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21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt IEEE 802.21 Session #60 Los Angeles, CA, USA Closing Plenary Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG Subir Das.

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Presentation on theme: "21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt IEEE 802.21 Session #60 Los Angeles, CA, USA Closing Plenary Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG Subir Das."— Presentation transcript:

1 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt IEEE 802.21 Session #60 Los Angeles, CA, USA Closing Plenary Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG Subir Das sdas at appcomsci dot com

2 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt Meeting Updates Task Groups Update Liaison Reports Teleconference Future Locations Subir Das, Chair, IEEE 802.21 Slide 2

3 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt TG Reports 802.21d Multicast Management Task Group – closing-note.ppt 802.21m: Revision Task Group – closing-report.pptx 802.21.1: Media Independent Services and use cases Task Group – report.pptx Subir Das, Chair, IEEE 802.21 Slide 3

4 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt Liaison Reports 802.11 Report – 01-0000-802-11-liaison-report-for-2014-01.ppt Subir Das, Chair, IEEE 802.21 Slide 4

5 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt Teleconferences 802.21d BRC Teleconferences: –February 25 (Tue) 8am-10am ET –March 11 (Tue) 8am-10am ET 802.21m Teleconference: –Feb 04 (Tue), 8:00pm, ET 802.21.1 Teleconference: –None Subir Das, Chair, IEEE 802.21 Slide 5

6 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt Slide 6 P802.21 WG Motion Approve document number DCN: 14/21-14-0023-00-srho-802-21c- csd.docx as the CSD for IEEE 802.21c and authorize the WG Chair to request the EC to forward draft D07 to RevCom. Move: H Anthony Chan Second: Hyunho Park For: 07 Against: 00 Abstain: 00 Motion passes Subir Das, Chair, IEEE 802.21

7 LB7 BRC members: Antonio de la Oliva Toru Kambayashi Yoshikazu Hanatani Lily Chen Karen Randall Subir Das Yoshihiro Ohba (Chair) Charles E. Perkins 7 802.21d LB BRC

8 WG Motion Move to authorize the P802.21d Ballot Resolution Committee (BRC) to resolve WG LB#7b comments and approve the related contributions via teleconferences Moved by: Yoshihiro Ohba Seconded by: Clint Chaplin For: 07 Against: 00 Abstain: 00 Result: Motion Passes 8

9 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt Slide 9 P802.21 WG Motion Move to authorize the P802.21d Editor to incorporate all the resolutions of letter ballot #7a comments into P802.21d /D02 and produce P802.21d/D03 Move: Yoshihiro Ohba Second: Clint Chaplin For: 07 Against: 00 Abstain: 00 Motion Passes Subir Das, Chair, IEEE 802.21

10 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt Slide 10 P802.21 WG Motion Motion to authorize the Working Group chair to initiate LB#7b re- circulation Letter Ballot on the question “Should P802.21d/D03 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot and approve the CSD?” Move: Yoshihiro Ohba Second: Clint Chaplin For: 07 Against: 00 Abstain: 00 Motion passes Subir Das, Chair, IEEE 802.21

11 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt Future Sessions Subir Das, Chair, IEEE 802.21 Slide 11

12 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt Future Sessions – 2014 Plenary: 16-21 March, 2014, China World Hotel, Beijing PRC –Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: 11-16 May 2014, Hilton Waikoloa Village, HI –Co-located with all wireless groups Plenary: 13-18, July 2014, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA –Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: 14-19, Sept 2014 (TBD) –Co-located with all 802 wireless groups Plenary: 2-7 Nov 2014, Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, TX, USA –Co-located with all 802 groups Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WGJan 2014

13 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt March, 2014 Sessions Details The March 2014 IEEE 802 Plenary Session will take place in March 16-21, 2014 at the China World and Traders Hotel Beijing (China World Trade Center) in Beijing, China Registration Fees and deadlines: –Early: Before 6pm Pacific Time, Friday, Feb 7, 2014 US$600 for attendees staying at the China World or Traders hotel US$900 for all others including local attendees –Late/On-site: After 6pm Pacific Time, Fri, Feb 7, 2014 US$800 for attendees staying at the China World or Traders hotel US$1100 for all others including local attendees Hotel Information –Available at / / Issuance of Visa invitation letter will require 10 business days – e-website.pdf e-website.pdf Jan 2014 Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG

14 21-14-0027-00-0000-Session#60-Closing_Plenary_Notes.ppt Future Sessions – 2015 Interim: 18-23 January, 2015, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA, USA –Co-located with all 802 groups Plenary: 8-13/15-20 March, 2015, Barcelona (TBD) –Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: May 2015, Hyatt Regency Vancouver (TBD) –Co-located with all wireless groups Plenary: 12-17 July 2015, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA –Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: September 2015 (TBD) –Co-located with all 802 wireless groups Plenary: 8-13 Nov 2015, Hyatt Regency Dallas, TX, USA (TBC) –Co-located with all 802 groups Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WGJan 2014

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