“Building a new institutionality for Training in Trinidad & Tobago” Presenter: Mr. Fazal Karim Chief Executive Officer NATIONAL TRAINING AGENCY 30th July.

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Presentation on theme: "“Building a new institutionality for Training in Trinidad & Tobago” Presenter: Mr. Fazal Karim Chief Executive Officer NATIONAL TRAINING AGENCY 30th July."— Presentation transcript:


2 “Building a new institutionality for Training in Trinidad & Tobago” Presenter: Mr. Fazal Karim Chief Executive Officer NATIONAL TRAINING AGENCY 30th July 2003 36 th Meeting of the Technical Committee of Cinterfor/ILO – La Antigua, Guatemala

3 Aim of Presentation Innovative Experiences in the Technical Vocational Education and Training [TVET] in Trinidad and Tobago The New Institutionality in Training for Trinidad and Tobago

4 Summary Trinidad And Tobago - An Overview Government Policy Problems affecting the Training System The Role of the National Training Agency Addressing these problems

5 Trinidad And Tobago - An Overview Twin island state located near South American mainland Population of about 1.3 million Average annual growth rate of 0.5% Engaged in economic integration – FTAA, Mercosur, NAFTA, WTO/GATT, Cotonou Agreement Engaged in Caricom Single Market and Economy – CSME x

6 Technical Widespread use of the World Wide Web IT skills becoming a necessity for employment Social Concerned percentage of 16-25 age group that did not succeed in traditional academics Emphasis on training for social development Trinidad And Tobago : Overview cont’d Economic Expansion in Energy and Construction Sector [Oil & Gas] Sustained growth in Information Technology Sector Diversification into Services and Knowledge Products Globalization Political Stable Government Legislative machinery in place The Trinidad and Tobago Environment

7 Government Policy Vision 2020 Universal Primary and Secondary Education Present Statistics – Graduates annually Primary – 26,000 Secondary [Ordinary] – 18,000 Secondary [Advanced] – 8,000 Tertiary [University] – 1,500 Aim – 20% participation in Tertiary Education by 2005 Post-Secondary Education to be tripled in 5-7 years

8 The Student’s Path Primary Education Secondary Entrance Assessment [SEA] Examination Secondary Education Ordinary Level – CXC, NEC Advanced Level – Cambridge, CAPE TVET SERVOL, MLIO YTEPP, NESC, NIHERST, MIC, ECIAF, TTHTI Tertiary University of the West Indies Trinidad and Tobago Institute of Technology University of Trinidad and Tobago (Proposed)

9 Current Problems in TVET Training Mismatch Proliferation of Certificates Articulation Occupational Standards of Competence Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Uncertified Apprenticeship Programme Limited access to education and training Portability of qualifications

10 The National Training Agency Caricom Strategy - 1990 NTA officially launched - 1999 The National Training Agency (NTA) is the umbrella agency for effecting reform in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Trinidad and Tobago. Its role is to co-ordinate and regulate TVET

11 Major Achievements National Career Guidance Programme Over 30,000 School Children Completed Seven Labour Market Surveys Trinidad – four Tobago – three Developed Seven Industry Training Organizations (ITOs) Developed Seventeen Standards / Qualifications Approved fourteen major training providers to deliver the qualifications Target – to grant 3,000 awards by the year end

12 National Qualification Framework Level 4 – Professional (e.g. Degree): ROYTEC, UWI Level 3 – Technician & Technologist (e.g. Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Mechanical Engineering Technician): Trinidad and Tobago Institute of Technology, San Fernando Technical Institute (COSTAATT) Level 2 – Craft (e.g. Electrical Installation Craft, Plumbing Craft): MIC Level 1 - Pre-Craft (e.g. Early Childhood Care, Housekeeping): School of Continuing Studies Level 5 - Chartered & Advanced Professional (e.g. Chartered Engineers, Accountants): Association of Chartered & Certified Accountants (ACCA)

13 How does the NTA propose to address TVET deficiencies? Trinidad and Tobago National Vocational Qualification Standardized National Vocational Qualification for courses pursued in TVET Rigorous Quality Assurance System – similar to that in the UK Recognized by employers Competency-Based

14 NTA Strategic Functions To conduct Labour Market Surveys and distribute their findings to all stakeholders To produce, with industry, National Occupational Standards of Competence (NOS) To develop, produce and award Trinidad and Tobago National Vocational Qualifications (TTNVQs)

15 NTA Strategic Functions cont’d To establish a quality assurance regime for accrediting Technical Vocational Education and Training(TVET) providers To manage a National Apprenticeship Programme (NAP) as identified in government’s policy To market and promote the products and services of the National Training Agency (NTA)

16 The New Technical and Vocational Education and Training Approach Labour Market Research Occupational Standards & Sector Support Competency - based TVET Assessment & Certification Accreditation Quality Assurance National Training Agency TTNVQ SUMMARY

17 The National Accreditation Commission Developed through collaboration by CORD/NTA Expected to become operational by January 2004 Quality assure Programmes and Institutions through Accreditation

18 Why the TTNVQ? Rationalize the range of Qualifications - One Qualification Benchmarked against the National Occupational Standards set by Industry Experts Independent Curriculum Competency-Based – done On the Job or in a Training Institution Used in Skill Assessments & PLAR etc. Used in Apprenticeship, Training, HR etc.


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