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Or…Networking for the Non-salesman or… Networking for the Introvert Monday, July 30, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Or…Networking for the Non-salesman or… Networking for the Introvert Monday, July 30, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 or…Networking for the Non-salesman or… Networking for the Introvert Monday, July 30, 2009

2 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Social Networking Would you marry someone you met on without physically meeting them first?

3 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Social Networking Would you hire someone to work for your business based only on a resume?

4 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Social Networking Networking is not as much about how many men or women you date, it’s about the one you pick to marry.

5 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Social Networking Social networking is great for initial introductions or doing business with someone out of state. PERIOD But if you want to do business in Madison with people in Madison, you need to personally meet them.

6 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC What is Networking? Networking is a systematic strategy of maintaining consistent contact with people so that they remember you when they need you.

7 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Building Relationships All of our relationships are based on our values. When we share another person’s values, we feel close to them immediately.

8 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Building Relationships People like doing business with people they like. So how do I get them to like me?

9 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Likability 1.Action 1 2.Action 2

10 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Typical Networking Strategy You hand out 1,000 business cards If you don’t follow-up with the 95% who didn’t respond, you are passing up sales! They may be interested, but the timing isn’t right. You are just teeing up business for your competitor! The key is to be ever-present in their minds. You talk with 100 people. And 5 people buy.

11 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC 7-Touch System 12345678910 Most businesses stop after 3 attempts at making a sale. People are more ready to buy after 7.

12 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC 7-Touch System You need to “touch” people 7 times before they really know and understand who you are. Face-to-face meetings Note cards Phone conversation Email Advertisement See you at a restaurant Word of mouth Maximize and control those touch points!

13 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC It’s About The Numbers… There are only a certain number of people in the world that are willing to buy what you have to offer. The more people that you meet, the better your chances are of finding one.

14 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC …and The Timing People buy when they are ready to buy, not when you are ready to sell.

15 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC OK. How Do I Do It?

16 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Prospecting vs. Networking pros ● pect ● ing 1. possibility of something happening soon a chance or the likelihood that something will happen in the near future, especially something desirable net ● work ● ing 1. guarantee of something happening your dedicated efforts to ensure that something will happen in the near future, especially something desirable

17 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC 3 Networking Myths

18 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Networking Myth #1 “I can make at least one sale at each networking event that I attend.” WRONG!

19 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Networking Myth #1 Typically, you won’t do business with someone you network with. You will do business with someone they know. So you don’t have to SELL!

20 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Networking Myth #2 “I need to hand out as many business cards as I can.” WRONG!

21 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Networking Myth #2 “I need to get as many business cards as I can.”

22 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Networking Myth #3 “Wear your nametag on your right shoulder so people can read your name while shaking your hand.” WRONG!

23 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Networking Myth #3 It’s not as important where you wear your nametag as it is how legible it is to read.

24 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC 10 Networking Rules

25 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Rule #1: Go With a Friend You double your chances of knowing someone. It’s easier to have a conversation if you get stuck. You can bail each other out.

26 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Rule #2: Get There Early Most functions allow networking before the meeting/seminar. You increase the amount of time to have to meet someone. It’s much less overwhelming to walk in to a room of 5 versus 500. It’s a much more relaxed way to start.

27 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Rule #3: Eat First Make sure you get your free dinner. Less likely to be juggling food when you really start networking.

28 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Rule #4: Sit Down Late If you sit down first, it’s someone else’s choice who sits next to you. Scope the sitting audience and find someone you don’t know…and sit next to them! Introduce yourself.

29 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Rule #5: Don’t Answer Phone Remember, the most important person at the event is the person with which you are currently engaged in conversation. To answer a cell phone says they’re #2 on your list.

30 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Rule #6: Don’t Talk. Listen When you ask questions about me, you’re talking about my favorite subject.

31 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Listening A psychiatrist bought a first-class plane ticket from New York to L.A. The project was this: He would engage the person sitting next to him in a conversation where he, the psychiatrist, wouldn’t make any statements at all, only ask his seatmate questions, during the entire six-hour flight – okay? The plane lands in L.A. and the psychiatrist has his team of researchers interview his seatmate.

32 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Listening Two key points came out of the interview: 1.First, the man who sat next to the psychiatrist didn’t know his name. Pretty solid evidence that the psychiatrist indeed gave him no information at all, only asked questions. 2.Seatmate said the psychiatrist was the single most interesting person he had ever met in his life!

33 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Conversation Enter with Personal Talk Business Leave with Personal

34 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Rule #7: Stand Out Rummage Sale My wife’s away on business and I’m cleaning house. Everything goes before she get’s back! Saturday, June 12 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM 207 Miramar Drive Green Bay, WI Rummage Sale My wife’s away on business and I’m cleaning house. Everything goes before she get’s back! Saturday, June 12 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM 207 Miramar Drive Green Bay, WI

35 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Rule #8: Give Them Something Tell them where to find the best Mexican restaurant Refer them to a qualified babysitter Give them a Microsoft Office trick Forward them a magazine article they might be interested in ANYTHING!

36 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Rule #9: Follow-Up Sets you apart from everyone else they met last night that didn’t follow up. Tells them you listened and that you cared. Counts as another one of seven touches!

37 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Personal Note Cards Inexpensive (Avery 2315) Keep note cards and stamps in your car to immediately follow-up Adds to the “7 touch”

38 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Personal Note Cards Cut slots or tape a business card.

39 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC How Else Can I Network?

40 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Volunteer Don’t volunteer just to get business Volunteer for a non-profit that you are passionate about Get actively involved

41 Social networking the way it was meant to be Copyright 2009 SWAT Madison, LLC Join an Organization Don’t join just to get business Join an organization that you believe in Get actively involved


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