Learning Focused - ALP Development of Universal Themes

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1 Learning Focused - ALP Development of Universal Themes
LEQ: Is Beowulf a typical epic hero? NOTES Activating Strategy Warm Up Activity Teaching Strategy Inferencing Graphic Organizer Cooperative Pairs Marginal Questions Summarizing Strategy Review of Epic Hero Characteristics (G/O) Model Marginal Questions (as time allows)

2 Our LEQ… Is Beowulf a typical epic hero? Why or why not?
Use your graphic organizer to record your thoughts as we read the story together in class. Be prepared to answer this question in the form of an essay when we complete the literature study.

3 Agenda for Wednesday & Thursday (9/26 and 9/27) Finish Reading Beowulf
Please SIGN IN next to your name on the podium. Open your textbooks to page 58. Today we are reading: Beowulf’s Last Battle, The Death of Beowulf, and Mourning Beowulf Please take out your homework: (A-L marginal questions were due last session and submitted for credit ) Today M, N, O and P are due. Homework: Complete your g/o on epic hero. Re-read any sections of the story that were unclear. Come to class with questions. Finish the questions in the margin that go along with today’s reading in class.

4 Agenda for Wednesday & Thursday (9/26 and 9/27) WARM UP
(5 minutes) Together with your partner…create a for the following items. Be prepared to share you answers aloud with the class: 3. REASONS Beowulf could be considered an EPIC HERO 2. EXAMPLES of kennings from the poem. Define them also please. Who is being referenced. 1. ITEM that is still not clear to you in the poem/story.

5 Agenda for Wednesday & Thursday (9/26 and 9/27) SUMMARIZING…
Think about the story we are reading. It is the oldest known piece of literature in history. Use the acrostic that captures the MAIN POINTS that we have discussed thus far about the main character, the time period, the setting, plot, conflicts, language, etc. The best one in each class will receive a prize! Battles Grendel and his Momma with his bare hands E O W U L F

EPIC POEM - CHAPTERS #1 #2 #3 #4 GRENDEL Powerful Monster – Descendent of the Devil – Lives in the the swamp Been killing the Danes (Herot) for 12 long years…at night in the mead hall as they sleep People are very saddened and Hrothgar (King) is desperate for help BEOWULF Son of Edgtho – warrior who fought for Hrothgar H paid off E’s enemies in exchange for his loyalty B if of noble birth …. Higlac is his uncle (king of the Geats) pp. 43 (example of great strength…) BATTLE WITH GRENDEL B goes to fight G bare hands (not a sword) Herot/Mead hall…B is waiting for him…G attacks…and isn’t successful B manages to rip off his arm from the socket…SNAP…G slinks back to the marsh and dies.. Arm of G is now hanging in the mead hall for all to see…bragging rights…proof… GRENDEL’S MOTHER Momma comes for revenge She’s attacked…She kills Hrothgar’s BFF B is sleeping somewhere else…. She takes back her son’s arm…Returns home… BATTLE WITH GRENDEL’S MOTHER B agrees to go get G’s Mom… Stab him and his mail shirt saves him…sword breaks B lifts this super heavy sword – no mortal man is able … Kills her…goes back for G’s head…

7 If you did not have your INFERENCING assignment complete…
If you did not have your INFERENCING assignment complete….please fill out a PINK SLIP… Include the following information on a piece of paper that you will be submitting today in class. Your Name Period Today’s Date Assignment: Comprehension Questions for Beowulf Reason for INCOMPLETE work and/or no work…

8 TO INFER AN ANSWER…. A strategy to improve the quality of your written responses to questions

9 EXAMPLE: Inferencing…. A on page 38
IT SAYS I SAY AND SO… “A powerful monster, living down in the darkness, growled in pain, impatient…” (pg. 38, lines 1-2) The use of alliteration tends to create a mood in writing. I think the P and D probably add to the heaviness of the moment and help explain the setting for where we will meet Grendel, the monster. The mood, or feeling that is being conveyed by the alliteration that introduces us to Grendel, feels heavy. The use of the words, “powerful, pain, impatient” coupled with the heavy D sounds, “down and darkness” paint a perfect picture of the lair for “mankind’s enemy” …Grendel.

EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT (PAGE NUMBER & LINE NUMBERS – PLUS EXPLANATIONS) NOBLE BIRTH Page 43 (lines 142…) “Hail, Hrothgar, Higlac is my cousin and my king…” Page 43 (lines ) “My lord, the great king of the Danes, commands me to tell you that he knows of your noble birth….” (Wulfgar speaking to Beowulf about his nobility….) EMBODIES IDEALS POSSESSES GREAT STRENGTH Page 43 (lines 149) “My people have said, the wisest, most knowing and best of them, that my duty was to go to the Danes’ Great king. They have seen my strength for themselves. Have watched me rise from the darkness of war, dripping with my enemies’ blood…..” ACTIONS DETERMINE NATIONS’ FATE

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