2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development CIRP Freshman.

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Presentation on theme: "2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development CIRP Freshman."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development CIRP Freshman Survey 2008 The CIRP Freshman Survey is administered by the Higher Education Research Institute at University of California, Los Angeles. The questionnaire is designed to capture the high school experiences, behaviors, attitudes, expectations and beliefs of incoming first-time college students. This presentation reveals the results of the survey administered to the Fall 2008 incoming freshmen cohort at UNT compared to two peer groups of public universities.

2 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development CIRP Designated Stratification Levels Stratification Level Selectivity Level Median SAT Score Median ACT Score 1LowLess than 1070Less than 23 2Medium1070-114923-24 3High1150 or more25 or more Selectivity is based on median SAT/ACT composite scores of entering class as reported to IPEDS. UNT’s scores on The Freshmen Survey were compared to 1) All Medium-Selectivity Public Universities and 2) All Public Universities.

3 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Public Universities – Medium 2008 Participants Colorado State University Iowa State University North Dakota State University Oklahoma State University Purdue University Texas Tech University University of Alabama University of California-Santa Cruz University of Massachusetts-Amherst University of Minnesota-Duluth University of North Texas Utah State University N = 19,442 students

4 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development All Public Universities 2008 Participants Colorado State University 2 Florida State University 3 Georgia Institute of Technology 3 Iowa State University 2 Miami University 3 North Dakota State University 2 Northern Arizona University 1 Northern Illinois University 1 Oklahoma State University 2 Purdue University 2 Rutgers University-Newark 1 South Dakota State University 1 Texas Tech University 2 University of Alabama 2 University of California-Los Angeles 3 University of California-Riverside 1 University of California-San Diego 3 University of California-Santa Barbara 3 University of California-Santa Cruz 2 University of Colorado-Colorado Spring 1 University of Florida 3 University of Georgia 3 University of Idaho 1 University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign 3 University of Massachusetts-Amherst 2 University of Massachusetts-Boston 1 University of Michigan 3 University of Minnesota-Duluth 2 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 3 University of North Texas 2 University of Pittsburgh 3 University of South Carolina-Columbia 3 University of Texas-Austin 3 University of Vermont 3 Utah State University 2 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 3 Superscript indicates selectivity level. N = 67,765 students

5 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Financing the First Year of College 29% of UNT students expect their families to contribute $10,000 or more to their first year of college expenses whereas 16% expect zero family contribution. Over 50% of UNT students do not expect to take out loans or other aid that must be repaid to finance their first year.

6 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Concerns about Financing College A higher percentage of women compared to men at UNT have concerns about being able to finance their college education.

7 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Distance From Permanent Home A higher percentage of UNT students attend college within 50 miles of their permanent homes compared to students at other public universities.

8 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Representation of Religious Faiths

9 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Average Grade in High School Almost 50% of UNT students report obtaining A grade averages in high school.

10 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development MenWomen A or A + 15.521.1 A-A- 26.833.5 B+B+ 25.422.6 B24.716.9 B - or lower7.75.8 Gender Differences in Self-Reported Grades In general, women report obtaining higher grades in high school than men. This trend is evident for the two comparison groups medium public universities and all public universities as well.

11 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Unhealthy Behavior in High School A higher percentage of UNT students “frequently” or “occasionally” smoked cigarettes in the last year of high school. Nationally, as of 2006 the CDC estimated that 23% of high school students smoked and the Texas Youth Tobacco Survey by the Texas Department of State Health Services indicated that 22.4% of high school students used cigarettes.

12 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Unhealthy Behavior – Gender Differences A significantly higher percentage of women at UNT report feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities compared to men.

13 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Academic Behaviors in High School

14 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Academic Behaviors – Gender Differences

15 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Student Self-Appraisal A slightly higher percentage of UNT students rate themselves above average or in the highest 10% of their peers in artistic ability, creativity and computer skills. A lower percentage of UNT students rate themselves above average in mathematical and academic ability.

16 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Student Self-Appraisal – Gender Differences A higher percentage of men at UNT rated themselves above average in academic ability, self-confidence, mathematical ability and computer skills compared to women.

17 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development How UNT Students Spent their Time in the Last Year of High School Over 20% of incoming UNT students report spending less than an hour a week on studying or homework; 77% report spending 5 hours or less per week.

18 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Average Time Spent Studying Per Week in High School On average incoming UNT students spend less time studying or doing homework per week in high school than peers at other public universities.

19 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Time Spent Studying Per Week – Gender Differences On average, men at UNT spend less time studying or doing homework per week in high school than women.

20 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Very Important Reasons in Deciding to Attend My College Academic reputation continues to be the #1 factor influencing students to attend UNT. The percentage of students citing UNT’s strong academics has risen from 42% in 2005 to 54% in 2008. #1 #2 #3

21 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Very Important Reasons in the Decision to Attend UNT

22 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Working during the last year of high school Over 21% of incoming UNT freshmen report spending more than 20 hours a week working for pay.

23 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Essential or Very Important Life Objectives * * * † *Objectives important to a higher percentage of UNT students † Objectives important to a lower percentage of UNT students.

24 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Essential or Very Important Life Objectives * * * *Objectives important to a higher percentage of women.

25 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development In College There is A Very Good Chance I Will…

26 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development At UNT There is A Very Good Chance I Will…

27 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Top-Ranking Probable Occupations Probable OccupationUNTPublic U-mediumAll Public U Accountant or actuary2.2 2.3 Actor or entertainer2.30.90.8 Artist6.22.21.5 Business executive7.0 8.0 Business owner3.62.62.9 Clinical psychologist2.11.2 Computer programmer or analyst2.42.52.0 Engineer4.716.112.7 Lawyer (attorney) or judge2.52.43.7 Musician (performer, composer) Physician4.34.78.4 Therapist (physical, occupational, Teacher or administrator (elementary) Teacher or administrator (secondary) Writer or journalist4.72.52.6 Other14.09.17.9 Undecided11.214.214.9 Yellow indicates occupations selected by higher percentages of UNT students. Pink indicates occupations selected by lower percentages of UNT students.

28 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Top Ranking Probable Occupations - UNT Probable OccupationMenWomenTotal Accountant or actuary Actor or entertainer Artist Business executive Business owner Clinical psychologist Computer programmer or analyst Engineer Lawyer (attorney) or judge Musician (performer, composer) Physician Therapist (physical, occupational, Teacher or administrator (elementary) Teacher or administrator (secondary) 3.93.8 Writer or journalist Other 10.616.514.0 Undecided 11.910.711.2 Yellow indicates occupations selected by higher percentages of male students. Pink indicates occupations selected by higher percentages of female students.

29 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development UNT-Specific Questions These are the 20 optional institution-specific questions that can be asked on the CIRP Freshman Survey Instrument. Questions were developed by Division of Student Development staff.

30 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Tutoring and Academic Supplementation Chance of needing math tutoring?Chance of needing English tutoring? Chance of needing science tutoring?Comfort level in seeking tutoring if needed?

31 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Healthy Lifestyles Chance you will participate in the Recreation Center? Importance of following a healthy lifestyle?

32 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Helicopter Parents How involved were your parents in your success in High School? How involved will your parents be in your success at UNT?

33 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Pride Rate your level of pride in your high school experience: Rate your level of pride in deciding to attend UNT:

34 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Communicating about Events How often has a friend convinced you to attend an event? How do you find out about school and community events?

35 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Money Matters What is your estimate of your total college costs for 4 years? How many credit cards do you have in your name? Estimated costs for 4 years in 2008 (in-state + residence hall board): ~$60,000 - $70,000

36 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Longterm Relationships What is your expectation of meeting a spouse/life partner at UNT? What is your expectation of forming lifelong friendships at UNT?

37 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Career Support What is your expectation that UNT will help you find a job you want? How willing are you to get help from an alum with your career?

38 2008 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Results Presented by the Office of Planning and Assessment for Student Development Patronage How much influence does a business’ sponsorship of a UNT event have in your decision to use their products/services? How important do you believe financial support from alumni is to UNT?

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