One Minute Papers and Blackboard: An Unbeatable Team for Formative Assessments Eli Collins-Brown, EdD 5 th Annual SLATE Conference Chicago……October 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "One Minute Papers and Blackboard: An Unbeatable Team for Formative Assessments Eli Collins-Brown, EdD 5 th Annual SLATE Conference Chicago……October 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Minute Papers and Blackboard: An Unbeatable Team for Formative Assessments Eli Collins-Brown, EdD 5 th Annual SLATE Conference Chicago……October 2007

2 What is a One Minute Paper (OMP)? Classroom Assessment Technique Formative Assessment Tool Paper and Pen Electronic –Survey –Discussion

3 Purpose of OMP Quick check on how students are doing Allows for quick response to students Inform mid-semester changes in instruction or course

4 Benefits to Students Self-assessment Gives students a voice Evaluate/analyze what they recall Gives students a chance to think about their learning

5 Benefits to Instructor Students become more visible Get an accurate reading on their progress Can use to immediately alter course Or provide immediate help/remediation An opportunity to connect with students, to hear from them. Student-centered active learning

6 Paper and Pen Ask two questions: –What is the most important thing you learned during this class? –What important question remains unanswered? Distribute index cards or half sheets of paper 5 minutes at end of class No name (anonymous)

7 Other Questions What was the main point of todays lecture? What is the muddiest point?

8 Electronic Create a survey in Blackboard (anonymous) Post in Discussion Forum (identified)

9 Advantages to Survey Truly Anonymous – no handwriting Compiles responses – download into Excel Track completion Used for a 5-day faculty development institute to decide what to do the next day.

10 Advantages to Discussion Forum Promotes thoughtful responses (others will read) Prompts discussion Prompts mutual support A stage in creating learning community?

11 OMP in Fully Online Courses Weekly Check-ins (or by-weekly) Identify students in trouble quickly Makes students very visible Provide opportunities to connect with each other and with instructor Yields valuable information about the course

12 OMP in Online Web Design Course 6 weeks long OMPs every two weeks as check-ins Post in discussion forum A bit of whining, venting, frustration around 2 nd to 3 rd week. Allows me to see where they are. Can turn in back to them You are exactly where you should be Can identify slackers

13 OMP in Blended Courses Same as online Makes students thinking visible Creates segue between online and classroom sessions

14 Your ideas, experiences?

15 Everything you wanted to know about OMPs and More!! Classroom assessment techniques: a handbook for college teachers. Angelo & Cross, Jossey-Bass, 1993 ISBN: 1555425003 One Minute Papers, Stephen Draper, s/minute.html s/minute.html The One-Minute Paper, On Course Workshop, 2.htm 2.htm

16 Everything you wanted to know about OMPs and More!! Teaching Idea: The One-Minute Paper, B. Magnan, Teaching Resource Center of the University of Virginia, cerns/Spring_1991/TC_Spring_1991_One_Minute _Paper.htm cerns/Spring_1991/TC_Spring_1991_One_Minute _Paper.htm One Minute Papers, East Tennessee State University, One Minute Paper/NoteCard, J. Nutefall, mld/OctCon2003/OneMinuteNotecard.pdf mld/OctCon2003/OneMinuteNotecard.pdf

17 Everything you wanted to know about OMPs and More!!! The One Minute Paper, G. Brum, hing_bytes/one-minute-paper.pdf hing_bytes/one-minute-paper.pdf Suggestion 95. Assign minute papers at the end of class, /suggestions/file95.html /suggestions/file95.html The One-Minute Paper, Bressoud, 7.html 7.html

18 Thank You! Dr. Eli Collins-Brown Director of Instructional Technology Methodist College of Nursing Peoria, IL 61603 309-672-5533

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