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Business Plan Advanced Business Technology. Part I – Cover Page Your Name Business Name Company Logo Address Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Plan Advanced Business Technology. Part I – Cover Page Your Name Business Name Company Logo Address Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Plan Advanced Business Technology

2 Part I – Cover Page Your Name Business Name Company Logo Address Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address Date The purpose of a cover page is to tell the reader what he or she is about to read and how to reach the writer. Your cover page is also a way to get your business plan noticed.

3 Part II - Table of Contents  Your table of contents provides readers with a quick and easy way to find particular sections of the plan.  All pages of your business plan should be numbered and the table of contents should include page numbers.  After you assemble your plan and number your pages, go back to the table of contents and insert page numbers.  Be sure to list headings for major sections as well as for important subsections. Complete this section at the end.

4 Part III – Executive Summary This section should answer briefly the basic questions a venture capitalist would ask. Who is on the team? What business is your company in? Why should we invest in your product or service? How will you achieve the potential in your business model? How much money is required? Complete this section last.

5 Part IV – Business Description Your business description is your corporate vision, and includes:  who you are  what you will offer  what market needs you will address  why your business idea is viable –(capable of growing, surviving) ◦ It should describe exactly what you will be selling, and why people or businesses will buy it. ◦ How is your product different from similar items already on the market? ◦ Compare your product to similar products on the market. Why is yours better?

6 Part IV – Business Description -Continued  An overview of your industry  Discussion of your business  Mission statement  Select appropriate site  Client profile  Costs  Barriers and access  Expansion potential  Description of product or services you will be offering  Unique selling proposition  Determine your company’s position  Identity in the marketplace  Determine your company’s pricing strategy  What will you charge and how you decided on the price

7 Part V – Market and Industry Analysis  Customers  Who are they?  Where are they?  What do they need?  Where do they buy?  Research, Explore, Explain  Segment Description  Needs and Requirements  Market Size/Trends  Industry Trends  Socioeconomic Trends  Government Policy  Competition  Who is the price leader?  Who is the quality leader?  Labor Requirements  Estimated Sales

8 Part VI – Sales and Marketing Strategy ◦ How will you get the customers to buy your product/service? Method of Sales ◦ How will you get the products to the consumer? ◦ This is one of the most important elements of your plan! Advertising and Promotion ◦ Use the checklist saved in the Office I folder.  Examples: business cards, brochures, coupons, newspaper ads.

9 Part VII - Management Management team description ◦ Good management can take even a mediocre idea and make it work! ◦ Create a description of each member’s contribution. Ownership ◦ Who owns and controls your company?

10 Part VIII - Financials  Risks  Have an idea if  Your competitors cut their prices  A key customer cancels a large order  The industry’s growth rate drops  Operating costs exceed your projections  Important suppliers fail to make deliveries  Expenses and Capital Requirements  Operating expenses  Capital requirements  Costs of goods

11 Part IX & X BibliographyPowerPoint presentation Be sure to cite all sources used in MLA style  Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your start- up company's Business Plan.  This will be presented in class to your investors (teacher and classmates).  You will be given a rubric for the paper and the presentation.

12 Please have fun!

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