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Scala Parallel Collections Aleksandar Prokopec EPFL.

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Presentation on theme: "Scala Parallel Collections Aleksandar Prokopec EPFL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scala Parallel Collections Aleksandar Prokopec EPFL


3 Scala collections for { s <- surnames n <- names if s endsWith n } yield (n, s) McDonald

4 Scala collections for { s <- surnames n <- names if s endsWith n } yield (n, s) 1040 ms


6 Scala parallel collections for { s <- surnames n <- names if s endsWith n } yield (n, s)

7 Scala parallel collections for { s <- surnames.par n <- names.par if s endsWith n } yield (n, s)

8 Scala parallel collections for { s <- surnames.par n <- names.par if s endsWith n } yield (n, s) 2 cores 575 ms

9 Scala parallel collections for { s <- surnames.par n <- names.par if s endsWith n } yield (n, s) 4 cores 305 ms

10 for comprehensions surnames.par.flatMap { s => names.par.filter(n => s endsWith n).map(n => (n, s)) }

11 for comprehensions nested parallelized bulk operations surnames.par.flatMap { s => names.par.filter(n => s endsWith n).map(n => (n, s)) }

12 Nested parallelism

13 Nested parallelism parallel within parallel composition surnames.par.flatMap { s => surnameToCollection(s) // may invoke parallel ops }

14 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =...

15 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =... def gen(n: Int, acc: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = if (n == 0) acc

16 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =... def gen(n: Int, acc: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = if (n == 0) acc else for (s <- gen(n - 1, acc); c <- 'a' to 'z') yield recursive algorithms

17 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =... def gen(n: Int, acc: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = if (n == 0) acc else for (s <- gen(n - 1, acc); c <- 'a' to 'z') yield if (s.length == 0) s + c

18 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =... def gen(n: Int, acc: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = if (n == 0) acc else for (s <- gen(n - 1, acc); c <- 'a' to 'z') yield if (s.length == 0) s + c else if (vowel(s.last) && !vowel(c)) s + c else if (!vowel(s.last) && vowel(c)) s + c

19 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =... def gen(n: Int, acc: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = if (n == 0) acc else for (s <- gen(n - 1, acc); c <- 'a' to 'z') yield if (s.length == 0) s + c else if (vowel(s.last) && !vowel(c)) s + c else if (!vowel(s.last) && vowel(c)) s + c else s gen(5, Array(""))

20 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =... def gen(n: Int, acc: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = if (n == 0) acc else for (s <- gen(n - 1, acc); c <- 'a' to 'z') yield if (s.length == 0) s + c else if (vowel(s.last) && !vowel(c)) s + c else if (!vowel(s.last) && vowel(c)) s + c else s gen(5, Array("")) 1545 ms

21 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =... def gen(n: Int, acc: ParSeq[String]): ParSeq[String] = if (n == 0) acc else for (s <- gen(n - 1, acc); c <- 'a' to 'z') yield if (s.length == 0) s + c else if (vowel(s.last) && !vowel(c)) s + c else if (!vowel(s.last) && vowel(c)) s + c else s gen(5, ParArray(""))

22 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =... def gen(n: Int, acc: ParSeq[String]): ParSeq[String] = if (n == 0) acc else for (s <- gen(n - 1, acc); c <- 'a' to 'z') yield if (s.length == 0) s + c else if (vowel(s.last) && !vowel(c)) s + c else if (!vowel(s.last) && vowel(c)) s + c else s gen(5, ParArray("")) 1 core 1575 ms

23 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =... def gen(n: Int, acc: ParSeq[String]): ParSeq[String] = if (n == 0) acc else for (s <- gen(n - 1, acc); c <- 'a' to 'z') yield if (s.length == 0) s + c else if (vowel(s.last) && !vowel(c)) s + c else if (!vowel(s.last) && vowel(c)) s + c else s gen(5, ParArray("")) 2 cores 809 ms

24 Nested parallelism going recursive def vowel(c: Char): Boolean =... def gen(n: Int, acc: ParSeq[String]): ParSeq[String] = if (n == 0) acc else for (s <- gen(n - 1, acc); c <- 'a' to 'z') yield if (s.length == 0) s + c else if (vowel(s.last) && !vowel(c)) s + c else if (!vowel(s.last) && vowel(c)) s + c else s gen(5, ParArray("")) 4 cores 530 ms

25 So, I just use par and I’m home free?

26 How to think parallel

27 Character count use case for foldLeft val txt: String =... txt.foldLeft(0) { case (a, ‘ ‘) => a case (a, c) => a + 1 }

28 6543210 Character count use case for foldLeft txt.foldLeft(0) { case (a, ‘ ‘) => a case (a, c) => a + 1 } going left to right - not parallelizable! ABCDEF _ + 1

29 Character count use case for foldLeft txt.foldLeft(0) { case (a, ‘ ‘) => a case (a, c) => a + 1 } going left to right – not really necessary 3210 ABC _ + 1 3210 DEF _ + _ 6

30 Character count in parallel txt.fold(0) { case (a, ‘ ‘) => a case (a, c) => a + 1 }

31 Character count in parallel txt.fold(0) { case (a, ‘ ‘) => a case (a, c) => a + 1 } 3211 ABC _ + 1 3211 ABC : (Int, Char) => Int

32 Character count fold not applicable txt.fold(0) { case (a, ‘ ‘) => a case (a, c) => a + 1 } 3213 ABC _ + _ 33 3213 ABC ! (Int, Int) => Int

33 Character count use case for aggregate txt.aggregate(0)({ case (a, ‘ ‘) => a case (a, c) => a + 1 }, _ + _)

34 3211 ABC Character count use case for aggregate txt.aggregate(0)({ case (a, ‘ ‘) => a case (a, c) => a + 1 }, _ + _) _ + _ 33 3213 ABC _ + 1

35 Character count use case for aggregate aggregation  element 3211 ABC _ + _ 33 3213 ABC txt.aggregate(0)({ case (a, ‘ ‘) => a case (a, c) => a + 1 }, _ + _) B _ + 1

36 Character count use case for aggregate aggregation  aggregation aggregation  element 3211 ABC _ + _ 33 3213 ABC txt.aggregate(0)({ case (a, ‘ ‘) => a case (a, c) => a + 1 }, _ + _) B _ + 1

37 Word count another use case for foldLeft txt.foldLeft((0, true)) { case ((wc, _), ' ') => (wc, true) case ((wc, true), x) => (wc + 1, false) case ((wc, false), x) => (wc, false) }

38 Word count initial accumulation txt.foldLeft((0, true)) { case ((wc, _), ' ') => (wc, true) case ((wc, true), x) => (wc + 1, false) case ((wc, false), x) => (wc, false) } 0 words so farlast character was a space “Folding me softly.”

39 Word count a space txt.foldLeft((0, true)) { case ((wc, _), ' ') => (wc, true) case ((wc, true), x) => (wc + 1, false) case ((wc, false), x) => (wc, false) } “Folding me softly.” last seen character is a space

40 Word count a non space txt.foldLeft((0, true)) { case ((wc, _), ' ') => (wc, true) case ((wc, true), x) => (wc + 1, false) case ((wc, false), x) => (wc, false) } “Folding me softly.” last seen character was a space – a new word

41 Word count a non space txt.foldLeft((0, true)) { case ((wc, _), ' ') => (wc, true) case ((wc, true), x) => (wc + 1, false) case ((wc, false), x) => (wc, false) } “Folding me softly.” last seen character wasn’t a space – no new word

42 Word count in parallel “softly.““Folding me “ P1P2

43 Word count in parallel “softly.““Folding me “ wc = 2; rs = 1wc = 1; ls = 0  P1P2

44 Word count in parallel “softly.““Folding me “ wc = 2; rs = 1wc = 1; ls = 0  wc = 3 P1P2

45 Word count must assume arbitrary partitions “g me softly.““Foldin“ wc = 1; rs = 0wc = 3; ls = 0  P1P2

46 Word count must assume arbitrary partitions “g me softly.““Foldin“ wc = 1; rs = 0wc = 3; ls = 0  P1P2 wc = 3

47 Word count initial aggregation txt.par.aggregate((0, 0, 0))

48 Word count initial aggregation txt.par.aggregate((0, 0, 0)) # spaces on the left# spaces on the right#words

49 Word count initial aggregation txt.par.aggregate((0, 0, 0)) # spaces on the left# spaces on the right#words ””

50 Word count aggregation  aggregation... }, { case ((0, 0, 0), res) => res case (res, (0, 0, 0)) => res “““Folding me“  “softly.“““ 

51 Word count aggregation  aggregation... }, { case ((0, 0, 0), res) => res case (res, (0, 0, 0)) => res case ((lls, lwc, 0), (0, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc - 1, rrs) “e softly.“ “Folding m“ 

52 Word count aggregation  aggregation... }, { case ((0, 0, 0), res) => res case (res, (0, 0, 0)) => res case ((lls, lwc, 0), (0, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc - 1, rrs) case ((lls, lwc, _), (_, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc, rrs) “ softly.““Folding me” 

53 Word count aggregation  element txt.par.aggregate((0, 0, 0))({ case ((ls, 0, _), ' ') => (ls + 1, 0, ls + 1) ”_””_” 0 words and a space – add one more space each side

54 Word count aggregation  element txt.par.aggregate((0, 0, 0))({ case ((ls, 0, _), ' ') => (ls + 1, 0, ls + 1) case ((ls, 0, _), c) => (ls, 1, 0) ” m” 0 words and a non-space – one word, no spaces on the right side

55 Word count aggregation  element txt.par.aggregate((0, 0, 0))({ case ((ls, 0, _), ' ') => (ls + 1, 0, ls + 1) case ((ls, 0, _), c) => (ls, 1, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), ' ') => (ls, wc, rs + 1) ” me_” nonzero words and a space – one more space on the right side

56 Word count aggregation  element txt.par.aggregate((0, 0, 0))({ case ((ls, 0, _), ' ') => (ls + 1, 0, ls + 1) case ((ls, 0, _), c) => (ls, 1, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), ' ') => (ls, wc, rs + 1) case ((ls, wc, 0), c) => (ls, wc, 0) ” me sof” nonzero words, last non-space and current non-space – no change

57 Word count aggregation  element txt.par.aggregate((0, 0, 0))({ case ((ls, 0, _), ' ') => (ls + 1, 0, ls + 1) case ((ls, 0, _), c) => (ls, 1, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), ' ') => (ls, wc, rs + 1) case ((ls, wc, 0), c) => (ls, wc, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), c) => (ls, wc + 1, 0) ” me s” nonzero words, last space and current non-space – one more word

58 Word count in parallel txt.par.aggregate((0, 0, 0))({ case ((ls, 0, _), ' ') => (ls + 1, 0, ls + 1) case ((ls, 0, _), c) => (ls, 1, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), ' ') => (ls, wc, rs + 1) case ((ls, wc, 0), c) => (ls, wc, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), c) => (ls, wc + 1, 0) }, { case ((0, 0, 0), res) => res case (res, (0, 0, 0)) => res case ((lls, lwc, 0), (0, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc - 1, rrs) case ((lls, lwc, _), (_, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc, rrs) })

59 Word count using parallel strings? txt.par.aggregate((0, 0, 0))({ case ((ls, 0, _), ' ') => (ls + 1, 0, ls + 1) case ((ls, 0, _), c) => (ls, 1, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), ' ') => (ls, wc, rs + 1) case ((ls, wc, 0), c) => (ls, wc, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), c) => (ls, wc + 1, 0) }, { case ((0, 0, 0), res) => res case (res, (0, 0, 0)) => res case ((lls, lwc, 0), (0, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc - 1, rrs) case ((lls, lwc, _), (_, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc, rrs) })

60 Word count string not really parallelizable scala> (txt: String).par

61 Word count string not really parallelizable scala> (txt: String).par collection.parallel.ParSeq[Char] = ParArray(…)

62 Word count string not really parallelizable scala> (txt: String).par collection.parallel.ParSeq[Char] = ParArray(…) different internal representation!

63 Word count string not really parallelizable scala> (txt: String).par collection.parallel.ParSeq[Char] = ParArray(…) different internal representation! ParArray

64 Word count string not really parallelizable scala> (txt: String).par collection.parallel.ParSeq[Char] = ParArray(…) different internal representation! ParArray  copy string contents into an array

65 Conversions going parallel // par is efficient – no copying mutable.{Array, ArrayBuffer, ArraySeq} mutable.{HashMap, HashSet} immutable.{Vector, Range} immutable.{HashMap, HashSet}

66 Conversions going parallel // par is efficient – no copying mutable.{Array, ArrayBuffer, ArraySeq} mutable.{HashMap, HashSet} immutable.{Vector, Range} immutable.{HashMap, HashSet} most other collections construct a new parallel collection!

67 Conversions going parallel sequentialparallel Array, ArrayBuffer, ArraySeqmutable.ParArray mutable.HashMapmutable.ParHashMap mutable.HashSetmutable.ParHashSet immutable.Vectorimmutable.ParVector immutable.Rangeimmutable.ParRange immutable.HashMapimmutable.ParHashMap immutable.HashSetimmutable.ParHashSet

68 Custom collections

69 Custom collection class ParString(val str: String)

70 Custom collection class ParString(val str: String) extends parallel.immutable.ParSeq[Char] {

71 Custom collection class ParString(val str: String) extends parallel.immutable.ParSeq[Char] { def apply(i: Int) = str.charAt(i) def length = str.length

72 Custom collection class ParString(val str: String) extends parallel.immutable.ParSeq[Char] { def apply(i: Int) = str.charAt(i) def length = str.length def seq = new WrappedString(str)

73 Custom collection class ParString(val str: String) extends parallel.immutable.ParSeq[Char] { def apply(i: Int) = str.charAt(i) def length = str.length def seq = new WrappedString(str) def splitter: Splitter[Char]

74 Custom collection class ParString(val str: String) extends parallel.immutable.ParSeq[Char] { def apply(i: Int) = str.charAt(i) def length = str.length def seq = new WrappedString(str) def splitter = new ParStringSplitter(0, str.length)

75 Custom collection splitter definition class ParStringSplitter(var i: Int, len: Int) extends Splitter[Char] {

76 Custom collection splitters are iterators class ParStringSplitter(i: Int, len: Int) extends Splitter[Char] { def hasNext = i < len def next = { val r = str.charAt(i) i += 1 r }

77 Custom collection splitters must be duplicated... def dup = new ParStringSplitter(i, len)

78 Custom collection splitters know how many elements remain... def dup = new ParStringSplitter(i, len) def remaining = len - i

79 Custom collection splitters can be split... def psplit(sizes: Int*): Seq[ParStringSplitter] = { val splitted = new ArrayBuffer[ParStringSplitter] for (sz <- sizes) { val next = (i + sz) min ntl splitted += new ParStringSplitter(i, next) i = next } splitted }

80 Word count now with parallel strings new ParString(txt).aggregate((0, 0, 0))({ case ((ls, 0, _), ' ') => (ls + 1, 0, ls + 1) case ((ls, 0, _), c) => (ls, 1, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), ' ') => (ls, wc, rs + 1) case ((ls, wc, 0), c) => (ls, wc, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), c) => (ls, wc + 1, 0) }, { case ((0, 0, 0), res) => res case (res, (0, 0, 0)) => res case ((lls, lwc, 0), (0, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc - 1, rrs) case ((lls, lwc, _), (_, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc, rrs) })

81 Word count performance txt.foldLeft((0, true)) { case ((wc, _), ' ') => (wc, true) case ((wc, true), x) => (wc + 1, false) case ((wc, false), x) => (wc, false) } new ParString(txt).aggregate((0, 0, 0))({ case ((ls, 0, _), ' ') => (ls + 1, 0, ls + 1) case ((ls, 0, _), c) => (ls, 1, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), ' ') => (ls, wc, rs + 1) case ((ls, wc, 0), c) => (ls, wc, 0) case ((ls, wc, rs), c) => (ls, wc + 1, 0) }, { case ((0, 0, 0), res) => res case (res, (0, 0, 0)) => res case ((lls, lwc, 0), (0, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc - 1, rrs) case ((lls, lwc, _), (_, rwc, rrs)) => (lls, lwc + rwc, rrs) }) 100 ms cores: 1 2 4 time: 137 ms 70 ms 35 ms

82 Hierarchy GenTraversable GenIterable GenSeq Traversable Iterable Seq ParIterable ParSeq

83 Hierarchy def nonEmpty(sq: Seq[String]) = { val res = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]() for (s <- sq) { if (s.nonEmpty) res += s } res }

84 Hierarchy def nonEmpty(sq: ParSeq[String]) = { val res = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]() for (s <- sq) { if (s.nonEmpty) res += s } res }

85 Hierarchy def nonEmpty(sq: ParSeq[String]) = { val res = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]() for (s <- sq) { if (s.nonEmpty) res += s } res } side-effects! ArrayBuffer is not synchronized!

86 Hierarchy def nonEmpty(sq: ParSeq[String]) = { val res = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]() for (s <- sq) { if (s.nonEmpty) res += s } res } side-effects! ArrayBuffer is not synchronized! ParSeq Seq

87 Hierarchy def nonEmpty(sq: GenSeq[String]) = { val res = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]() for (s <- sq) { if (s.nonEmpty) res.synchronized { res += s } res }

88 Thank you! Examples at: git://

89 Accessors vs. transformers some methods need more than just splitters foreach, reduce, find, sameElements, indexOf, corresponds, forall, exists, max, min, sum, count, … map, flatMap, filter, partition, ++, take, drop, span, zip, patch, padTo, …

90 Accessors vs. transformers some methods need more than just splitters foreach, reduce, find, sameElements, indexOf, corresponds, forall, exists, max, min, sum, count, … map, flatMap, filter, partition, ++, take, drop, span, zip, patch, padTo, … These return collections!

91 Accessors vs. transformers some methods need more than just splitters foreach, reduce, find, sameElements, indexOf, corresponds, forall, exists, max, min, sum, count, … map, flatMap, filter, partition, ++, take, drop, span, zip, patch, padTo, … Sequential collections – builders

92 Accessors vs. transformers some methods need more than just splitters foreach, reduce, find, sameElements, indexOf, corresponds, forall, exists, max, min, sum, count, … map, flatMap, filter, partition, ++, take, drop, span, zip, patch, padTo, … Sequential collections – builders Parallel collections – combiners

93 Builders building a sequential collection 1234567 Nil 246 ListBuilder += result

94 Combiners building parallel collections trait Combiner[-Elem, +To] extends Builder[Elem, To] { def combine[N : To] (other: Combiner[N, NewTo]): Combiner[N, NewTo] }

95 Combiners building parallel collections trait Combiner[-Elem, +To] extends Builder[Elem, To] { def combine[N : To] (other: Combiner[N, NewTo]): Combiner[N, NewTo] } Combiner

96 Combiners building parallel collections trait Combiner[-Elem, +To] extends Builder[Elem, To] { def combine[N : To] (other: Combiner[N, NewTo]): Combiner[N, NewTo] } either use an efficient merge operation or do lazy evaluation

97 Parallel arrays 1, 2, 3, 45, 6, 7, 8 2, 46, 8 3, 1, 8, 02, 2, 1, 9 8, 02, 2 merge copy allocate 24688022

98 Parallel hash tables ParHashMap

99 Parallel hash tables ParHashMap 01245789 e.g. calling filter

100 Parallel hash tables ParHashMap 01245789 ParHashCombiner e.g. calling filter 051794

101 Parallel hash tables ParHashMap 01245789 ParHashCombiner 014 579

102 Parallel hash tables ParHashMap 01245789 ParHashCombiner 014 59 57014 7 9

103 Parallel hash tables ParHashMap ParHashCombiner How to merge? 570149

104 5789140 Parallel hash tables buckets! ParHashCombiner 0 14975 ParHashMap 2 0 = 0000 2 1 = 0001 2 4 = 0100 2

105 Parallel hash tables ParHashCombiner 0 1 4 9 7 5 combine

106 Parallel hash tables ParHashCombiner 9 7 5 0 1 4 no copying!

107 Parallel hash tables 9 7 5 0 1 4 ParHashCombiner

108 Parallel hash tables 975014 ParHashMap

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