vote -to contact their leaders -to be concerned about issues -to follow the workings of the government.

35 Planning Civic Literacy Training
--Determine when and how long students will study civics --Cannot be a one-shot effort --Should start in elementary school and be progressive. --Should be integrated into the whole-school curriculum.

36 Financial Literacy: Five Financial Tasks of Youth
Select and train for a career Maintain a good credit record Develop a personal financial plan Consider insurance protection Start savings and investment programs Eastern Michigan University

37 Importance of Financial Literacy
Visa’s Poll of Parents: Personal money management is second only to writing as their children become adults.

38 Five Standards in Financial Literacy
Financial Responsibility and Decision Making Income and Careers Credit and Debt Risk Management and Insurance Saving and Investing

39 Free or Low-Cost Financial Literacy Programs
Family Economics and Financial Education National Endowment for Financial Education High School Financial Planning Program Hands-On Banking -- (Wells Fargo) EconEdLink -- (Verizon) Practical Money Skills for Life -- (Visa) Financial Fitness for Life --(Bank of America)

40 It’s Up to All of Us Who teaches young people these skills?
How do the students in your school demonstrate these important personal skills? How can we incorporate these skills into the curriculum?

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