The Writing Process Persuasive Argument. Are single-gender classes better? YesNo.

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Process Persuasive Argument. Are single-gender classes better? YesNo."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Writing Process Persuasive Argument

2 Are single-gender classes better? YesNo

3 Select your TWO best claims that SUPPORT your stance and ONE that DOES NOT SUPPORT your stance. First claim CounterclaimFinal claim


5 Hook Background/ Information about topic Thesis 1 2 3 Being in a single-gender classroom would be like trying to play a board game without all of the pieces. Many factors influence the effectiveness of a classroom, including the gender of the students. Some argue that single-gender classrooms are beneficial, but research shows students in multi-gendered classrooms improve behaviorally and academically. Despite the advantages, more evidence exists to show that single- gender classrooms ultimately harm the students. Single-gender classrooms create stereotypes about boys and girls, and even though they may improve student performance, they can drastically harm the classroom environment.

6 E: Transition A: Single-gender classes can create stereotypes based on gender. C: In an article comparing single and multi-gender classrooms, the author says, “boys and girls are different, but they don’t need separate classrooms or different teaching styles” (Sherwin 1). To start This illustrates the point that separating boys and girls is not only unnecessary, but it also reinforces harmful stereotypes. The classroom structure should not change based on gender. Instead, the instruction should focus on students as individuals.

7 E: Transition A: Some argue that single-gender classes improve student performance. C: According to a report, “the increase [of student’s GPA’s] was statistically significant for both genders” at a school that offers single-gender classes. (Sharpe 1). Conversely C: This argues that the student’s GPA’s improved solely because the classes they attended consisted of only one gender. *However, that finding does not account for other possible reasons the GPA’s might have improved. A good education can occur in any classroom with the right teachers and curriculum. *This is called a rebuttal THEN I explain why it’s wrong First I explain the quote Choose a transition that shows opposition

8 E: Transition A: Answer the prompt (write your topic sentence) C: Introduce the text, then cite it properly Choose a transition that goes BACK to your point Transition C: Elaborate on the quote using elaboration phrases (this means, to clarify, etc.) *Explain what the quote means, write it in your own words, explain how is supports your claim, etc.* *This paragraph will be written like the first one*

9 Refer to the prompt Remind the reader of the three topics Make connections Consequently, offering single- gender classes would not be beneficial for students. Although boys and girls learn differently, it is important to allow all students the opportunity to learn together. Some research may show that student’s grades improve, but there is just as much research to show that students can be academically stinted in a single-gender classroom. Requiring students to learn in mixed-gender classrooms promotes school unity and creates a positive classroom atmosphere. Considering the real-world requires both genders to work together, it is best to have students learn this skill while they are in school. A game is much more rewarding if it is played with all of the pieces.

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