Gambling ? What about. Gambling Isa. 65:11-12 asv “…prepare a table for Fortune,…” Homer – Greeks Crete – 1800 BC Old.

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Presentation on theme: "Gambling ? What about. Gambling Isa. 65:11-12 asv “…prepare a table for Fortune,…” Homer – Greeks Crete – 1800 BC Old."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gambling ? What about

2 Gambling Isa. 65:11-12 asv “…prepare a table for Fortune,…” Homer – Greeks Crete – 1800 BC Old

3 Gambling Num. 26:55 Num. 26:55 - land divided by lot 1 Chron. 24:5 1 Chron. 24:5 – rotation of office Jonah 1:7 Jonah 1:7 – identify a law-offender Acts 1:26 Acts 1:26 – lot fell upon Matthias Prov. 16:33 Casting Lots Casting of lots as it was described in the Bible was not gambling !

4 Gambling Definition Definition - Gamble To play a game for money or other stakes Gaming or play for money Definition Definition - Gamble To play a game for money or other stakes Gaming or play for money

5 Gambling Definition Definition Bet “Something that is laid, staked Or pledged…” Wager Wager – something risked on an Uncertain event Definition Definition Bet “Something that is laid, staked Or pledged…” Wager Wager – something risked on an Uncertain event

6 Gambling Definition Definition Lottery A drawing of lots in which prizes are distributed to the winners among persons buying a chance. Definition Definition Lottery A drawing of lots in which prizes are distributed to the winners among persons buying a chance. Raffle

7 Gambling 1970’s

8 Gambling 2006

9 Why Gambling is Wrong 1.Disregards Command to Work Gen.3:19 Gen.3:19 – sweat of thy face Eph. 4:28 Eph. 4:28 – work with his hands 1.Disregards Command to Work Gen.3:19 Gen.3:19 – sweat of thy face Eph. 4:28 Eph. 4:28 – work with his hands God expects us to work for what we have

10 Why Gambling is Wrong 2. It is Actually Stealing Rom. 13:9 Rom. 13:9 “thou shalt not steal” Agree to take each other’s $$$$ Use a gun or cards ??? 2 Cor. 8:21 – 2 Cor. 8:21 – “Providing for things honest… 2. It is Actually Stealing Rom. 13:9 Rom. 13:9 “thou shalt not steal” Agree to take each other’s $$$$ Use a gun or cards ??? 2 Cor. 8:21 – 2 Cor. 8:21 – “Providing for things honest…

11 Why Gambling is Wrong 3. It Violates the Golden Rule Matt. 7:12 “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “He who owns the gold rules” Matt. 22:39 3. It Violates the Golden Rule Matt. 7:12 “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “He who owns the gold rules” Matt. 22:39

12 Why Gambling is Wrong 4. It is habit-forming Addictive Jn.8:34 “…servant of sin.” Compulsive gamblers Gal. 5:23 - Self Control 4. It is habit-forming Addictive Jn.8:34 “…servant of sin.” Compulsive gamblers Gal. 5:23 - Self Control

13 Why Gambling is Wrong 5. It is Covetousness Lk. 12:15 Lk. 12:15 “…take heed and beware of covetousness…” Col.3:15 Prov.15:27 Col.3:15 - Prov.15:27 5. It is Covetousness Lk. 12:15 Lk. 12:15 “…take heed and beware of covetousness…” Col.3:15 Prov.15:27 Col.3:15 - Prov.15:27 How do you spell Lottery ? G.R.E.E.D.

14 QUESTIONS ABOUT GAMBLING Everything is a risk Everything is a risk … driving a car to worship farmer planting a crop insurance investments

15 QUESTIONS ABOUT GAMBLING Answers Car – risk, not gambling Farmer – working – God’s plan Insurance – spreading the risk Investments – Mt. 25:27

16 QUESTIONS ABOUT GAMBLING Gambling for Charity ??? Still wrong Not right to steal Rom. 3:8 End does not justify means !

17 Gambling Destructive, habit forming 1 Thes. 5:22 Not conducive to Godliness Destructive, habit forming 1 Thes. 5:22 Not conducive to Godliness

18 “Tonight for a change we are announcing the losers in the State Lottery! Here they are: The community, the Police, Stores, Churches, Truth, Justice, Mercy, Righteousness, love and the zillions of people who bought tickets!”

19 Gambling ? What about Christians will stay away from the evils of gambling !!!!

20 Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 Sunday Evening March 5, 06

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