InterAmerican Biodiversity Information Network OAS InterAmerican Biodiversity Information Network OAS Alvaro Espinel Department of Sustainable Development.

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Presentation on theme: "InterAmerican Biodiversity Information Network OAS InterAmerican Biodiversity Information Network OAS Alvaro Espinel Department of Sustainable Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 InterAmerican Biodiversity Information Network OAS InterAmerican Biodiversity Information Network OAS Alvaro Espinel Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) Organization of the American States (OAS) SECOND COORDINATION MEETING ON PROTECTED AREAS INFORMATION SYSTEMS - ANDES AMAZON REGION Organization of American States Washington D.C. 31 January 2006 ANDES AMAZON PROTECTED AREAS DATABASE

2 Connection between hemispheric networks… Based on National Initiatives CHM

3 .net

4 Thematic Networks IABIN 1. Specimens 2. Species 3. Ecosystems 4. Invasive Species 5. Pollinators 6. Protected Areas

5 .net

6 Table 1. Matrix Guide to hyperlinks of Bio-informatics on Terrestrial and Freshwater issues through the WWW in the Americas v. 1.0 Thematic AreaSource & Sponsored byWeb site Access & Surfing / Country Websites-based on Biodiversity Uniform Resource Locator Biodiversity Information Features Search / Query of Meta data Data Bases Internet Protocol 123456789 10101 httpftp Table 1. TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS Biological & Env- Geographic records Lifemapper dbase University of Kansashttp://beta.lifemapper.orgUSAxxx xx xxx xx Ecological & Env- Geographic records NBII Oak Ridge National Laboratory -Mercury :// (INPE)Brazil / USAxxx x xxxxxx Biological records and collections Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) GBIF, USDA, CONABIOAgriculture and Agrifood Canada in_specs.portalhttp://www.itis. CanadaUSA Méxicoxxx xx xx xx Biological & Geographic records BioSC GatewayCanadian Biodiversity Information Easyity sc_e.phpCanadaxxX xx xxxx Geographica l records The Geography Network Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI)www.geographynetwork.comUSA xxxx x

7 Andes Amazon Protected Areas Database Pilot project 2005

8 Andes Amazon Protected Areas Database Activities 2005 Executed by the Department of Sustainable Development at OAS Data Base is updated by the governmental representatives of the National Conservation Areas of the countries International Workshop in Gamboa, Panamá (June, 2006). Official representation of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and Venezuela Delegated No official representation of Guyana, French Guyana and Suriname IABIN, OEA, Gordon and Betty Moore, WWF and ParksWatch Phase 2, Financial Support Approved December 2005 until 2008 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation ESRI grant for software and training in Geomatics

9 GOALS Design and structure the AAPAD to be compatible with other PA Databases. Development of indicators. Development of international standards and protocols. Update APAD structure in sustainable way. Contribute to the strategic plan for IABIN.

10 Online DataBase Public Domain: Data captured and disseminated on line. Updated by the participants.

11 Workshops Experiences and Training in Data Management and Geomatics Collaboration among the countries, especially in areas in the country borders. Use of Metadata. Incentives in training, data and tools to handle information. Short term goals projects. Distance learning implementation.

12 Collaboration with NASA – JPL in the PAA. Gary Geller ASTER and LANDSAT Custom made Tools for Conservation Areas Management

13 Collaboration with the U. of Maryland (Dept. of Geography) – Diane Davies

14 Andes Amazon Protected Areas Database Other Collaborations ParksWatch – BioParques (Venezuela). 360 evaluation of Conservation Areas Aaron Bruner (CABS –CI). Defining the indicators. UCLA, Center for Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS). Climatological Stations managed by Parks. Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO). Coordination of Information Systems. Amazon GIS (Smithsonian Institution). In process.

15 Websites: Listservs: iabinFriends Looking forward to coordinate activities and efforts with you, Thank you! Looking forward to coordinate activities and efforts with you, Thank you! AAPAD TEAM - Richard Huber - Carolina Peña - Claudia Baquero - Stefan Jirka - Alvaro Espinel - t/english/tn/protecte d_areas/amazon.s html

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