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Stress The human reaction to events in our environment.

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2 Stress The human reaction to events in our environment.
Wear and tear on our body.

3 Eustress Good Stress Getting into college Winning the lottery
Getting engaged

4 Distress Bad Stress Difficult work environment
Overwhelming sights or sounds Threat of personal injury

5 General Stress Everyone has this kind
It resolves itself in a day or two No intervention required

6 Cumulative Stress Stress builds up in your body
It becomes more difficult to alleviate symptoms You have more serious physical symptoms You have more serious mental anguish

7 Acute Traumatic Stress
Critical incident stress Produces considerable psychological distress A normal reaction to abnormal events

8 Post-Traumatic Stress
Severs stressed produced by severe psychological trauma Created by unresolved critical incident Produced lasting changes

9 Sympathetic Nervous System

10 Sympathetic Nervous System
brain hypothalamus pituitary gland via blood circulation via the nerves adrenal gland epinephrine cortisol sympathetic nervous system ↑ glucose metabolism behavioral alertness ↑ blood flow & pressure

11 Stress Effects of long term release of cortisol
Increased blood pressure Inhibits inflammatory response Suppresses immune system Damages brain cells

12 Learning is Enhanced by Challenge & Inhibited by Threat
The brain’s priority is always survival - at the expense of higher order thinking Stress should be kept to a manageable level Provide opportunities to “grow” and to make changes Have high, but reasonable expectations 12

13 Stress & Learning The stress-brain loop Chronic Stress
↓ Attention ↓ Perception ↓ Short-term memory ↓ Learning ↓ Word finding Cellular changes in the hippocampus Increases glucocorticoids Chronic Stress Inadequate sleep Poor nutrition Emotional distress Decreased regulation of cortisol

14 14

15 Brain Organizes Memory In Different Ways
Retrieval often depends upon how the information was stored. Relevancy is one key to both storage and retrieval Provide and get examples Connect to what students know, what they are interested in Make learning meaningful 15

16 Memory When objects and events are registered by several senses, they can be stored in several interrelated memory networks. This type of memory becomes more accessible and powerful. Conversation helps us link ideas/thoughts to our own related memories. Students need time for this to happen!! Storytelling - Conversations Debates - Role playing Simulations - Songs Games - Films 16

17 Learning & Memory Stimulus Sensory organs perception Sensory Memory
(millisecond-1) attention Short-Term Memory Working Memory (< 1 minute) forgetting repetition Long-Term Memory ( days, months, years)

18 Learning & Memory Sensory Memory:
A sensory memory exists for each sensory channel: iconic memory for visual stimuli echoic memory for aural stimuli haptic memory for touch Information sensory memory short-term memory by attention, thereby filtering the stimuli to only those which are of interest at a given time.

19 Learning & Memory Short-term Memory:
acts as a scratch-pad for temporary recall of the information under process can contain at any one time seven, plus or minus two, "chunks" of information lasts around twenty seconds. QUIZ NEXT SLIDE

20 Short-term Memory Quiz (30 sec)
eggs drawing rock apple focus mission favor ice brain flag trial partner house life chair

21 Techniques to Help Memory
Encoding in Long-term Memory: Organizing Practicing Spacing Making meaning Emotionally engaging

22 Techniques to Help Memory
Define the “gist” - OVERVIEW Sequence events Plot out pictorially the information Tell the information to others in own words - TALK Peer teaching/tutoring Amplify by giving examples Use multiple parts of the brain (emotional, factual, physical) Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic, Talk Combine Use color effectively Yellow and orange as attention-getters 22

23 The Brain is a Social Brain
The brain develops better in concert with others When students have to talk to others about information, they retain the information longer and more efficiently! Make use of small groups, discussions, teams, pairings, and question and answer situations. 23

24 How Can You Manage Your Stress
Avoid stressful situations Change how you react to stress Avoid extremes Set priorities Set realistic goals Take control of the situation Manage how stress affects you Try relaxation techniques Change how you see the situation Figure out what’s important

25 Healthy Lifestyle Considerations
Diet Lower salt intake Lower intake of refined sugars and carbs Lower caffeine intake Add fruit, veggies, complex carbs, vitamins, and water

26 Healthy Lifestyle Considerations
Rest Get 6 hours minimum of continuous rest

27 Healthy Lifestyle Considerations
Exercise 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise a day

28 Healthy Lifestyle Considerations
General Talk things out Make an increased effort to organize your life Delegate things when needed Ask for help

29 Healthy Lifestyle Considerations
Relax!!! Fill your life with fun things to do. Keep your sense of humor Take charge of your life Find a balance. Make this part of your daily routine.

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