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Monday. Staple the following together, in this order: 1. Grading Rubric half sheet\ 2. Peer Editing Form 3. Typed Final Draft.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday. Staple the following together, in this order: 1. Grading Rubric half sheet\ 2. Peer Editing Form 3. Typed Final Draft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday

2 Staple the following together, in this order: 1. Grading Rubric half sheet\ 2. Peer Editing Form 3. Typed Final Draft

3 Today’s Agenda: 1.No Warm-up 2.Collect Typed Learning Styles Essays 3.Go over class reminders 4.Go over Create Your Own Business Project Monday Oct 20, 2014 Assignments Due: 1.Friday, Oct 24 – Binder check in class 2.Friday, Oct 24 - Business Project samples DUE

4 1) Mrs. Nelson is still collecting field trip forms for the trip to Gateway Community College  First come, first served – only has so many spots

5 2) The next AVID club meeting will be Tuesday, October 21 st in room 107 at 2:30  If you cant attend the meeting, but still want to be involved, see Mrs. Mitchell in Room 107 anytime

6 3) Yearbook AVID photo – Thursday, Oct. 23 rd at 11:50, I will give you passes on Tuesday to show your 4 th hour teacher  Meet at the amphitheater behind the CTE building/greenhouse  If you are late, you will not be in the photo

7  Choose a “potential” business that you could possibly work on in the future ◦ List of possible business ideas ◦ Create your own and approve with Mrs. Dyke  Choose 2 of the 6 project ideas to promote your own business  Develop your 2 promotion ideas  On Friday, you will present them to the class

8 Required Element Points Possible Points Earned Required Element Points Possible Points Earned Name of business 5 5 Logo 5 5 Contact info 5 5 Catchy slogan 5 5 Describe products/services 5 5 Experience/Skills (not required for business cards) 5 5 Total per item 30 Total per item 30 Total Score for Project 60

9 Tuesday


11 Today’s Agenda: 1.No Warm-up 2.Pass out AVID picture passes 3.Work on your Business Project Tuesday Oct 21, 2014 Assignments Due: Objective: Essential Question:

12 Thursday


14 Today’s Agenda: 1.No Warm-up 2.College Week Live Assignment 1.Business Project DUE Friday 2.Binder Checks FRIDAY Thursday Oct 23, 2014 Assignments Due: 1)I will participate in an on-line college fair. Objective: How do I find out which college/university would be the best fit for me? Essential Question:

15 Friday

16  Staple and turn in your 3 College Week info /reflection forms  You have 5 minutes to get your binder ready for binder checks

17 Today’s Agenda: 1.Turn in College Fair info sheets 2.Binder Checks 3.Present Business Project to the class and turn in your project Friday Oct 24, 2014 Assignments Due: I will. How? 1.Business Project DUE TODAY

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